

Bulk download of trade datasets

The majority of the data available for bulk download are now accessible in the database.

(Last update: October 2023 — Next update: April 2024)

To extract in , select “International Trade Statistics” → “Merchandise trade values”, then select all annual datasets, click Apply, then on the CSV icon. See image here.


(Last update: October 2023 — Next update: April 2024)

To extract in , select “International Trade Statistics” → “Merchandise trade — indices and prices”, then select all annual datasets, click Apply, then on the CSV icon. See image here.


(Last update: July 2023 — Next update: July 2024)

To extract in , select “International Trade Statistics” → “Trade in commercial services”, then select all annual datasets, click Apply, then on the CSV icon. See image here.


澳门六合彩官网资料-OECD Balanced Trade in Services Dataset (BaTiS) — BPM6

(Last update: April 2023 — Next update: tbd)

BaTiS is an analytical dataset which contains a complete, consistent and balanced matrix of international trade in services. Statistics cover the period 2005-2021, for over 200 reporters and partners, and 12 EBOPS 2010 categories in addition to total services.

The documents below are available for download:

  1. A data file, containing the reported trade figures as well as the values resulting from all estimations and adjustment procedures, for imports and exports. It also includes the “balanced” trade values, i.e. the reconciled trade flows.
  2. A codes file, which explains the codes used in the data file for the different variables.
  3. The methodological paper, which accompanies the dataset and describes its compilation methodology in detail.

澳门六合彩官网资料-OECD Balanced Trade in Services Dataset (BaTiS) — BPM5

(Last update: November 2017)

This is an analytical dataset which contains a complete and consistent matrix of trade in services statistics. The data cover the period 1995-2012, for 191 reporters and 193 partners, and 11 main EBOPS 2002 categories in addition to total services.

The documents below are available for download:

  1. A data file, containing the reported trade figures as well as the values resulting from all estimations and adjustment procedures, for imports and exports. It also includes the “balanced” trade values, i.e. the reconciled trade flows.
  2. A codes file, which explains the codes used in the data file for the different variables.
  3. The methodological paper, which accompanies the dataset and describes its compilation methodology in detail.

As the two editions of BaTiS follow different international standards for compiling balance of payments statistics (the fifth edition of the IMF Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Manual, or BPM5, for the first BaTIS, and the sixth edition, or BPM6, for the current version), users are advised not to combine the two datasets as this would create comparability issues across the time series.


Trade in Services data by mode of supply (TISMOS)

TISMOS, or Trade in Services data by Mode of Supply, is a new experimental dataset produced by the 澳门六合彩官网资料 and funded by the Directorate-General for Trade of the European Commission.

Given the unavailability of such information in official trade statistics, the objective of TISMOS is to provide for the first time an overall picture of international trade in services by the four modes of supply as defined in the GATS. TISMOS covers 200 individual economies for the period 2005-2017. The European Union (28) aggregate is available from 2010 to 2017. The information is broken down by service sector and refers to the economies' trade with the rest of the world.

The documents below are available for download:

  1. Two data files, containing the reported and estimated trade values, for imports and exports according to the four modes of supply.
  2. codes file, which explains the codes used in the data file for the different variables.
  3. The methodological paper, which describes how TISMOS was built.
  4. Addendum: a worldwide FATS output dataset, covering 200 economies, 13 service sectors and the period 2005-2017.

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