Information about the organization


Republic of Moldova

This page gathers key information on Moldova's negotiations to join the °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ.  Moldova became the 142nd °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ Member on 26 July 2001.

> Page for Republic of Moldova as a Member





°ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ accession process in brief



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Moldova's Timeline

I. Overview
GATT application received 25/11/1993  
GATT Accession Working Party established 17/12/1993  
GATT terms of reference & accession Working Party membership 23/12/1993   ( + )
°ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ application received & °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ accession Working Party established 21/12/1995
  •  WT/ACC/MOL/1 (Request to transform the Working Party on the Accession of Moldova to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1947 into a °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ accession Working Party. As per document WT/ACC/MOL/1 of 21 December 1995, the Working Party on the Accession of Moldova to the GATT 1947 was transformed into a °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ Accession Working Party, in accordance with the decision adopted by the General Council on 31 January 1995. Document WT/ACC/MOL/1 also reproduced the name of the Chairperson and the terms of reference of the Working Party.)
°ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ terms of reference & accession Working Party membership  04/07/1997  WT/ACC/MOL/7  + ( revisions)
Chairperson of the Accession Working Party     
1st 02/1994 - 07/2001 Ambassador Mohan KUMAR (India)
Formal Meetings of the Working Party Date of the meeting Convening notice/fax Statement(s) by the Head of the Delegation Statement(s) by Working Party members Delegation list Other documents for the meeting News item
1st 17/06/1997
2nd 18/03/1998
3rd 16/04/1999
4th 19/07/1999
5th 20/12/2000
6th 19/02/2001 News item
Informal Meetings of the Working Party Date of the meeting Convening fax Statement(s) by the Head of the Delegation
Plurilateral Meetings Date of the meeting Convening fax Statement(s) by the Head of the Delegation
II. Multilateral Negotiations
Memorandum on the Foreign Trade Regime (MFTR)  23/09/1996  WT/ACC/MOL/2 + ( addenda)
Initial cycle(s) of Questions and Replies, following the circulation of the MFTR 13/05/1997  WT/ACC/MOL/3 + ( addenda & corrigenda)
Factual Summary of Points Raised 
Additional Questions & Replies 20/05/1997  WT/ACC/MOL/4 + ( addendum & corrigendum)
27/10/1997  WT/ACC/MOL/8
20/01/1999  WT/ACC/MOL/9
29/01/1999  WT/ACC/MOL/9/Add.1
23/06/1999  WT/ACC/MOL/11
15/10/1999  WT/ACC/MOL/25
25/04/2000  WT/ACC/MOL/28
30/06/2000  WT/ACC/MOL/30
Elements of a Draft Report of the Working Party 
Draft Report of the Working Party  04/12/2000  WT/ACC/SPEC/MOL/4  (+  revisions & addenda & corrigenda)
Agriculture (WT/ACC/22/Add.1), including Questions and Replies  20/05/1997  WT/ACC/SPEC/MOL/1  (+  revisions)
SPS Checklist (WT/ACC/22/Add.2 23/06/1999  WT/ACC/MOL/20  (+  revision)
TBT Checklist (WT/ACC/22/Add.2 23/06/1999  WT/ACC/MOL/19  (+  revision)
TRIPS Questionnaire (WT/ACC/22/Add.2 23/06/1999  WT/ACC/MOL/21  (+  revision)
Import Licensing Procedures Questionnaire (WT/ACC/22 + revisions
Customs Valuation Checklist (WT/ACC/22 + revisions 23/06/1999  WT/ACC/MOL/14  (+  revision)
State-Trading Questionnaire (WT/ACC/22 + revisions
Draft Subsidies Notification (WT/ACC/22/Add.2
Comprehensive Legislative Action Plan (LAP)  16/10/2000  WT/ACC/MOL/32
Rule-specific Action Plans 
Legislation and implementing regulations    Click for details Legislation notice Notified legislation
21/05/1997  WT/ACC/MOL/4/Add.1
  •  Government Resolution No. 371 of 6 June 1995 On Improving the Mechanism of Regulating External Economic Relations
  •  Draft Government Decision On Improving the Mechanism of External Economic Relations
  •  Law No. 171-XIII of 6 July 1994 On Commercial Secrets
  •  Law No. 347-XIII of 27 December 1994 On Excises
  •  Law On Bases of Tax System
  •  Law On Profit Tax of the Enterprises
  •  Government Resolution No. 340 of 2 June 1993 On the Approval of General Provisions On the Structure of Expenses On Production and Realization of Goods (Works, Services), Included in its Cost Price and On Order of Forming the Financial Outcomes of Enterprises
  •  Law No. 720-XIII of 2 February 1996 On the Road Fund
  •  Decree of the Parliament No. 1430-KP of 18 May 1993 Concerning the Introduction of the Securities Operations Tax Law
  •  Summary On the Order of Calculation of the Tax on Banks and the Order of Payment of It to the Budget (16 January 1994);
  •  Law No. 344-XIII of 23 December 1994 On the Legal Status of Gagauzia (Gagauz-Yeri)
  •  Trade Agreement Between the Government of the Republic of Moldova and the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran
  •  Interim Agreement On Trade and Trade-Related Matters Between the European Community and the Republic of Moldova
  •  Agreement Between the European Economic Community and the Republic of Moldova On Trade in Textile Products May 1993
05/11/1997  WT/ACC/MOL/8/Add.1
  •  Law On Free Economic Zones No. 1451 XII of 25 May 1993
  •  Law On the Procurement of Goods, Works and Services for the Needs of the State No. 1166 XII of 30 April 1997
  •  Government Decision On Improving the Mechanism of Regulating Foreign Trade No. 777 of 13 August 1997
  •  Summaries of Laws of the Republic of Moldova on Special Legal Status of Gagauzia (Gagauz-Yeri) No. 344-XIII of 23 December 1994
  •  Summaries of Laws of the Republic of Moldova on Limitation of Monopolistic Activity and Development of Competition No. 906 XII of 29 February 1992
  •  Summaries of Laws of the Republic of Moldova on Audio-Visual Services No. 603 XIII of 3 October 1995
  •  Summaries of Laws of the Republic of Moldova on the Bases of the Foreign Economic Activity in the Republic of Moldova No. 849 XII of 3 January 1992
  •  Financial Institutions No. 550 XIII of 21 July 1995
  •  Patents for Inventions No. 461 XIII of 18 May 1995
  •  Trademarks and Appellations of Origin No. 588 XIII of 22 September 1996
  •  Copyright and Neighbouring Rights No. 293 XIII of 23 November 1994
  •  Protection of Industrial Designs No. 991 XIII of 15 October 1996
  •  Plant Variety Protection No. 915 XIII of 11 July 1996
  •  Standardization No. 590 XIII of 22 September 1995
  •  Commercial Secret No. 171 XIII of 6 July 1994
  •  Road Fund No. 720 XIII of 2 February 1996
  •  Protection of Consumers' Rights No. 1453 XII of 25 May 1993
16/09/1999  WT/ACC/MOL/22/Add.1
  •  Law on the State Regulation of Foreign Commercial Activity (Draft)
  •  Law on Industrial Safety (Draft)
  •  Law on Restructuring Agricultural Enterprises (No. 392, 13 May 1999)
  •  Law on Enterprises and Entrepreneurship (No. 845-XII, 3 January 1992)
  •  Law on Cooperation (16 January 1992)
  •  Law on Reorganization of the Judicial System (No. 853 of 29 May 1996)
  •  Law on the Concept of Privatizing the Enterprises of the Electric-Energetic Sector (No. 63-XIV, 25 June 1998)
  •  Law on the Introduciton of Amendments and Supplements on the Consumers' Rights Protection (Draft)
  •  Law Concerning Restrictions on Monopolistic Activities and Development of Competition (No. 906, 29 February 1992)
  •  Law on Government of the Republic of Moldova (31 May 1990)
  •  Law on Amendments and Supplements of the Law on Standardization (Draft)
  •  Law on the Technical Barriers to Trade (Draft)
  •  Law on Patents for Inventions (No. 461-XIII, 18 May 1995)
  •  Law on Trademarks and Appellations of Origin (No. 598-XIII, 22 September 1995
  •  Law on Business Secret (No. 171-XIII, 6 July 1994)
  •  Law on Property (No. 459, 22 January 1991)
  •  Law on New Plant Varieties (No. 915-XIII, 11 July 1996)
  •  Law on Wines and Vine (No. 131-XIII, 1994)
  •  Decree No. 816 on the Adoption of the Regulation on State Sanitary-Epidemiological Supervision, 12 December 1995
  •  Decision No. 305 of 27 March 1997 on the Organisational, Legal and Administrative Measures to Control Tax Evasion and Financial Frauds in the Import and Export of Gasoline and Diesel Fuel
  •  Decision No. 774 of 13 August 1997 on Taxes for Legal Services in the Field of Industrial Property Protection
  •  Decision No. 456 of 26 July 1993 on the Protection of Industrial Property in the Republic of Moldova
  •  Decision No. 581 of 17 August 1995 on the Regulation of Some Types of Activity in the Republic of Moldova
  •  Decision No. 1188 of 8 December 1998 on Emergency Actions with Regard to State Control over the Import, Production, Storing and Sale of Alcoholic Products, Import and Sale of Tobacco Items
  •  Code on Administrative Administrative Infringements (No.3, Article 47, 1985)
  •  Article 76 of the Constitution – The Coming Into Force of Laws
  •  Report concerning the Draft Law on Certification (No. 2485, the third reading)
  •  Four Copyright, Article 506
  •  Civil Code Procedure Amendments (Draft)
23/06/1999  WT/ACC/MOL/23
  •  Law on Vineyard and Vine No. 131, 02.07.94
  •  Law on Veterinary Activity No. 1539-XII (23.06.93)
  •  Law on Privatization Programme for 1997-1998 No. 1217, 25.06.97, (amended by No.1566/26.02.98; No.187/06.11.98; No.237/23.12.98; No. 239/23.12.98; No. 253/24.12.98
  •  Law on Phytosanitary Quarantine No. 506-XIII 22.06.95
  •  Law on Government Procurement No. 1166-XII, 30.05.97
  •  Law on Free Enterprise Zone "Expo-Business-Chisinau" No. 625-XIII. 03.11.95, amended by 1517-XIII/18.02.98
  •  Government Decree No. 1154, 15/12/97 concerning the Optimization of Control Services Activity at State Customs, amended by No.168/16.02.98; No. 112/02.02.99
  •  Government Decision No. 760, 10.11.95 on Production of Wine and Other Wine Products with Appellation of Origin
  •  Government Decision on Veterinary Statute of the Republic of Moldova, No. 378, 22.06.98
  •  Government Decision on the Establishment of a Provisional National Register of Computer Software No. 494 17.07.95
  •  Government Decision on the Copyright Owner’s Remuneration for the Use of Copyright and Neighbouring Rights, No. 713, 23.10.95
  •  Government Decision on the Administration on a Collective Basis of Patrimonial Rights of Holders of Neighbouring Rights No. 524, 24.07.95
  •  Government Decision on Regulation of Certain Types of Activity (Licensing) No. 859, 13.08.98 Amended by Government Decision No. 75, 02.02.99
  •  Government Decision on Improving the Mechanism of Regulating Foreign Trade (Import Licensing) No. 777, 13.08.98 amended by the Government Decision No. 76, 22.01.98 and Government Decision No. 716/30.06.98
  •  Government Decision on Establishment of State Services of Phytosanitary Quarantine, No. 697/10.10.95, amended by No. 641/25.11.96; No. 515/05.06.97; No. 505/15.05.98
  •  Rules on the Protection of the Republic of Moldova Territory Against the Entry or Introduction from Other Countries of Quarantined Pests, Pathogenic Agents of Plant Diseases and Weeds
  •  Draft Law on Licensing Certain Types of Activity
  •  Draft Amendment to the Law on Standardization No. 590-XII/ 22.09.95
  •  Draft Amendments to the Law on Consumer Rights Protection No. 153, 25.05.93
  •  Draft Law on Technical Barriers to Trade
  •  Draft Amendments to the Law on the Protection of Industrial Designs No. 991, 15.10.96
  •  Draft Law on Utility Models
  •  Draft Government Decision on the special provisions regarding the border measures on Protection Industrial Property
  •  Draft Amendments to the Government Decision No. 697/10.10.95 on Supplement to the Statute of the State Services on Phytosanitary Quarantine
02/07/1999  WT/ACC/MOL/23/Rev.1
  •  Budget Law 1999, No. 216-XIV, 12.12.98
  •  Law on Customs Tariff No. 1380-XIII, 20.11.97
  •  Law on Sanitary and Epidemiological Protection of the Population No. 1513-XII 16.06.93
  •  Law on Foreign Investments No. 998-XII, 01.04.92, amended by No. 321-XII 16.03.93
  •  Law on the Protection of Plant Varieties No. 915, 11.07.96
  •  Law on Vineyard and Vine No. 131, 02.07.94
  •  Law on Veterinary Activity No. 1539-XII (23.06.93)
  •  Law on Privatization Programme for 1997-1998 No. 1217, 25.06.97
  •  Law on Phytosanitary Quarantine No. 506-XIII 22.06.95
  •  Law on Government Procurement No. 1166-XII, 30.05.97
  •  Law on Free Enterprise Zone "Expo-Business-Chisinau" No. 625-XIII. 03.11.95, amended
  •  Government Decree No. 1154, 15/12/97 concerning the Optimization of Control Services Activity at State Customs, amended by No.168/16.02.98; No. 112/02.02.99
  •  Government Decision No. 760, 10.11.95 on Production of Wine and Other Wine Products with Appellation of Origin
  •  Government Decision on Veterinary Statute of the Republic of Moldova, No. 378, 22.06.98
  •  Government Decision on the Establishment of a Provisional National Register of Computer Software No. 494 17.07.95
  •  Government Decision on the Copyright Owner’s Remuneration for the Use of Copyright and Neighbouring Rights, No. 713, 23.10.95
  •  Government Decision on the Administration on a Collective Basis of Patrimonial Rights of Holders of Neighbouring Rights No. 524, 24.07.95
  •  Government Decision on Regulation of Certain Types of Activity (Licensing) No. 859, 13.08.98
  •  Government Decision on Improving the Mechanism of Regulating Foreign Trade (Import Licensing) No. 777, 13.08.98
  •  Government Decision on Establishment of State Services of Phytosanitary Quarantine, No. 697/10.10.95, amended by No. 641/25.11.96
  •  Rules on the Protection of the Republic of Moldova Territory Against the Entry or Introduction from Other Countries of Quarantined Pests, Pathogenic Agents of Plant Diseases and Weeds
  •  Agreement on Organizational Basis of Social-Economic Cooperation between the Republic of Moldova and Transnistria, 10.11.97
  •  Draft Amendments to the Government Decision No. 697/10.10.95 on Supplement to the Statute of the State Services on Phytosanitary Quarantine
  •  Draft Amendments to the Law on the Protection of Industrial Designs No. 991, 15.10.96
  •  Draft Amendments to the Law on Consumer Rights Protection No. 153, 25.05.93
  •  Draft Amendment to the Law on Standardization No. 590-XII/ 22.09.95
21/10/1999  WT/ACC/MOL/27
15/09/2000  WT/ACC/MOL/31
26/10/2000  WT/ACC/MOL/33
  •  Budget Law for the Year 2000
  •  Executive Decree introducing Pre-shipment Inspection
  •  Regulation of Pre-shipment Inspection of Imported Goods - Annex 1 to the Executive Decree of the Government of the Republic of Moldova No. 2 dated 26 September 2000
  •  Regulation on the Committee for Implementation and Monitoring of the Pre-shipment Inspection of Imported Goods – Appendix No. 3
23/11/2000  WT/ACC/MOL/36
24/11/2000  WT/ACC/MOL/36/Add.1
01/12/2000  WT/ACC/MOL/36/Add.2
07/02/2001  WT/ACC/MOL/38
Consultation documents    Click for details Consultation notice Notified consultation document
21/05/1997  WT/ACC/MOL/5
  •  Check List of Documents
10/06/1997  WT/ACC/MOL/5/Rev.1
  •  Check List of Documents
18/06/1997  WT/ACC/MOL/6
  •  Information on trade in services
05/11/1997  WT/ACC/MOL/8/Add.1
  •  Medico-Biological Requirements and Sanitary Rates Regarding the Quality of Raw Materials and Food Products (approved by the Deputy-Minister of Health No. 5061 89 of 1 August 1989)
  •  Information Concerning the Registration of Drugs in the Republic of Moldova, published by Institutul National de Farmacie of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Moldova
03/03/1998  WT/ACC/MOL/5/Rev.2
  •  Check List of Documents
15/02/1999  WT/ACC/MOL/10
  •  Ooverview of the agricultural sector of Moldova including production, consumption, exports and imports
07/04/1999  WT/ACC/MOL/5/Rev.3
  •  Check List of Documents
07/07/1999  WT/ACC/MOL/10/Rev.1
  •  General Summary of the Sectoral Development Programmes
23/06/1999  WT/ACC/MOL/12
  •  Information on the Privatization Process
23/06/1999  WT/ACC/MOL/13
  •  Information on Licence Authorization
23/06/1999  WT/ACC/MOL/15
  •  Information on Import Licensing Procedures
23/06/1999  WT/ACC/MOL/16
  •  Information on Technical Barriers to Trade
23/06/1999  WT/ACC/MOL/17
  •  Information on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures
23/06/1999  WT/ACC/MOL/18
  •  Information on Intellectual Property Rights
23/06/1999  WT/ACC/MOL/22
  • Analytic Note Listing Moldovan Legislation, Decrees, Decisions and Regulations Relevant to the °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ Legal Texts
13/07/1999  WT/ACC/MOL/5/Rev.4
  •  Check List of Documents
14/09/1999  WT/ACC/SPEC/MOL/6
  •  Schedule of Notification Obligations of the Republic of Moldova
14/09/1999  WT/ACC/MOL/24
  •  Information concerning Customs
21/10/1999  WT/ACC/MOL/26
  •  Information concerning the Agricultural Privatization of Moldova
11/04/2000  WT/ACC/SPEC/MOL/7
  •  Summary of the Commitments of the Republic of Moldova
19/05/1999  WT/ACC/SPEC/MOL/8
  •  Communication concerning the Revision of the draft Working Party Report
13/06/2000  WT/ACC/MOL/29
  •  Report on Privatization: 2000
31/08/2000  WT/ACC/SPEC/MOL/6/Rev.1
  •  Schedule of Notification Obligations of the Republic of Moldova under the °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ Agreements
15/09/2000  WT/ACC/MOL/15/Rev.1
  •  Information on Import Licensing Procedures
17/11/2000  WT/ACC/MOL/17/Rev.1
  •  Information on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures
17/11/2000  WT/ACC/MOL/34
  •  Informative Note on the Regulation of Price Controls in the Republic of Moldova
17/11/2000  WT/ACC/MOL/35
  •  Regulatory Documents and Institutions Responsible for the import, export and Transit of animals and animal products including seafood and fish products in Moldova
21/09/2000    (+  corrigendum)
  •  Consolidated List of Concessions and Commitments on Trade in Goods
06/12/2000  WT/ACC/MOL/5/Rev.5
  •  Check List of Documents
III. Bilateral Market Access Negotiations 
Goods Offer(s)  04/03/1998  WT/ACC/SPEC/MOL/3  (+  revisions)
Services Offer(s)  25/02/1998  WT/ACC/SPEC/MOL/2  (+  revisions)
Register of Bilateral Market Access Agreements 
Draft Goods Schedule  04/12/2000    (+  corrigendum)
Draft Services Schedule  06/12/2000  WT/ACC/SPEC/MOL/4/Rev.5/Add.2  (+  revision & corrigenda)
~revised 10/08/1999  WT/ACC/SPEC/MOL/5  (+  revision & corrigendum)
Goods and Services Technical Verification Meetings 
IV. Summary of Final Meeting of the Working Party
V. Accession Package (“Terms of Accession”, de-restricted) 
Ministerial Conference/General Council Decision on the Accession 08/05/2001  WT/ACC/MOL/39  News item
Protocol of Accession  08/05/2001  WT/ACC/MOL/40
Report of the Working Party  WT/ACC/MOL/37 (+  corrigenda)
Goods Schedule (Schedule of Concessions and Commitments Annexed to the GATT 1994)  11/01/2001  
Services Schedule (Schedule of Specific Commitments Annexed to the GATS)  23/02/2001  WT/ACC/MOL/37/Add.2
VI. Accessions Commitments Database (ACDB) 
Specific Accession Commitments    click on “Report by Member”, select “Nepal” in drop down list then click on “View Report”
VII. Instrument of Acceptance 
Notification of Acceptance and Entry Into Force of the Protocol of Accession 26/06/2001  WT/LET/399
VIII. Date of Membership
  26/07/2001 142nd Member
IX. Since 1995, this is the…
14th economy that joined the °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ pursuant to Article XII of the Marrakesh Agreement.

The de-restriction of documents is a key component of the transparency obligations of the Multilateral Trading System.  Paragraphs 1 and 2(e) of the Ministerial Council Decision WT/L/452 of 14 May 2002 provide that “documents relating to working parties on accession shall be restricted and shall be automatically de-restricted upon the adoption of the report of the working party” by the Ministerial Conference/General Council.  The time of completion of the de-restriction process depends on the amount and complexities of the documents involved.  Prior to 2002, the de-restriction of accession-related documents was governed by a different set of rules (i.e. General Council Decision WT/L/160/Rev.1 of 26 July 1996), which only affect documents circulated prior to 2002.