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Regular statistical reports  

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Documents on regular statistical reports bear the document code S/C/W/* for documents under services and WT/COMTD/W/* and WT/COMTD/LDC/W/* for documents under trade and development (where * takes additional values).
These links open a new window: allow a moment for the results to appear.

> help with downloading these documents

  • Trade in commercial services
    — A review of statistics on trade flows in service
     (Document code S/C/W/*  and keyword “review of statistics”)   >
  • By economic grouping
    — Participation of developing economies in the global trading system
    (Document code WT/COMTD/W/* and keyword “developing economies in the global trading system”)   > search

    — Market access for products and services of export interest to LDCs
    (Document code WT/COMTD/LDC/W/*  and keyword “Market Access for Products and Services of Export Interest to Least-Developed Countries”)  > search

You can perform more sophisticated searches from the by defining multiple search criteria such as document symbol (i.e. code number), notification number, requirement subject, trade coverage, full text search or document date.



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