

Short-term trade statistics

All short-term trade statistics are now available in the portal.

Note to the users: starting January 2019, this data will no longer be disseminated in Excel format.

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Quarterly data

  • Quarterly merchandise trade value
    To extract in , select “International Trade Statistics” → “Merchandise trade values” → select “Total merchandise exports or imports — quarterly (Million US dollar)”, click Apply then choose Excel or CSV format from top right. See image here
  • Quarterly merchandise trade volume
    To extract in , select “International Trade Statistics” → “Merchandise trade — indices and prices ” → “Merchandise export or import volume indices, not seasonally adjusted — quarterly (Index — (2005Q1=100))” and “Merchandise export or import volume indices, seasonally adjusted — quarterly (Index — (2005Q1=100)), click Apply then choose Excel or CSV format from top right. See image here.   
  • Quarterly trade in commercial services value
    To extract in , select “International Trade Statistics” → “Trade in commercial services” → “Commercial services exports or imports by main sector — quarterly (Million US dollar)”, click Apply then choose Excel or CSV format from top right. See image here.  


Monthly data

  • Monthly merchandise trade value
    To extract in , select “International Trade Statistics” → “Merchandise trade values” → “Total merchandise exports or imports — monthly (Million US dollar)”, click Apply, then export either in Excel or CSV. See image here.  
  • Monthly trade in commercial services value
    To extract in , select “International Trade Statistics” → “Trade in commercial services” → “Commercial services exports or imports of selected economies — monthly (Million US dollar)”, click Apply, then export either in Excel or CSV. See image here.  
  • Monthly changes in export and import price of manufactured goods
    To extract in , select “International Trade Statistics” → “Merchandise trade — indices and prices ” → “Export or Import price changes of manufactured goods — monthly (Index — (January 2005=100))” and “Export or Import price changes of manufactured goods — monthly (monthly percentage change)” , click Apply, then export either in Excel or CSV. See image here


Further information: [email protected]






Annualized short-term statistics may differ from  the annual statistics disseminated through 澳门六合彩官网资料's online database, publications and press releases.

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