VI. Developing economies’ participation in world trade

The complete publication “World trade statistical review 2016” can be ordered from the °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ .The charts and tables from this chapter can be downloaded by clicking the links below.

See also:
> News item
> World Trade Statistical Review and tariff data

Table of Contents
I. Introduction

II. Trends in world trade: Looking back over the past ten years
> Charts and tables

III. World trade in 2015-16
> Charts and tables

IV. Trade in goods and services
> Charts and tables

V. Trading patterns: Global and regional perspectives
> Charts and tables

VI. Developing economies' participation in global trade
> Charts and tables

VII. Trade policy developments
> Charts and tables

VIII. Composition, definitions & methodology

IX. Statistical tables
> Tables
> All Excel tables in zip format



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Developing economies

Chart 6.1: Share of developing economies in world trade, 2000-2015

Chart 6.2: Developing economies’ merchandise trade with developing, developed and CIS economies, 2000-2014

Chart 6.3: Quarterly merchandise trade exports for developing economies by region, 2013-2015

Table 6.1: Developing economies’ merchandise trade by region, 2015 (US$ billion and percentage)

Table 6.2: Summary indicators on Africa’s merchandise trade, 2013-2015

Chart 6.4: Share of developing economies in world trade in commercial services, 2005-2015

Chart 6.5: Structure of developing and developed economies’ exports of commercial services, 2015

Table 6.3: Developing economies’ trade in commercial services by region, 2015


Least-developed countries

Chart 6.6: Merchandise trade of LDCs, 2005-2015

Chart 6.7: LDC exports by sub-groupings, 2005-2015

Chart 6.8: LDCs’ trade balance, 2010-2015

Chart 6.9: LDCs’ trade in commercial services, 2005-2015

Chart 6.10: LDCs’ exports of commercial services by region, 2005-2015

Chart 6.11: LDCs’ exports of commercial services by selected sector, 2015


Aid for Trade

Chart 6.12: Aid for Trade financial commitments by developing region, 2006-2014

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