ࡱ>    ܥhW eH@K                  eKprrr-sGX8e e    p ~ [2  b    pXTMF - Tariff Maintenance Facilities15/07/96KazakhstanID40.01NATURAL RUBBER, BALATA, GUTTA-PERCHA, SMAYNLE, CHICLE AND SIMILAR NATURAL GUMS; IN PRIMARY FORMS OR IN PLATES, SHEETS OR STRIP;4001.10.000 - natural rubber latex, whether or not pro vulcanisedduty free4001.2- Natural rubber in other forms:duty free4001.21.000 -- smoked sheetsduty free4001.22.000 -- Technically specified natural rubber (tsnr)duty free4001.29-- Other:duty free4001.29.100 --- Crepeduty free4001.29.900 --- Otherduty free4001. 15.000 - Balata, gutta-percha, guayale, chicle and similar naturalduty free40.02SYNTHETIC RUBBER AND FACTICE DERIVED FROM OILS, IN PRIMARY FORMS OR ON PLATES, SHEETS OR STRIP; MIXTURES OF ANY PRODUCT OF HEADING 40.01 WITH ANY PRODUCT OF THIS HEADING, IN PRIMARY FORMS OR IN PLATES SHEETS OR SRIP4002.1 - Styrene-butadiene rubber (sbr); carboxylated styrenebutadiene rubber(xsbr)5.00%4002.11.000 -- latex5.00%4002.19.000 -- Other5.00%4002.20.000 - butadiene rubber (br)5.00%4002.3 - Isobutene-isoprene (butyl) rubber (iir); halo-isobutene rubber (ciir or biir)4002.31.000 -- Isobutene-isoprene (butyl) rubber (iir)5.00%4002.39.000 -- Other5.00%4002.4- Chloroprene (chlorobutadiene) rubber (cr):5.00%4002.41.000 -- latexduty free4002.49.000 -- Otherduty free4002.5- Acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber (nbr):4002.51.000 -- latex5.00%4002.59.000 -- Other5.00%4002.60.000 - isoprene rubber (ir)5.00%4002.70.000 - Ethylene-propylene-Non-conjugated diene rubber (eiidm)5.00%4002.80.000 - Mixtures of any product of heading no. 40. 01 with any products of this heading5.00%4002.9- Other:4002.91.000 -- latex5.00%4002.99-- Other:4002.99.100 --- products modified by the incorporation Of plastics5.00%4002.99.900 --- Other5.00%4003.00.000Reclaimed rubber in primary forms or in plates, sheets or strip5.00%4004.00.000Waste, parings and scrap of rubber (other than hard rubber) and granuales obtained therefrom5.00%40.05COMPOUNDED RUBBER, UNVULCANISED, IN PRIMARY FORMS OR IN PLATES SHEETS OR STRIP4005.10.000 - Compounded with Carbon Black or dioxide Silicon 5.00%4005.20.000 - Solutions; dispersions other than those of subheading no.4005.10.0005.00%4005.9- Other:4005.91.000 -- plates, sheets and Strip5.00%4005.99.000 -- Other5.00%40.06OTHER FORMS (FOR EXAMPLE, RODS, TUBES AND PROFILE SHAPES) AND ARTICLES FOR EXAMPLE DISKS AND RINGS) OF UNVULKANISED RUBBER4006.10.000- "camel-back" strips for retreading rubber tyres5.00%4006.90.000 - Other5.00%4007.00.000Vulcanised rubber thread and cord5.00%40.08PLATES, SHEETS, STRIP, RODS AND PROFILE SHAPES, OF VULCANISED RUBBER OTHER THAN HARD RUBBER4008.1- Of cellular rubber:4008.11.000 -- plates sheets and Strip5.00%4008.19.000 -- Other5.00%TMF - Tariff Maintenance Facilities15/07/96KazakhstanID4008.2- Of non-cellular rubber:4008.21-- Plates, sheets and strip:4008.21.100 --- floor coverings and mats5.00%4008.21.900 --- Other5.00%4008.29 -- Other4008.29.100 --- Profile shapes, cut to size, For use in civil aircraft5.00%4008.29.900 --- Other5.00%40.09TUBES, PIPES AND HOSES, OF VULCANISED RUBBER OTHER THAN HARD RUBBER WITH OR WITHOUT THEIR FITTINGS (FOR EXAMPLE, JOINTS, ELBOWS, FLANGES):4009.10.000 - Not reinforced or otherwise combined with other materials, without fittings5.00%4009.20.000 - reinforced or otherwise combined Only with Metal, without fittings5.00%4009. 15.000 - reinforced or otherwise combined Only with textile materials, without fittings5.00%4009.40.000 - reinforced or otherwise combined with Other materials, without fittings5.00%4009.5- With fittings:4009.50.100 --- Suitable For conducting gases or liquids, For use in civil aircraft5.00%4009.50.9--- Other:4009.50.910 ---- with Metal reinforcement5.00%4009.50.990 ---- Other5.00%40.1CONVEYOR OR TRANSMISSION BELTS OR BELTING, OF VULCANISED RUBBER4010.10.000 - Of trapezoidal cross-section (v-belts and v-belting) - otther5.00%4010.91.000-- Of a width exceeding 20 cm5.00%4010.99.000 -- Other5.00%40.11NEW PNEUMATIC TYRES, OF RUBBER:4011.10.000 - Of a kind used on motor cars (including station wagons andracing cars)10.00% but not less than 4 ecu per 1 unit4011.20.000 - Of a kind used on buses or lorries10.00%4011.3- Of a kind used on aircraft:4011. 15.100 --- For use on civil aircraft5.00%4011. 15.900 --- Other5.00%4011.40.000 - Of a kind used on motorcycles5.00%4011.5- Of a kind used on bicycles:4011.50.100 --- Tyre cases with inner tubes5.00%4011.50.900 --- Other5.00%4011.91-- Other:4011.91.000-- Having a "herring-bone" or similar tread5.00%4011.99.000 -- Other5.00%40.12RETREADED OR USED PNEUMATIC TYRES OF RUBBER; SOLID OR CUSHION TYPES, INTERCHANGEBLE TYPE TREADS AND TYPE FLAPS, OF RUBBER4012.1- Retreaded tyres:4012.10.100 --- For use on civil aircraft15.00%4012.10.900 --- Other15.00%4012.2- Used pneumatic tyres:15.00%4012.20.100 --- For use on civil aircraft15.00%4012.20.900 --- Other15.00%4012.9- Other:15.00%4012.90.100 --- solid or cushion tyres and interchangeable Tyre treads15.00%4012.90.900 --- Tyre flaps15.00%40.13INNER TUBES, OF RUBBER:TMF - Tariff Maintenance Facilities15/07/96KazakhstanID4013.1 - Of a kind used on motor cars (including station wagons cars), buses or lorries:4013.10.100 --- Of the kind used on motor cars (including station wagons and ricing cars)15.00%4013.10.900 --- Of the kind used on buses or lorries15.00%4013.20.000 - Of a kind used on bicycles15.00%4013.9- Other:4013.90.100 --- Of a kind used on motorcycles15.00%4013.90.900 --- Other15.00%40.14HYGIENIC OR PHARMACEUTICAL ARTICLES (INCLUDING TEATS), OF VULCANASED RUBBER OTHER THAN HARD RUBBER (WITH OR WITHOUT FITTINGS OF HARD RUBBER)4014.10.000 - Sheath contraceptivesduty free4014.9- Other:4014.90.100 --- Teats, nipple shields, and similar articles For babiesduty free4014.90.900 --- Otherduty free40.15ARTICLES OF APPAREL AND CLOTHING ACCESSORIES (INCLUDING GLOVES), FOR ALL PURPOSES, OF VULCANISED RUBBER OTHER THAN HARD RUBBER4015.1- Gloves:4015.11.000 -- surgicalduty free4015.19-- Other:4015.19.100 --- Household Gloves20.00%4015.19.900 --- Other20.00%4015.90.000 - Other20.00%40.16OTHER ARTICLES OF VULCANISED RUBBER OTHER THAN HARD RUBBER:4016.1- Of cellular rubber:4016.10.100 --- For technical uses, For use in civil aircraft15.00%4016.10.900 --- Other15.00%4016.9- Other:4016.91.000 -- floor coverings and mats15.00%4016.92.000 -- Erasers15.00%4016.93-- Gaskets, washers and other seals:4016.93.100 --- For technical uses, For use in civil aircraft15.00%4016.93.900 --- Other15.00%4016.94.000 -- Boat and dock fenders, whether or not inflatable15.00%4016.95.000 -- Other inflatable articles15.00%4016.99-- Other:4016.99.100 --- For technical uses, For use in civil aircraft15.00%4016.99.900 --- Other15.00%4017Hard rubber (for example, abouite) in all forms, including waste and scrap; articles of hard rubber4017.00.1 --- Hard rubber (For example, ebonite) in any form, scrap and waste included15.00%4017.00.110 ---- In bulk or blocks, In plates, sheets or strip, In rods, profile shapes or tubes15.00%4017.00.190 ---- scrap, waste and powder, Of hardened rubber15.00%4017.00.9--- Articles of hard rubber:4017.00.910 ---- Piping and tubing, with fittings attached, Suitable For containing gases or liquids, for use in civil aircraft15.00%4017.00.990 ---- Other15.00%TMF - Tariff Maintenance Facilities15/07/96KazakhstanID41.01RAW HIDES AND SKINS OF BOVINE OR EQUINE ANIMALS (FRESH OR SALTED, DRIED,LIMED, PICKLED OR OTHERWISE PRESERVED, BUT NOT TANNED, PARCHMENT DRESSED OR FURTHER PREPARED, WHTHER OR NOT DEHAIRED OR SPLIT4101.1 - whole hides and skins Of bovine animals, Of a weight per skin not exceeding 8kg when simply dried, 10 kg when dry-salted or 14kg when fresh, wet-salted or otherwise preserved4101.10.100 --- Fresh or wet-salted30.00%4101.10.900 --- Other30.00%4101.2 - Other hides and skins Of bovine animals, Fresh or wet-sal30.00%4101.21.000 -- whole30.00%4101.22.000 -- Butts and bends30.00%4101.29.000 -- Other30.00%4101.3 - Other hides and skins Of bovine animals, otherwise preser30.00%4101. 15.100 --- Dried or Dry-salted30.00%4101. 15.900 --- Other30.00%4101.40.000 - hides and skins Of equine animals30.00%41.02RAW SKINS OF SHEEP OR LAMBS (FRESH, OR SALTED, DRIED, LIMED, PICKLED OR OTHERWISE PRESERVED, BUT NOT TANNED, PARCHMENT-DRESSED OR FURTHER PREPARED) WHETHER OR NOT WITH WOOL ON OR SPLIT, OTHER THAN THOSE EXCLUDED BY NOTE 1 C) TO THIS CHAPTER4102.1- With wool on:30.00%4102.10.100 --- Of lambs30.00%4102.10.900 --- Other30.00%4102.2- Without wool on:30.00%4102.21.000 -- Pickled30.00%4102.29.000 -- Other30.00%41.03OTHER RAW HIDES AND SKINS (FRESH, OR SALTED, DRIED, LIMED,PICKLED OR OTHERWISE PRESERVED, BUT NOT TANNED, PARCHMENTDRESSED OR FURTHER PREPARED), WHETHER OR NOTDEHAIRED OR SPLIT, OTHER THAN THOSE EXCLUDED BY NOTE 1 C) TO THIS CHAPTER:4103.1- Of goats or kids:4103.10.100 --- Fresh, salted or Dried30.00%4103.10.900 --- Other30.00%4103.20.000 - Of reptiles30.00%4103.90.000 - Other30.00%41.04LEATHER OF BOVINE OR EQUINE ANIMALS, WITHOUT HAIR ON, OTHER THAN LEATHER OF HEADING NO.41.08 OR 41.09:4104.1 - whole bovine skin leather, Of a unit surface area not excuding 28 square feet (2,6m2)4104.10.100 --- East india kip, whole, whether or not the heads and Legs have been removed, each of a net weight of not more than 4,5 kg not further prepared than vegatables tanned, whther or not having undergone certain treatments, butobviosly unsutable for 10.00%immidiate use use for the manufacture of leather articles4104.10. 150 --- Other skin leather not further prepared than chrome-tanned, in the wet-blue state10.00%4104.10.9--- Other:10.00%4104.10.910 ---- not further prepared than tanned10.00%4104.10.95---- Otherwise prepared;10.00%4104.10.950 ---- Boxcalf10.00%4104.10.990 ---- Other10.00%4104.2 - Other bovine leather and equine leather, tanned or retanned but not further prepared, whether or not split10.00%4104.21.000 -- bovine leather, Vegetable Pre-tanned10.00%4104.22-- Bovine leather, otherwise pre-tanned:10.00%4104.22.100 --- Not further prepared than chrome-tanned, in the wet-blue state10.00%4104.22.900 --- Other10.00%4104.29.000 -- Other10.00%4104.3 - Other bovine leather and equine leather, parchment- dressed or prepared after tanning10.00%10.00%4104.31-- Full grains and grain splits:4104.31.0-- Bovine leather:10.00%TMF - Tariff Maintenance Facilities10.00%15/07/96Kazakhstan4104.31.1--- Full grains:4104.31.110 ---- Sole leather10.00%4104.31.190 ---- Other10.00%4104.31. 150 --- grain splits10.00%4104.31.900 --- equine leather10.00%4104.39-- Other:10.00%4104.39.100 --- bovine leather10.00%4104.39.900 --- equine leather10.00%41.05SHEEP OR LAMB SKIN LEATHER, WITHOUT WOOL ON, OTHER THAN LEATHER OF HEADING NO 41.08 OR 41.094105.1 - tanned or retanned but not further prepared, whether or not split10.00%4105.11-- Vegetable pre-tanned:10.00%4105.11.100 --- Of indian hair Sheep, whether or not having undergone certain treatments, but obviosly unsuitable for immediate use for the manufacture of leather articles10.00%4105.11.9--- Other:10.00%4105.11.910 ---- not split10.00%4105.11.990 ---- split10.00%4105.12-- Otherwise pre-tanned:10.00%4105.12.100 --- not split10.00%4105.12.900 --- Other10.00%4105.19-- Other:10.00%4105.19.100 --- split10.00%4105.19.900 --- not split 10.00%4105.20.000 - parchment-dressed or prepared after tanning10.00%41.06GOAT OR KID SKIN LEATHER, WITHOUT HAIR ON, OTHER THANLEATHER4106.1 - tanned or retanned but not further prepared, whether or not split:4106.11-- Vegetable pre-tanned:10.00%4106.11.100 --- Of indian goat or kid, whether or not having undergone certain treatments, but obviosly unsutable for immidiate use for the manufacture of learther articles 10.00%4106.11.900 --- Other10.00%4106.12.000 -- otherwise Pre-tanned10.00%4106.19.000 -- Other10.00%4106.20.000 - parchment-dressed or prepared after tanning10.00%41.07LEATHER OF OTHER ANIMALS, WITHOUT HAIR ON, OTHER THAN LEATHER OF HEADING NO 41.08 OR 41 094107.1- Of swine:4107.10.100 --- not further prepared than tanned10.00%4107.10.900 --- Other10.00%4107.2- Of reptiles:10.00%4107.21.000 -- Vegetable Pre-tanned10.00%4107.29-- Other:10.00%4107.29.100 --- not further prepared than tanned10.00%4107.29.900 --- Other10.00%4107.9- Of other animals:10.00%4107.90.100 --- not further prepared than tanned10.00%4107.90.900 --- Other10.00%4108Chamois (including combination chamois) leather:10.00%4108.00.100 --- Of Sheep and lambs10.00%4108.00.900 --- Of Other animals10.00%4109.00.000Patent leather and patent laminated leather; metallised leather10.00%TMF - Tariff Maintenance Facilities10.00%15/07/96Kazakhstan4110.00.000Parings and other waste of leather or of composition leather , not sutaible for manufacture of articles of leather, leather dust, powder and flour 10.00%4111.00.000Composition leather with a basis of leather or leather slabs, sheets or strip whether or not in rolls10.00%TMF - Tariff Maintenance Facilities15/07/96KazakhstanID4201.00.000Saddlery and harness for any animal (including traces,leads, knee-pads, muzzles, saddle cloths, saddle bags, dog coats and the like). of any material20.00%42.02TRUNKS, SUIT-CASES, VANITY-CASES, EXECUTIVE-CASES, BRIEF-CASE SCHOOL SATCHELS, SPECTACLE CASES, BINOCULAR CASES CAMERA CASES, MUSICAL INSTRUMENT CASES, GUN CASES, HOLSTERS AND SIMILAR CONTAINERS; TRAVELING BAGS, WALLETS, TOILET BAGS, RUCKSACKS, HANDBAGS , SHOPPING BAGS WALLETS, PURSES MAP-CASES, CIGARETTE CASES, TOBACCO-POUCHES, TOOL BAGS, SPORTS BAGS, BOTTLE CASES JEWELLARY BOXES POWDER BOXES,CUTLERY CASES AND SIMILAR CONTAINERS, OF LEATHER OF SHEETING OF PLASTICS, OF TEXTILE MATERIAL OF VULKANISED SUCH MATERIALS OR WITH PAPER:4202.1 - Trunks, suit-cases, vanity cases, executive-cases, brief-cases, school sachels and similar containers:4202.11 -- with outer surface Of leather, Of composition leather or of patent leather25.00%4202.11.100 --- executive-cases, brief-cases, school satchels and similar conteiners25.00%4202.11.900 --- Other25.00%4202.12-- With outer surface of plastics or of textile materials;25.00%4202.12.1--- In the form of plastic sheeting:25.00%4202.12.110 ---- executive-cases, brief-cases, school satchels and similar conteiners25.00%4202.12.190 ---- Other25.00%4202.12.500 --- Of moulded plastic material25.00%4202.12.9--- Of other materials, including vulcanised fibre:25.00%4202.12.910 ---- executive-cases, brief-cases, school satchels and similar conteiners25.00%4202.12.990 ---- Other25.00%4202.19-- Other:25.00%4202.19.100 --- Of aluminium25.00%4202.19.9--- Of other materials:25.00%4202.19.910 ---- executive-cases, brief-cases, school satchels and similar conteiners25.00%4202.19.990 ---- Other25.00%4202.2 - Handbags, whether or not with shoulder strap, including those without handle25.00%4202.21.000 -- with outer surface Of leather, Of composition leather or of patent leather25.00%4202.22 -- with outer surface Of plastic sheeting or Of textile materials25.00%4202.22.100 --- Of plastic sheeting25.00%4202.22.900 --- Of textile materials25.00%4202.29.000 -- Other25.00%4202.3 - articles Of a kind normally carried in the pocket or in the hand bag25.00%4202.31.000 -- with outer surface Of leather, Of composition leather or of patent leather25.00%4202.32 -- with outer surface Of plastic sheeting or Of textile materials25.00%4202.32.100 --- Of plastic sheeting25.00%4202.32.900 --- Of textile materials25.00%4202.39.000 -- Other25.00%4202.9- Other:25.00%4202.91 -- with outer surface Of leather, Of composition leather or of patern leather25.00%4202.91.100 --- Travelling-bags, Toilet bags, rucksacks and sports bags25.00%4202.91.500 --- Musical instrument cases25.00%4202.91.900 --- Other25.00%4202.92 -- with outer surface Of plastic sheeting or Of textile materials25.00%4202.92.1--- Of plastic sheeting:25.00%4202.92.110 ---- Travelling-bags, Toilet bags, rucksacks and sports bags25.00%4202.92.150 ---- Musical instrument cases25.00%4202.92.190 ---- Other25.00%4202.92.9--- Of textile materials:4202.92.910 ---- Travelling-bags, Toilet bags, rucksacks and sports bags25.00%4202.92.950 ---- Musical instrument cases25.00%4202.92.990 ---- Other25.00%TMF - Tariff Maintenance Facilities15/07/96Kazakhstan4202.99-- Other:4202.99.100 --- Musical instrument cases25.00%4202.99.900 --- Other25.00%42.03ARTICLES OF APPAREL AND CLOTHING ACCESSORIES, OF LEATHER OR OF COMPOSITION LEATHER:4203.10.000 - articles Of apparel * garments of natural leather : id 13% but not less than 14 xeu/1kg ** of artificial leather: ed=0%30.00% but not less than 14 ecu per 1 kg4203.2- Gloves, mittens and mitts:4203.21.000 -- Specially designed For use in sports20.00%4203.29-- Other:4203.29.100 --- protective For all trades20.00%4203.29.9--- Other:4203.29.910---- Men's and boys'20.00%4203.29.990---- Other:20.00%4203. 15.000 - belts and bandoliers20.00%4203.40.000 - Other clothing accessories20.00%4204Articles of leather or of composition leather, of a kind used in machinery or mechanical appliances or for the other technical uses4204.00.100 --- Conveyor or transmission belts or belting5.00%4204.00.900 --- Other5.00%4205.00.000Other articles of leather or of composition leather30.00%42.06ARTICLES MADE FROM GUT (OTHER THAN SILK-WOM GUT), OF GOLDBEATer's SKIN, OF BLADDERS OR OF TENDONS:4206.10.000 - catgut5.00%4206.90.000 - Other5.00%42.22FIBRE OR OF PAPERBOARD, OR WHOLLY OR MAINLY COVERED WITH43.01RAW FURSKINS (INCLUDING HEADS, TAILS, PAWS AND OTHER PIECES OR CUTTINGS, SUITABLE FOR FURRIERS' USE), OTHER THAN RAW HIDES AND SKINS OF HEADING NO.4101 41.02OR 41.0343.01.10.000 - Of mink, whole, with or without head, tail or paws5.00% - Of rabbit or hare, whole, with or without head, tail or PAWS5.00%43.01. 15.000 - Of lamb, the following: astrakhan, broadtail, caracul, persian and simular lamb, indian, chinese, mongolian or tibetan lamb, whole with or without head tail or paws sheepskin: ed=0%5.00% - Of beaver, whole, with or without head, tail or paws5.00% - Of musk-rat, whole, with or without head, tail or paws5.00% - Of fox, whole, with or without head, tail or paws5.00%43.01.7- Of seal, whole, with or without head, tail or paws: --- Of whitecoat pups Of harp seal and Of pups Of hooded seal (blue backs)5.00% --- Other5.00%43.01.8- Other furskins, whole, with or without head, tail or paws: --- Of Sea-otters or Of nutria (coypu)5.00%43.01.80. 150 --- Of marmots5.00% --- Of Wild felines5.00% --- Other5.00% - heads, tails, paws and Other pieces or cuttings, Suitable for furriers5.00%43.02TANNED OR DRESSED FURSKINS (INCLUDING HEADS, TAILS, PAWS AND OTHER PIECES OR CUTTINGS), UNASSEMBLED, OR ASSEMBLED (WITHOUT THE ADDITION OF OTHER MATERIALS) OTHER THAN THOSE OF HEADING NO 43.03:43.02.1 - whole skins, with or without head, tail or paws, not assembled43.02.11.000 -- Of mink20.00% -- Of rabbit or hare5.00% -- Of lamb, the following: astrakhan, broadtail, caracul, persian and similar lamb, indian chinese, mongolian or tibetan lamb*of sheepskin ed=0%5.00%43.02.19-- Other: --- Of beaver5.00% --- Of musk-rat5.00%43.02.19. 150 --- Of fox5.00% Of seal: ---- Of whitecoat pups Of harp seal and Of pups Of hooded seal (blue -backs)5.00% ---- Other5.00% --- Of Sea-otters or Of nutria (copyu)5.00% --- Of marmots5.00% --- Of Wild felines5.00% --- Other5.00% - heads, tails, paws and Other pieces or cuttings, not assembled5.00%43.02.3- Whole skins and pieces or cuttings thereof, assembled:43.02. 30.100--- "dropped" furskins15.00%43.02. 30.2--- Other:43.02. 30.210 ---- Of mink5.00%43.02. 30.250 ---- Of rabbit or hare5.00%43.02. 30.310 ---- Of lamb, the following: astrakhan, broadtail, caracul,persian and similar lamb, indian chinese, mongolian or tibetan lamb*Of sheepskin ed=0%5.00%43.02. 30.350 ---- Of beaver5.00%43.02. 30.410 ---- Of musk-rat5.00%43.02. 30.450 ---- Of fox5.00%43.02. 30.5 --- Of seal43.02. 30.510 ---- Of whitecoat pups Of harp seal and Of pups Of hooded seal (blue -backs)5.00%43.02. 30.550 ---- Other5.00%43.02. 30.610---- Of sea-otters or of nutria (co"u)5.00%43.02. 30.650 ---- Of marmots5.00%43.02. 30.710 ---- Of Wild felines5.00%43.02. 30.750 ---- Other5.00%43.03ARTICLES OF APPAREL, CLOTHING ACCESSORIES AND OTHER ARTICLES OF FURSKIN:TMF - Tariff Maintenance Facilities15/07/96KazakhstanID43.03.1- Articles of apparel and clothing accessories: --- Of furskins Of whitecoat pups Of harp seal and Of pups hooded seal (blue -backs)*garments:id= 15% but not less than 90xeu/1pce30.00% but not less than 90 ecu per 1 unit43.03.10.900 -- other * garments made of mink fur: id 15% but not less than 150 ecu/lpce; nutria fur: id= 15% but not less than 90 ecu/lpce;polar fox: id 15% but not less than 90ecu/lpce; fox: id= 15% but not less than 90ecu/lpce; rabbit or hare: id 15% but not less than 40ecu/lpce;sheepscins garments: id= 15% but not less than 40 ecu/lpce; children's garments of sheep skin or rabbit or hare, growth not exceeding 164sm, breast in circumference not exceeding 84 sm: id15% but more than 150 ecu/lpce other fur garments: id= 15% but not less than 60ecu/1pce 30.00% - Other15.00% fur and articles made thereof5.00%44.01FUEL WOOD, IN LOGS, IN BILLETS, IN TWIGS, IN FAGGOTS OR IN SIMILAR FORMS; WOOD IN CHIPS OR PARTICLES; SAWDUST AND WOOD WASTE AND SCRAP, WHETHER OR NOT AGGLOMERATED IN LOGS, BRIQUETTES, PELLETS OR SIMILAR FORMS:4401.10.000 - fuel Wood, in logs, in billets, in twigs, in faggots or in similar forms20.00%4401.2- Wood in chips or particles:4401.21.000 -- Coniferous20.00%4401.22.000 -- Non-Coniferous20.00%4401.3 - Sawdust and Wood waste and scrap, whether or not agglomerated in logs, briquettes, pellets or similar forms:4401. 15.100 --- Sawdust20.00%4401. 15.900 --- Other20.00%4402.00.000Wood charcoal (including shell or nut charcoal), whether or not agglomerated20.00%44.03WOOD IN THE ROUGH, WHETHER OR NOT STRIPPED OF BARK OR SAPWOOD, OR ROUGHLY SQUARED:4403.1 - treated with paint, stains, Creosote or Other preservatives4403.10.100 --- Poles of coniferous wood, injected or otherwise impregnated to any degree, not less than 6m nor more than 18 m in length and with a circonference at the butt end of more than 45 cm but not more than 90 cm.20.00%4403.10.9--- Other:4403.10.910 ---- Coniferous Wood20.00%4403.10.990 ---- Other20.00%4403.20.000 - Other, Coniferous20.00%4403.3- Other, of the following tropical woods:4403.31.000 -- Dark red meranti, light red meranti and meranti bakau5.00%4403.32.000 -- White lauan, White meranti, White seraya, yellow meranti and alan5.00%4403.33.000 -- Keraing, ramin, kapur, teak, jougkong, herbaug jalutong and kempas5.00%4403.34 -- Okoumd, obeche, sapelli, sipo, acajou d'afrique, makord and iroko4403.34.100 --- Okoume5.00%4403.34. 150 --- obeche5.00%4403.34.500 --- sipo5.00%4403.34.700 --- Makore5.00%4403.34.900 --- Other5.00%4403.35-- Tiama, mansonia, ilomba, dibetou, limba and azobe:4403.35.100 --- limba5.00%4403.35.900 --- Other5.00%4403.9- Other:4403.91.000 -- Of Oak (quercus spp.)20.00%4403.92.000 -- Of beech (fagus spp.)20.00%4403.99-- Other:4403.99.100 --- Of poplar20.00%4403.99.900 --- Other20.00%44.04HOOPWOOD; SPLIT POLES; PILES; PICKETS AND STAKES OF WOOD, POINTED BUT NOT SAWN LENGTHWISE; WOODEN STICKS, POUPHLY TRIMMED BUT NO TURNED, BENT OR OTHERWISE WORKED, SUITABLE FOR THE MANUFACTURE OF WALKING-STRICKS, UMBRELLAS, TOOL HANDLE OR THE LIKE; CHIPWOOD AND THE LIKE:4404.10.000 - Coniferous20.00%4404.20.000 - Non-Coniferous20.00%4405.00.000Wood wool and wood flour20.00%44.06RAILWAY OR TRAMWAY SLEEPERS (CROSS-TIES) OF WOOD:4406.10.000 - not impregnated20.00%4406.90.000 - Other20.00%44.07WOOD SAWN OR CHIPPED LENGTHWISE, SLICED OR PEELED, WHETHER PLANED, SANDED OR FINGER-JOINTED, OF A THICKNESS EXCEEDING 6MM: OR NOT4407.1- Coniferous:4407.10.100 --- Finger-jointed, whether or not planed or sanded20.00%4407.10.3--- Other:TMF - Tariff Maintenance Facilities15/07/96KazakhstanID4407.10. 150 --- planed20.00%4407.10.500 --- sanded20.00%4407.10.7--- Other:4407.10.710 ---- Small boards For the manufacture Of pencils20.00%4407.10.790 ---- Wood of a length of 125 cm or less and of a thickness of less than 12,5mm20.00%4407.10.9--- Other:4407.10.910 ---- Spruce of the kind "picea abies karst." of silver fir (abies alba mill.)20.00%4407.10.9 15---- Pine of the kind "pinus sylvestris l.20.00%4407.10.990 ---- Other20.00%4407.2- Of the following tropical woods:4407.21 -- Dark red meranti, light red meranti, meranti bakau, White lauan, white meranti, white seraya, yellow meranti, alan, keruing, ramin, kapur, teak joinkong, nerbau jelutong and kempas:4407.21.100 --- Finger-jointed, whether or not planed or sanded5.00%4407.21.3--- Other:4407.21.31---- Planed:4407.21.310 ---- blocks, strips and friezes For parquet or Wood block flooring not assembled5.00%4407.21.390 ---- Other5.00%4407.21.500 --- sanded5.00%4407.21.900 --- Other5.00%4407.22 -- Okoume, obeche, sapelli, sipo, acajou d'afrique, makore, iroko, tiama, mausonia, ilomba, didtou, limba and azobe:4407.22.100 --- Finger-jointed, whether or not planed or sanded5.00%4407.22.3--- Other:4407.22.31---- Planed:4407.22.310 ---- blocks, strips and friezes For parquet or Wood block5.00%4407.22.390 ---- Other5.00%4407.22.500 --- sanded5.00%4407.22.900 --- Other5.00%4407.23-- Baboen, mahogany (svietenia spp.), imbuia and balsa:4407.23.100 --- Finger-jointed, whether or not planed or sanded5.00%4407.23.3--- Other:4407.23. 150 --- planed5.00%4407.23.500 --- sanded5.00%4407.23.900 --- Other5.00%4407.9- Other:4407.91-- Of oak (quercus spp.):4407.91.100 --- Finger-jointed, whether or not planed or sanded20.00%4407.91.3--- Other:4407.91.31---- Planed:4407.91.310 ---- blocks, strips and friezes For parquet or Wood block20.00%4407.91.390 ---- Other20.00%4407.91.500 --- sanded20.00%4407.91.900 --- Other20.00%4407.92.0-- Of beech (fagus spp.):4407.92.100 --- Finger-jointed, whether or not planed or sanded20.00%4407.92.3--- Other:4407.92. 150 --- planed20.00%TMF - Tariff Maintenance Facilities15/07/96KazakhstanID4407.92.500 --- sanded20.00%4407.92.900 --- Other20.00%4407.99-- Other:4407.99.1--- Finger-jointed, whether or not planed or sanded:4407.99.110 ---- Of palissandre du brsil or bois de rose femalle20.00%4407.99.190 ---- Other20.00%4407.99.3--- Other:4407.99.31---- Planed:4407.99.310 ---- Of palissandre du brsil or bois de rose femelle20.00%4407.99.390 ---- Other20.00%4407.99.5--- Sanded:4407.99.510 ---- Of palissandre du brsil or bois de rose femelle20.00%4407.99.590 ---- Other20.00%4407.99.9--- Other:4407.99.910 ---- Of poplar20.00%4407.99.9 15 ---- Of walnut20.00%4407.99.990 ---- Other20.00%44.08VENEER SHEETS AND SHEETS FOR PLYWOOD (WHETHER OR NOT SPLICED) AND OTHER WOOD SAWN LENGTHWISE, SLICED OR PEELED, WHETHER OR NOT PLANED, SANDED OR FINGER-JOINTED, OF A THICKNESS NOT EXCEEDING 6MM:4408.1- Coniferous:4408.10.100 --- Finger-jointed, whether or not planed or sanded20.00%4408.10.3--- Other:4408.10. 150 --- planed20.00%4408.10.500 --- sanded20.00%4408.10.9--- Other:4408.10.910 ---- Small boards For the manufacture Of pencils20.00%4408.10.93---- Other:4408.10.9 15---- Of a thickness not exceeding 1 mm20.00%4408.10.990---- Of a thickness exceeding 1 mm20.00%4408.2- Of the following tropical woods: Dark red meranti, light red meranti, white lauan, sipo, limba, okoume, obeche, acajou d'afrique, sapelli, baboen, mahagany (svietenia spp.) pallissandre du dresil and bois de rose famelle:4408.20.100 --- Finger-jointed, whether or not planed or sanded5.00%4408.20.3--- Other:4408.20. 150 --- planed5.00%4408.20.500 --- sanded5.00%4408.20.9--- Other;4408.20.910---- Of a thickness not exceeding 1 mm5.00%4408.20.990---- Of a thickness exceeding 1 mm5.00%4408.9- Other:4408.90.100 --- Finger-jointed, whether or not planed or sanded5.00%4408.90.3--- Other:4408.90. 150 --- planed5.00%4408.90.500 --- sanded5.00%4408.90.9--- Other:4408.90.910 ---- Small boards For the manufacture Of pencils15.00%4408.90.93---- Other:TMF - Tariff Maintenance Facilities15/07/96KazakhstanID4408.90.9 15---- Of a thickness not exceeding 1 mm5.00%4408.90.990---- Of a thickness exceeding 1 mm5.00%44.09WOOD (INCLUDING STRIPS AND FRIEZES FOR PARQUET FLOORING, NOT ASSEMBLED) CONTINIOUSLY SHAPED (TONGUED, GROOVED, REBATED, CHAMFERED,V-JOINTED, BEADED, MOULDED, ROUNDED OR THE LIKE) ALONG ANY OF ITS EDGES OF FACES, WHETHER OR NOT PLANED, SANDED OR FINGER-JOINTED4409.1- Coniferous:4409.10.100 --- Beadings and mouldings including moulded skirting and other moulted boards20.00%4409.10.900 --- Other20.00%4409.2- Non-coniferous:4409.20.100 --- Beadings and mouldings including moulded skirting and other moulted boards20.00%4409.20.9--- Other;4409.20.910 ---- blocks, strips and friezes For parquet or Wood block flooring not assembled20.00%4409.20.990 ---- Other20.00%44.1PARTICLE BOARD AND SIMILAR BOARD OF WOOD OR OTHER LIGNEOUS MATERIALS, WHETHER OR NOT AGGLOMERATED WITH RESINS OR OTHER ORGANIC BINDING SUBSTANCES:4410.1- Of wood:4410.10.100 --- Unworked or not further worked than sanded30.00%4410.10. 150 --- Surfaced with high pressure Decorative laminates20.00%4410.10.500 --- Surfaced with Melamine resin impregnated paper20.00%4410.10.900 --- Other20.00%4410.9- Of other ligneous materials:4410.90.100 --- Flaxboard20.00%4410.90.900 --- Other20.00%44.11FIBREBOARD OF WOOD OR OTHER LIGNEOUS MATERIALS, WHETHER OR NOT BONDED WITH RESINS OR OTHER ORGANIC SUBSTANCES:4411.1- Fibreboard of a density exceeding 0.8 g/cm3:4411.11.000 -- not mechanically worked or surface covered20.00%4411.19.000 -- Other20.00%4411.2 - Fibreboard of a density exceeding 0.5 g/cm3 but not exceeding o.8 g/cm34411.21.000 -- not mechanically worked or surface covered20.00%4411.29.000 -- Other20.00%4411.3 - Fibreboard of a density exceeding 0.35 g/cm3 but not exceeding o.5 g/cm34411.31.000 -- not mechanically worked or surface covered20.00%4411.39.000 -- Other20.00%4411.9- Other:4411.91.000 -- not mechanically worked or surface covered20.00%4411.99.000 -- Other20.00%44.12PLYWOOD, VENEERED PANELS AND SIMILAR LAMINATED WOOD:4412.1 - Plywood consisting solely Of sheets Of Wood, each ply not exceeding 6mm thickness4412.11.000 -- with at least one outer ply Of the following tropical woods: dark red meranti, light red meranti, white lauan, sipo, limbba, okoume, obeche acajou d'afrique, baboen, mahogany, palissandre du bresil or bois de rose femelle20.00%4412.12.000 -- Other, with at least one outer ply Of Non-Coniferous Wood20.00%4412.19.000 -- Other - Other, with at least one outer ply Of Non-coniferous wood20.00%4412.21.000 -- containing at least one layer Of particle board20.00%4412.29-- Other:4412.29.100 --- Blockboard, laminboard and battenboard20.00%4412.29.900 --- Other20.00%4412.9 - Other4412.91.000 -- containing at least one layer Of particle board20.00%4412.99-- Other:TMF - Tariff Maintenance Facilities15/07/96KazakhstanID4412.99.100 --- Blockboard, laminboard and battenboard20.00%4412.99.900 --- Other20.00%4413.00.000Densified wood, in blocks, plates, strips or profile shapes20.00%4414Wooden frames for paintings, photographs, mirrors or similar objects4414.00.100 --- Of tropical wood, as specified in additional note 2 to chapter20.00%4414.00.900 --- Other20.00%44.15PACKING CASES, BOXES, CRATES, DRUMS AND SIMILAR PACKINGS, OF WOOD; CABLE-DRUMS OF WOOD; PALLETS AND OTHER LOAD BOARDS, OF WOOD4415.1 - Cases, boxes, crates, drums and similar packings; cable drums4415.10.100 --- cases, boxes, crates, drums and similar packings20.00%4415.10.900 --- Cable-drums20.00%4415.2- Pallets, box pallets and other load boards:4415.20.100 --- Flat Pallets20.00%4415.20.900 --- Other20.00%4416 Casks, barrels, vats, tubs and other coopers' products and parts thereof, of wood, including staves:4416.00.100 --- Riven staves Of Wood, not further prepared than sawn on one principal surface; sawn staves of wood, of which at least one principal surface has been sylindrically sawn, not further prepared than sawn20.00%4416.00.900 --- Other20.00%4417 Tools, tool bodies, tool handles, broom or brush bodies and handless, of wood boot or shoe lasts and trees, of wood: 4417.00.100 --- Handles for articles of cutlery, forks and spoons; brush bodies20.00%4417.00.900 --- Other20.00%44.18BUILDERS' JOINERY AND CARPENTRY OF WOOD, INCLUDING CELLULAR WOOD PANELS, ASSEMBLED PARQUET PANELS, SHINGLES AND SHAKOS:4418.10.000 - windows, french-windows and their frames20.00%4418.2- Doors and their frames and thresholds:4418.20.100 -- OF TROPICAL WOOD, AS SPECIFIED IN ADDITIONAL NOTE 2 TO THIS CHAPTER20.00%4418.20.900 -- Of Other Wood20.00%4418.3- Parquet panels:4418. 15.100 --- For mosaic floors30.00%4418. 15.900 --- Other30.00%4418.40.000 - Shuttering For Concrete constructional work30.00%4418.50.000 - Shingles and shakes30.00%4418.90.000 - Other30.00%4419Tableware and kitchenware, of wood:4419.00.100 --- Of tropical wood, as specified in additional note 2 this chapter20.00%4419.00.900 --- Of Other Wood20.00%44.2WOOD MARQUETRY AND INLAID WOOD; CASKETS AND CASES FOR JEWELLERY OR CUTLERY, AND SIMILAR ARTICLES, OF WOOD; STATUETTES AND OTHER ORNAMENTS, OF WOOD; WOODEN ARTICELS OF FURNITURE NOT FALLING WITHIN CHAPTER 944420.1- Statuettes and other ornaments, of wood:4420.10.110 ---- Of tropical wood, as specified in additional note 2 to this chapter20.00%4420.10.190 ---- Other20.00%4420.9- Other:4420.90.1--- Wood marquetry and inlaid wood:4420.90.110 ---- Of tropical wood, as specified in additional note 2 to this chapter20.00%4420.90.190 ---- Other20.00%4420.90.9--- Other:4420.90.910 ---- Of tropical wood, as specified in additional note 2 to this chapter20.00%4420.90.990 ---- Other20.00%44.21OTHER ARTICLES OF WOOD:4421.10.000 - Clothes hangers20.00%TMF - Tariff Maintenance Facilities15/07/96KazakhstanID4421.9- Other:4421.90.100 --- Spools, cops, bobbins, sewing thread reels and the like, of furned wood20.00%4421.90. 150 --- Blind rollers, whether or not fitted with springs20.00%4421.90.500--- Natch splints; wooden pegs or pins for footwear20.00%4421.90.9--- Other:4421.90.910 ---- Of Fibreboard20.00%4421.90.990 ---- Other20.00%TMF - Tariff Maintenance Facilities15/07/96KazakhstanID45.01NATURAL CORK, RAW OR SIMPLY PREPARED; WASTE CORK; CRUSHED,GRANULATED OR GROUND:4501.10.000 - natural cork, Raw or simply prepared5.00%4501.90.000 - Other5.00%4502.00.000Natural cork, debacked or roughly squared, or in rectangular (including square) blocks, plates sheets or strip, (including sharp edged blanks for corks and stoppers)5.00%45.03ARTICLES OF NATURAL CORK:4503.10.000 - Corks and Stoppers5.00%4503.90.000 - Other5.00%45.04AGGLOMERATED CORK (WITH OR WITHOUT A BINDING SUBSTANCE) AND ARTICLES OF AGGLOMERATED CORK:4504.10.000 - Blocks, plates, sheets and strip; tiles of any shape; solid cylinders, including discs5.00%4504.9- Other:4504.90.100 --- Gaskets, washers and Other seals, For use in civil aircraft5.00%4504.90.900 --- Other5.00%46.01PLAITS AND SIMILAR PRODUCTS OF PLATING MATERIALS, WHETHER OR NOT ASSEMBLED INTO STRIPS; PLAITING MATERIALS, PLAITS AND SIMILAR PRODUCTS OF PLAITING MATERIALS, BOUND TOGETHER IN PARALLEL STRANDS OR WOVEN, IN SHEETS FORM, WHETHER OR NOT BEING FINISHED ARTICLES (FOR EXAMPLE, MATS, MATTING, SCREENS):4601.1 - Plaits and similar products Of plaiting materials, whether or not assembled into strips;4601.10.100 --- Of unspun Vegetable materials25.00%4601.10.900 --- Other25.00%4601.2- Mats, matting and screens of vegetable materials:4601.20.100--- Of plaits or similar products of subheading no. 46.01 1025.00%4601.20.900--- Other - other:25.00%4601.91-- Of vegetable material:4601.91.100--- Of plaits or similar products of subheading no.46.01 1025.00%4601.91.900 --- Other25.00%4601.99-- Other:4601.99.100--- Of plaits or similar products of subheading no.46.01 1025.00%4601.99.900 --- Other25.00%46.02BASKETWORK, WICKERWORK AND OTHER ARTICLES, MADE DIRECTLY TO Shape FROM PLAITING MATERIALS OR MADE UP FROM GOODS OF HEADING NO 46.01; ARTICLES OF LOOFAN:4602.1- Of vegetable materials:4602.10.100 --- Straw envelopes For bottles25.00%4602.10.9--- Other:4602.10.910 ---- Basketwork, wickerwork and Other articles, made directly to shape from plaiting materials25.00%4602.10.990 ---- Other25.00%4602.9- Other:4602.90.100 --- Basketwork, wickerwork and Other articles, made directly to shape from plaiting materials25.00%4602.90.900 --- Other25.00%TMF - Tariff Maintenance Facilities15/07/96KazakhstanID4701Mechanical wood pulp:4701.00.100 --- Thermo-mechanical Wood pulp15.00%4701.00.900 --- Other15.00%4702.00.000Chemical wood pulp, dissolving grades15.00%47.03CHEMICAL WOOD PULP, SODA OR SULPHATE, OTHER THAN DISSOLVING GRADES:4703.1- Unbleached:4703.11.000 -- Coniferous15.00%4703.19.000 -- Non-Coniferous15.00%4703.2- Semi-bleached or bleached:4703.21.000 -- Coniferous15.00%4703.29.000 -- Non-Coniferous15.00%47.04CHEMICAL WOOD PULP, SULPHITE, OTHER THAN DISSOLVING GRADES:4704.1- Unbleached;4704.11.000 -- Coniferous15.00%4704.19.000 -- Non-Coniferous15.00%4704.2- Semi-bleached or bleached:4704.21.000 -- Coniferous15.00%4704.29.000 -- Non-Coniferous15.00%4705.00.000Semi-cellulosa15.00%47.06PULPS OF OTHER FIBROUS VEGETABLE MATERIAL:4706.10.000 - cotton linters pulp15.00%4706.9- Other:4706.91.000 -- mechanical15.00%4706.92-- Cellulosa:4706.92.100 --- Unbleached15.00%4706.92.900 --- semi-bleached or bleached15.00%4706.93.000 -- semi-Cellulosa15.00%47.07WASTE AND SCRAP OF PAPER OR PAPERBOARD:4707.10.000 - Of Unbleached kraft paper or paperboard or Of Corrugated15.00%4707.20.000 - Of Other paper or paperboard made mainly Of bleached chemical pulp, not coloured in the mass15.00%4707.3 - Of paper or paperboard made mainly of mechanical pulp (for example newspaper, journals and similar printed matter)4707. 15.100 --- Old and unsold newspapers and magazines, telephone directories, brochures and printed advertising material15.00%4707. 15.900 --- Other15.00%4707.9- Other, including unsorted waste and scrap:4707.90.100 --- unsorted15.00%4707.90.900 --- Sorted15.00%4801Newsprint, in rolls or sheets:4801.00.100--- Mentioned in the additional note 1 to this chapter15.00%4801.00.900 --- Other15.00%48.02UNCOATED PAPER AND PAPERBOARD, OF A KIND USED FOR WRITING, PRINTING OR OTHER GRAPHIC PURPOSES, AND PUNCH TAPE PAPER, IN ROLLS OR SHEETS, OTHER THAN PAPER OF HEADING NO.48.01 OR 48.03; HAND MADE PAPER AND PAPER BOARD4802.10.000 - Hand-made paper and paperboard15.00%4802.20.000 - Paper and paperboard of a kind used as a base for photo-sensitive, heat-sensitive or electrosensitive Paper or paperboard15.00%4802. 15.000 - Carbonising base paper15.00%4802.4- Wallpaper base:4802.40.100 --- not containing Fibres obtained by a mechanical process or which not more than 10% by weight of the local fibre contents of such fibres10.00%4802.40.900 --- Other10.00%4802.5 - Other paper and paperboard, not containing Fibres obtained by a mechanical process or of which not more than10% by weight of total fibre content consists of such fibres:4802.51-- Weighing less than 40 g/m2:4802.51.100 --- Paper weighing not more than 15 g/m2 for use in stencil making15.00%4802.51.900 --- Other15.00%4802.52.000-- Weighing 40 g/m2 or more but not more than 150 g/m215.00%4802.53-- Weighing more than 150 g/m2:4802.53.1--- For punch card stock:4802.53.110 ---- kraft paper and paperboard15.00%4802.53.190 ---- Other15.00%4802.53.900 --- Other15.00%4802.6 - Other paper and paperboard, of which more than 10% by weight of the total fibre content consists of fibres obtained by a mechanical process4802.60.100 --- Weighing less than 72 g/m2 and of which more than 50% by weight of the total fibre content consists of fibres obtained by a mechanical process15.00%4802.60.900 --- Other15.00%4803Toilet or facial tissue stock, towel or napkin stock and similar paper of a kind used for household or sanitary purposes, cellulose wadding and webs of cellulose waddingof cellulolose fibres of a weight exceeding 36cm or in rectangular (including square)with at least one side exceeding 36 cm in the unfolded state:4803.00.100 --- Cellulose Wadding - creped paper and webs Of Cellulose fibres (tissues), weighted per ply:15.00%4803.00.310---- Not more than 25 g/m215.00%4803.00.390---- More than 25 g/m215.00%4803.00.900 --- Other15.00%48.04UNCOATED KRAFT PAPER AND PAPERBOARD, IN ROLLS OR SHEETS,OTHER THAN THAT OF HEADING NO 48.02, OR 48,03:4804.1- Kraftliner:4804.11-- Unbleached:4804.11.1 --- Of which not less than 80% by weight of the total fibre content consists of coniferous fibres obtaining by chemical sulphate or soda process:4804.11.110---- Weighing less than 150 g/m215.00%4804.11.150---- Weighing 150 g/m2 or more but less than 175 g/m215.00%4804.11.190---- Weighing 175 g/m2 or more15.00%4804.11.900 --- Other15.00%4804.19-- Other:4804.19.1 --- Of which not less than 80% by weight of the total fibre content consists of coniferous fibres obtaining by chemical sulphate or soda process:4804.19.11 ---- Composed Of one or more layers Unbleached and an outside layer bleached, semi-bleached or coloured weighing per m24804.19.110---- Less than 150g15.00%4804.19.150---- 150 g or more but less than 175 g15.00%4804.19.190---- 175 g or more15.00%4804.19.3--- Other, weighing per m2:4804.19.310---- Less than 150g15.00%4804.19.350---- 150 g or more but less than 175 g15.00%TMF - Tariff Maintenance Facilities15/07/96KazakhstanID4804.19.390---- 175 g or more15.00%4804.19.900 --- Other15.00%4804.2- Sack kraft paper:4804.21-- Unbleached:4804.21.100 --- Of which not less than 80% by weight of the total fibre content consists of coniferous fibres obtaining by chemical sulphate or soda process:15.00%4804.21.900 --- Other15.00%4804.29-- Other:4804.29.100 --- Of which not less than 80% by weight of the total fibre content consists of coniferous fibres obtaining by chemical sulphate or soda process:15.00%4804.29.900 --- Other15.00%4804.3- Other kraft paper and paperboard weighing 150 g/m2 or less4804.31-- Unbleached:4804.31.100--- For the manufacture of paper yarn of heading no. 53.0815.00%4804.31.5--- Of which not less than 80% by weight of the total fibre4804.31.510 ---- kraft electro-technical insulating paper5.00%4804.31.590 ---- Other15.00%4804.31.900 --- Other15.00%4804.39-- Other:4804.39.100 --- For the manufacture of paper yarn of heading no. 53.08 or of other; paper yarn reinforced with metal of heading no56.0715.00%4804.39.5--- Other:4804.39.51 ---- Of which not less than 8% by weight of the total fibre content consists of coniferous fibres obtaining by chemical sulphate or soda process:4804.39.510 ---- bleached uniformly throughout the mass15.00%4804.39.590 ---- Other15.00%4804.39.900 --- Other15.00%4804.4 - Other kraft paper and paperboard weighing more than 150 g/m2 but less than 225 g/m2:4804.41-- Unbleached:4804.41.100 --- Of which not less than 80% by weight of the total fibrecontent consists of coniferous fibres obtaining by chemical sulphate or soda process:15.00%4804.41.9--- Other:4804.41.910 ---- Saturating kraft15.00%4804.41.990 ---- Other15.00%4804.42 -- bleached uniformly throughout the mass and Of which more than 95% by weight of the total fibre content consists of wood fibres obtained by chemical process4804.42.100 --- Of which not less than 80% by weight of the total fibre content consists of coniferous fibres obtaining by chemical sulphate or soda process:15.00%4804.42.900 --- Other15.00%4804.49-- Other:4804.49.100 --- Which not less than 8% by weight of the total fibre content consists of coniferous fibres obtaining by chemical sulphate or soda process:15.00%4804.49.900 --- Other15.00%4804.5 - Other kraft paper and paperboard weighing 225 g/m2 or more:4804.51-- Unbleached:4804.51.100 --- Of which not less than 80% by weight of the total fibre content consists of coniferous fibres obtaining by chemical sulphate or soda process:15.00%4804.51.900 --- Other15.00%4804.52 -- bleached uniformly throughout the mass and Of which more of wood fibres obtained by a chemical process than 95% by weight of the total fibre content4804.52.100 --- Of which not less than 8% by weight of the total fibre content consists of coniferous fibres obtaining by chemical sulphate or soda process:15.00%4804.52.900 --- Other15.00%4804.59-- Other:4804.59.100 --- Of which not less than 80% by weight of the total fibre content consists of coniferous fibres obtaining by chemical sulphate or soda process:15.00%TMF - Tariff Maintenance Facilities15/07/96KazakhstanID4804.59.900 --- Other15.00%48.05OTHER UNCOATED PAPER AND PAPERBOARD, IN ROLLS OR SHEETS:4805.10.000 - semi-chemical fluting paper (corrugating Medium)5.00%4805.2- Multi-ply paper and paperboard:4805.21.000 -- each layer bleached15.00%4805.22-- With only one outer layer bleached:4805.22.100 --- Testliner15.00%4805.22.900 --- Other15.00%4805.23.000 -- having Three or more layers, Of which Only the two outer chemical are bleached15.00%4805.29-- Other:4805.29.100 --- Testliner15.00%4805.29.900 --- Other15.00%4805.3- Sulphite wrapping paper:4805. 15.100--- Weighing less than 15 g/m25.00%4805. 15.900--- Weighing 15 g/m2 or more5.00%4805.40.000 - filter paper and paperboard15.00%4805.50.000 - Felt paper and paperboard15.00%4805.6- Other paper and paperboard, weighing 150 g/m2 or less:4805.60.100 --- Strawpaper and strawboard15.00%4805.60. 150 --- paper and paperboard For Corrugated paper and paperboard15.00%4805.60.900 --- Other15.00%4805.7 - Other paper and paperboard, weighing more than 150 g/m2 but less than 225g/m24805.70.1 --- paper and paperboard For Corrugated paper and paperboard4805.70.110 ---- Testliner15.00%4805.70.190 ---- Other15.00%4805.70.900 --- Other15.00%4805.8- Other paper and paperboard, weighing 225 g/m2 or more:4805.80.1--- Made from wastepaper:4805.80.110 ---- Testliner15.00%4805.80.190 ---- Other15.00%4805.80.900 --- Other15.00%48.06VEGETABLE PARCHMENT, GREASEPROOF PAPERS, TRACING PAPERS AND GLASSINE AND OTHER GLASED TRANSPERANT OR TRANSLUCENT PAPERS, IN ROLLS OR IN SHEETS:4806.10.000 - Vegetable parchment5.00%4806.20.000 - Greaseproof papers5.00%4806. 15.000 - Tracing papers5.00%4806.4 - Glassine and Other glazed transparent or translucent papers:4806.40.100 --- Glassine papers5.00%4806.40.900 --- Other5.00%48.07COMPOSITE PAPER AND PAPERBOARD (MADE BY STICKING FLAT LAYERS of PAPER OR PAPERBOARD TOGETHER WITH AN ADHESIVE) NOT SURFACE COAT OR IMPEGNATED, WETHER OR NOT INTERNALLY REINFORCED, IN ROLLS OR SHEETS:4807.10.000 - Paper and paperboard, laminated internally with bitumen, tar or asphalt5.00%4807.9- Other:4807.91.000 -- Straw paper and paperboard, whether or not covered with paper other than straw paper5.00%4807.99-- Other:4807.99.1--- Made from wastepaper, whether or not covered with paper:4807.99.110 ---- Composed Of two or more layers Of different nature5.00%4807.99.190 ---- Other5.00%TMF - Tariff Maintenance Facilities15/07/96KazakhstanID4807.99.900 --- Other5.00%48.08PAPER AND PAPERBOARD, CORRUGATED (WITH OR WITHOUT GLUED FLAT SURFACE SHEETS), CREPED, CRINKLED, EMBOSSED OR PERFORATED, IN ROLLE OR SHEETS, OTHER THAN THAT OF HEADING 48.03 OR 48.184808.1 - Corrugated paper and paperboard, whether or not perfo- rated4808.10.100 --- on which paper or paperboard has been glued on one side20.00%4808.10.900 --- Other20.00%4808.20.000 - Sack kraft paper, creped or crinkled, whether or not or embossed or perforated20.00%4808. 15.000 - Other kraft paper, creped or crinkled, whether or not embossed or perforated20.00%4808.90.000 - Other20.00%48.09CARBON PAPER, SELF-COPY PAPER AND OTHER COPYING OR TRANSFER PEPERS (INCLUDING COATED OR IMPREGNATED PAPER FOR DUPLICATOR STENSILS OR OFFSET PLATES), WHETHER OR NOT IN ROLLS OF A WIDTH EXCEEDING 36 CM OR IN RECTANGULAR (INCLUDING SQUARE) SHEETS WITH AT LEAST ONE SIDE EXCEEDING 36 CM IN UNFOALDED STATE4809.10.000 - Carbon or similar copying papers15.00%4809.20.000 - Self-copy paper15.00%4809.90.000 - Other15.00%48.1PAPER AND PAPERBOARD, COATED ON ONE OR BOTH SIDES WITH KAOLIN (CHINA CLAY OR OTHER INORGANIC SUBSTANSES WITH OR WITHOUT A BINDER, AND WITH NO OTHER COATING, WHETHER OR NOT SURFACE-COLOURED, SURFACE DECORATED OR PRINTED, IN ROLLS OR SHEETS:4810.1 - paper and paperboard Of a kind used For Writing, Printing or other graphic purposes, not containing fibres obtained by a mechnical process or of which not more than 10% by a weight total fibre content consists of such fibres15.00%4810.11-- Weighing not more than 150 g/m2:4810.11.100 --- Paper and paperboard of a kind used as a base for photosensitive heatsensitive and electrosensitive15.00%4810.11.900 --- Other15.00%4810.12.000-- Weighing more than 150 g/m215.00%4810.2 - paper and paperboard Of a kind used For Writing, Printing or other graphic purposes, not containing fibres obtained by a mechnical process or of which not more than 10% by a weight total fibre content consists of such fibres4810.21.000 -- light-weight coated paper15.00%4810.29-- Other:4810.29.100 --- in rolls15.00%4810.29.900 --- in sheets15.00%4810.3 - kraft paper and paperboard, Other than that Of a kind used for writting, printing or other graphic purposes:4810.31.000 -- bleached uniformly throughout the mass and Of which more than 95% by weight of total fibre weighting 150g/m2 or less15.00%4810.32 -- Bleached uniformly throughout the mass and 95% by weight more than 95% by weight of the total fibre and more than weighting 150g/m2 4810.32.100 --- coated with kaolin15.00%4810.32.900 --- Other15.00%4810.39.000 -- Other15.00%4810.9- Other paper and paperboard:4810.91-- Multi-ply:4810.91.100 --- each layer bleached15.00%4810.91. 150 --- with Only one outer layer bleached15.00%4810.91.900 --- Other15.00%4810.99-- Other:4810.99.100 --- bleached paper and paperboard, coated with kaolin15.00%4810.99. 150 --- coated with mica powder15.00%4810.99.900 --- Other15.00%48.11PAPER, PAPERBOARD, CELLULOSE WADDING AND WEBS OF CELLULOSE FIBRE, COATED, IMPREGNATED; COVERED SURFACE-COLOURED SURFACE DECORATED OR PRINTED IN ROLLS OR SHEETS OTHER THAN GOODS OF HEADING NO .48.03, 48.09,48.10 OR 48.18;4811.10.000 - Tarred, bituminised or asphalted paper and paperboard15.00%4811.2- Gummed or adhesive paper and paperboard:4811.21.000 -- Self-Adhesive15.00%4811.29.000 -- Other15.00%4811.3 - paper and paperboard coated, impregnated or covered with4811.31.000-- Bleached, weighing more than 150 g/m25.00%4811.39.000 -- Otherduty freeTMF - Tariff Maintenance Facilities15/07/96KazakhstanID4811.40.000 - paper and paperboard coated, impregnated or covered with plastics (excluding adhesives):15.00%4811.9 - Other paper. paperboard, Cellulose Wadding and webs Of cellulose fibres4811.90.100 --- Continuous forms15.00%4811.90.900 --- Other5.00%4812.00.000Filter blocks, slabs and plates, of paper pulp15.00%48.13CIGARETTE PAPER, WHETHER OR NOT CUT TO SIZE OR IN THE FORM OF BOOKLETS OR TUBES:4813.10.000 - in the form Of booklets or tubes5.00%4813.20.000- In rolls of a width not exceeding 5 cm5.00%4813.9- Other:4813.90.100 --- Not impregnated, in rolls of a width exceeding 15 cm, or in rectangular (including scuare) sheets with one side exceeding 36 cm5.00%4813.90.900 --- Other5.00%48.14WALLPAPER AND SIMILAR WALL COVERINGS; WINDOW TRANSPARENCIES OR PAPER:4814.10.000- "ingrain" paper15.00%4814.20.000 - Wallpaper and similar wall coverings, consisting Of paper coated or covered on the face side, with a grained embossed coloured design-printed or otherw ise decorated layer or plastics15.00%4814. 15.000 - Wallpaper and similar wall coverings, consisting Of paper covered on the face side with plainting material whether or not bound together with parallel strands or woven15.00%4814.9- Other:4814.90.100 --- Wallpaper and similar wall coverings, consisting Of grained embossed, surface colored, design printed or otherwise surface decorated paper with transporant protective plastics15.00%4814.90.900 --- Other15.00%4815.00.000Floor coverings on a base of paper or of paperboard, whether or not cut to size15.00%48.16CARBON PAPER, SELF-COPY AND OTHER COPING OR CARBON PAPERS (OTHER THAN THOSE OF HEADING NO 48,09) DUPLICATOR STENCILS AND OFFSET PLATES, OF PAPER, WHETHER OR NOT PUT UP IN BOXES4816.10.000 - Carbon or similar copying papers15.00%4816.20.000 - Self-copy paper15.00%4816. 15.000 - Duplicator stencils15.00%4816.90.000 - Other15.00%48.17ENVELOPES, LETTER CARDS, PLAIN POSTCARDS AND CORRESPONDENCE CARDS, OF PAPER PAPERBOARD; CONTAINING AN ASSORTIMENT OF PAPER STATIONARY:4817.10.000 - envelopes15.00%4817.20.000 - Letter cards, Plain postcards and correspondence cards15.00%4817. 15.000 - boxes, pouches, wallets and Writing compendiums, Of paper or paperboard containing an assortment of paper stationery15.00%48.18TOILET PAPER, HANDKERCHIEFS, CLEANSING TISSUES, TOWELS, TABLECLOTHS, SERVIETTES, NAPKINS FOR BABIES, TAMPONS, BED SHEETS AND SIMULAR HOUSEHOLD, SANITERY OR HOSPITAL ARTICLES ARTICLES OF PAREL AND CLOUTHING ACCESSORIES, OF PAPER PULP, PAPER WADDING OR WEBSOF CELLULOSE FIBRE4818.1- Toilet paper:4818.10.100--- Weighing, per ply, 25 g/m2 or less20.00%4818.10.900--- Weighing, per ply, more than 25 g/m220.00%4818.2 - Handkerchiefs, cleansing or facial tis4818.20.100 --- Handkerchiefs and cleansing or facial tissues15.00%4818.20.9--- Hand towels:4818.20.910 ---- in rolls15.00%4818.20.990 ---- Other15.00%4818. 15.000 - Tablecloths and serviettes15.00%4818.4 - Sanitary towels and tampons, napkins and napkin liners For babies and similar sanitary articles4818.40.1--- Sanitary towels, tampons and similar articles:4818.40.110 ---- Sanitary towelsduty free4818.40.1 15 ---- tamponsduty free4818.40.190 ---- Otherduty free4818.40.9 --- napkins and napkin liners For babies and similar sanitary articlesduty free4818.40.910 ---- not put up For retail saleduty free4818.40.990 ---- Otherduty free4818.50.000 - articles Of apparel and clothing accessories15.00%TMF - Tariff Maintenance Facilities15/07/96KazakhstanID4818.9- Other:4818.90.100 --- articles Of a kind used For surgical, medical or hygienic purpose, not put up for retail saleduty free4818.90.900 --- Otherduty free48.19CARTONS, BOXES, CASES, BAGS AND OTHER PACKING CONTAINERS, OF PAPER, PAPERBOARD, CELLULOSE WADDING OR WEBS OF CELLULOSE FIBRES; BOX FILES, LETTER TRAYS, AND SIMULAR ARTICLES, OF PAPER OR PAPERBOARD OF A KIND USED IN OFFICES, SHOPS OR THE LIKE:4819.10.000 - Cartons, boxes and cases, Of Corrugated paper or paperboard10.00%4819.2 - Folding Cartons, boxes and cases, Of Non Corrugated paper or paperboard4819.20.100 --- with a weight Of the paper or the paperboard Of less than 600g/ml10.00%4819.20.900 --- With a weight of the paper or the paperboard of 600 g/ml or more10.00%4819. 15.000- Sacks and bags, having a base of a width of 40 cm or more10.00%4819.40.000 - Other Sacks and bags, including cones10.00%4819.50.000 - Other packing containers, including record sleeves10.00%4819.60.000 - box files, Letter trays, storage boxes and similar articles, of a kind used in offices, shops or the like10.00%48.2REGISTERS, ACCOUNT BOOKS, NOTE BOOKS, ORDER BOOKS, RECEIPT BOOKS, LETTER PADS, MEMORANDUM PADS, DIARIES AND SIMILAR ARTICLES EXERCISE BOOKS, BLOOTTING PADS, BINDERS (LOOSE-LEAF OR OTHER), BOOKS, FOLDERS. FILE COVERS, MANIFOLD BUSINESS FORMS, INTERLEAVED CARBON SETS AND OTHER ARTICLES OF STATIONARY, OF PAPER OR PAPERBOARD; ALBUS FOR COLLECTIONS AND BOOK OF PAPER OR PAPERBOARD4820.1 - Registers, account books, note books, order books, receipt books, letter pads, memorandum pads, diaries and similar articles:4820.10.100 --- Registers, account books, order books and receipt books15.00%4820.10. 150 --- note books, Letter pads and memorandum15.00%4820.10.500 --- Diaries15.00%4820.10.900 --- Other15.00%4820.20.000 - Exercise books15.00%4820. 15.000 - binders (Other than book covers), folders and file covers15.00%4820.4- Manifold business and interleaved carbon sets:4820.40.100 --- Continuous forms15.00%4820.40.900 --- Other15.00%4820.50.000 - Albums For samples or For collections15.00%4820.90.000 - Other15.00%48.21PAPER OR PAPERBOARD LABELS OF ALL KINDS, WHETHER OR NOT PRINTED4821.1- Printed:4821.10.100 --- Self-Adhesive5.00%4821.10.900 --- Other5.00%4821.9- Other:4821.90.100 --- Self-Adhesive5.00%4821.90.900 --- Other5.00%48.22BOBBINS, SPOOLS, COPS AND SIMILAR SUPPORTS OF PAPER PULP,PAPER OR PAPERBOARD4822.10.000 - Of a kind used For winding textile yarn5.00%4822.90.000 - Other5.00%48.23OTHER PAPER, PAPERBOARD, CELLULOSE WADDING AND WEBS OF CELLULOSE, FIBRES, CUT TO SIZE OR SHAPE; OTHER ARTICLES OF PAPER PULP PAPER, PAPERBOARD, CELLULOSE WADDING OR WEBS OF CELLULOSE FIBRES:4823.1- Gummed or adhesive paper, in strips or rolls:4823.11-- Self-adhesive:4823.11.100 --- Strips of a width not exceeding 10 cm, the coating of which consists of unvulcanised natural or synthtic rubber15.00%4823.11.900 --- Other15.00%4823.19.000 -- Other15.00%4823.20.000 - filter paper and paperboard5.00%4823. 30.000 - cards, not punched, For punch card machines, whether or not in sprips5.00%4823.40.000 - rolls,sheets and dials, printed For Self-recording apparatus5.00%4823.5 - Other paper and paperboard, Of a kind used For Writing, Printing or other graphic purposes4823.51-- Printed, embossed or perforated:4823.51.100 --- Continuous forms15.00%4823.51.900 --- Other15.00%TMF - Tariff Maintenance Facilities15/07/96KazakhstanID4823.59-- Other:4823.59.100 --- in strips or rolls For Office machines and the like15.00%4823.59.900 --- Other15.00%4823.6 - trays, dishes, plates, cups and the like, Of paper or paperboard4823.60.100 --- trays, dishes and plates15.00%4823.60.900 --- Other15.00%4823.7- Moulded or pressed articles of paper pulp:4823.70.100 --- moulded trays and boxes For packing eggs15.00%4823.70.900 --- Other15.00%4823.9- Other:4823.90.100 --- Gaskets, washers and Other seals, For use in civil aircraft15.00%4823.90.2--- Other:4823.90.200 --- Perforated paper and paperboard For jacquard and similar machines5.00%4823.90. 150 --- Fans and hand screens; frames therefor and parts of such frames15.00%4823.90.5--- Cut to size or shape:4823.90.510 ---- Condenser paper5.00%4823.90.7--- Other:4823.90.710 ---- Gummed or Adhesive paper15.00%4823.90.790 ---- Other15.00%4823.90.900 --- Other5.00%49.01printed books, brochures, leaflets and similar printed matter, whether or not in single sheets:4901.10.000 - in single sheets, whether or not foldedduty free4901.9- Other:4901.91.000 -- Dictionaries and encyclopaedias, and serial instalments thereofduty free4901.99.000 -- Otherduty free49.02NEWSPAPERS, JOURNALS AND PERIODICALS, WHETHER OR NOT ILLUSTRAITING OR CONTAINING ADVERTAISING MATERIALS4902.10.000 - Appearing at least four times a weekduty free4902.90.000 - Otherduty free4903.00.000Children's picture, drawing or colouring booksduty free4904.00.000Music, printed or in manuscript, whether or not bound or illustratedduty free49.05MAPS AND HYDROGRAPHIC OR SIMILAR CHARTS OF ALL KINDS, INCLUDING ATLASES, WALL MAPS, TOPOGRAPHOCAL PLANS, AND GLOBES, PRINTED4905.10.000 - Globesduty free4905.9- Other:4905.91.000 -- in book formduty free4905.99.000 -- Otherduty free4906.00.000Plans and drawings for architectural, engineering,industrial, commercial topographical or similar purposes, being originals drawn by hand; hand written texts; photographic reproduction or sencitised paper and carbon copies of the foregoingduty free4907Unused postage, revenue or similar stamps of current or new issue in the country t which they are destined stempimpressed paper; banknotes; cheque forms; stock, share or bond certificates and similar documents of title:4907.00.100 --- Postage, revenue and similar stamps15.00%4907.00. 300 --- Banknotesduty free4907.00.9--- Other:4907.00.910 ---- Signed and numbered15.00%4907.00.990 ---- Other15.00%49.08TRANSFERS (DECALCOMANIAS):4908.10.000 - Transfers (decalcomanias), Vitrifiable15.00%4908.90.000 - Other15.00%4909.00.000Printed or illustrated postcards; printed cards bearing personal greetings, messages or announcements, whetyher or not illustrated with or without envelops or trimmings15.00%4910.00.000Calendars of any kind, printed, including calendar blocks15.00%49.11OTHER PRINTED MATTER, INCLUDING PRINTED PICTURES AND PHOTOGRAPHS:4911.10.000 - Trade advertising material, commercial catalogues and the similar products5.00%4911.9- Other:4911.91-- Pictures, designs and photographs:4911.91.100 --- sheets (not being Trade advertising material), not folded, merely with illustrations or pictures not bearing a text or caption, for editions of books or periodicals which are published in different countries in one or more languagesduty free4911.91.800 --- Otherduty free4911.99.000 -- Other15.00% Resolution N 1389 of the Republic of Kazakstan November 14, 1996 /=GnSCANDSKW.EXE /SAGERUN:0GHau]a b%&'()*+4?BCI"CMNZlvw0000000000 H x&(, H x&(,( "#0mwxyz{|Z[\c0000000000 H  x&(, H x&(, H x&(,% !"){|}$.89EOYZ[\]^e0000000000 H  x&(, H x&(,( : @ A M 3 9 : F 0000000000 H  x&(, H x&(,(F Q W X d        % Z t u v        $ - . / ; 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