Information about the organization

Arthur Dunkel GATT Director-General, 1980 to 1993

Arthur Dunkel, GATT Director-General, 1980 to 1993


Born 26 August 1932, married, two children.

1956: Degree in Economic and Commercial Sciences, University of Lausanne,

Same year: Federal Office for Foreign Economic Affairs (Department of Public Economy), Bern.

Successively Head of the sections for OECD matters (1960), for co-operation with developing countries (1964), for world trade policy (1971). In 1973 appointed Permanent Representative to GATT with the rank of Minister Plenipotentiary. In 1976 promoted Delegate of the Federal Council for Trade Agreements, Ambassador Plenipotentiary. In this capacity, in charge of world trade policy matters, multilateral trade and economic relations with developing countries, industrialization, trade in agriculture and primary products, bilateral trade relations with various partners. Head or acting head of the Swiss delegations to the Tokyo Round negotiations, UNCTAD IV and V, UNIDO, Commodities Conferences, etc.

International functions: Vice-Chairman and Rapporteur of UNCTAD

Intergovernmental Group on Supplementary Financing (1968); Rapporteur of UNCTAD Board (1969); Chairman of Balance-of-payments Committee of GATT (1972/75); Chairman of the United Nations Conference on a new Wheat Agreement (1978), etc.

Mr. Dunkel passed away on 8 June 2005.