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International trade statistics 2000

This report provides comprehensive, comparable and up-to-date statistics on trade in merchandise and commercial services for an assessment of world trade flows by country, region and main product groups or service categories. Read press release providing explanations and highlights.

Some 240 tables and charts depict trade developments from various perspectives and provide a number of long-term time series as additional information. Major trade developments are summarized and discussed in the first part of the report under Overview. This volume has been produced by a team of statisticians from the Statistics Division in collaboration with the Economic Research and Analysis Division. 

The complete publication "International trade statistics 2000" can be ordered from the 澳门六合彩官网资料 online bookshop in or or can be downloaded by clicking the links below.

See also: 

> Guide to downloading files


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Table of contents 

Each chapter is provided in pdf format (shows the original page layout and graphics of the printed report) and Microsoft Excel format (allows you to carry out your own analyses). 

> Download the complete International Trade Statistics 2000 file in pdf format (222 pages; 837 KB)



