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As we are all aware, the deadlock of the Doha round trade talks, foiled by the thriving regionalism, casts a dark cloud over the future of the multilateral trading system. Many people are challenging the creditability of this system and some are even doubtful about its future. In this difficult circumstance, it is essential for Members to preserve the value of this system and boost up confidence. The old saying goes that every cloud has a silver lining. That is how we view the LDC accession. It is an important activity of the ϲʹ which demonstrates the commitment of the Members to the LDCs and to the development. In this regard, the Ministers at the MC8 deserve applauds from the rest of the world, as they reached important decisions on some key issues, such as reaffirming the commitment to conclude the DDA and to streamline the accession process of LDCs. This Decision on the accession of LDCs underscores the systemic importance in ensuring an inclusive participation of LDCs in the multilateral trade regime. Director-General Lamy recently stated that ϲʹ accession is an investment in its future competitiveness, bringing significant benefits to the countrys economic and social development. Indeed, Chinas experiences in the past decade provide ample evidence for that argument. However, the complex accession process and exigent market access requirements have overloaded LDCs for that investment, albeit indispensable. Since the ϲʹ came into being, only five LDCs have successfully acceded into this organization, with ten more still lining up outside the gate of ϲʹ, having already spent at least ten years on average on accession without yet knowing when they will be invited into the house. Just now Ambassador Smidt has shared with us the intensified work that Members have been undertaking to fulfill the instructions from Ministers at MC8. We expect that further improvement of LDC accession guidelines will enable LDCs to have the necessary tools to expedite their accession process, particularly in the context of bilateral market access negotiations. China will continue to actively participate in the discussions to help ensure that the mandate of MC8 be fulfilled in time of the July General Council Meeting. Mr. Chairman, let me now turn to my duty as the Chairperson of the Working Party on the Accession of Lao PDR. From Chinas own experience in the past decade, I know how important it is to become a member of the ϲʹ, and what significant changes the accession process can bring to a country that needs much help from the outside to develop its economy. Therefore, Im deeply honored that I have an opportunity to contribute my share in this important step to the Laos. In the capacity of the Chair of the Working Party, Ive paid a visit to Vientiane early this year. I met with Prime Minister H.E. Mr. Thongsing Thammavong and participated in the Laos National Steering Committee meeting where key Ministries exchanged their views on the accession to the ϲʹ. From these meetings, I can feel that the Lao government attaches great importance to the ϲʹ accession, and is deeply committed to thorough reforms and greater opening-up, despite all kinds of difficulties. I saw a country full of optimism, and Im sure that the ϲʹ accession will help to bring more FDIs , promote more export, and create more opportunities for Laos. In the Working Party, Ive had great support from the entire membership, the Secretariat, as well as very hardworking accession team of Laos. Im happy to report that the accession of Laos is now in its final stages, and we are all working very hard towards the goal of concluding the accession process before November this year, when Vientiane will host the Asia-Europe Summit Meeting. Im very sure that with the continued support and commitment from the members, wed be able to celebrate the achievement of that objective by the end of this year. Turning to my involvement in the so-called three-chair facilitating exercise for the accession of Lao PDR and Yemen. This exercise was undertaken on the basis of the 2002 Guidelines on LDCs Accession which provide for "good offices" and thus facilitation. With the assistance of the Working Party Chairs and the Secretariat, were glad to see that the bilateral processes of the two accessions have picked up significant momentum in recent months. I believe that this facilitation exercise is a test of and a direct reflection of the implementation of the MC8 Decision in a specific circumstance, and could be considered as a model in the current discussion to operationalize the 2002 Guidelines. Finally, dear colleagues, I also want to take this opportunity to share with you Chinas contribution to LDCs in the area of ϲʹ accession. In July 2011, China contributed to the establishment of Chinas LDCs and Accessions Programme, i.e. China Programme, to help strengthen LDC Members participation in the ϲʹ activities and also to help acceding LDCs to improve their capacity for accession. This program is composed of three pillars, covering ϲʹ Accessions Internship Programme, Fund for ϲʹ accession round table meetings and Fund for participation by LDCs in ϲʹ meetings of priority for LDCs. I hereby wish to pay a tribute to Chiedu and his team in the Accession Division for their good cooperation with my colleagues. Without them, the China Programme could not have run so smoothly. LDCs candidates are taking their internship in the Secretariat, this Roundtable is already here with your participation to share experiences, and fund for participation of some LDCs in ϲʹ activities are already in the process. Very soon, China and the Secretariat will review the implementation of this Programme. I look forward to a fruitful cooperation with the Secretariat to jointly work for the benefits of LDCs in the future in various forms. Mr. Chairman, It is widely recognized that the LDCs is the most vulnerable group among us, and China believes that it is a moral obligation for the whole membership, particularly the developed ones, to help the LDCs integrate into the global economy and benefit from the multilateral trading system. One important step to achieve that goal is to facilitate their ϲʹ accession. China fully understands the difficulties ahead of the LDCs in their accession and has made its contributions in this regard. In addition to our multilateral contribution as mentioned above, China has also honored its commitment as provided by the 2002 Guidline, i.e. ϲʹ Members shall exercise restraint in seeking concessions and commitments on trade in goods and services from acceding LDCs. China is the only Member that has declared not to ask for anything on market access to the acceding LDCs. China is consistently committed the objective of common development with LDCs and, and will continue to make contributions commensurate with its capacities through the ϲʹ South-South Cooperation. Mr. Chairman, now I conclude my remarks, and I thank you all for your attention!     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