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As you will recall, at the informal meeting of Heads of Delegation on 29April, I announced our intention to begin the third and final round of consultations during the week of 9 May on the basis of a revised slate of two candidates, namely Mr. Carlos Prez del Castillo and Mr. Pascal Lamy. Subsequently, in a Fax to all Members on 10May, we advised that these consultations would be concluded at 7 p.m. yesterday, as they were. You will also recall that under the Procedures agreed in 2002, this process is to conclude with a General Council meeting convened not later than 31May2005, at which a decision to appoint a new Director-General must be taken. As I have noted at previous meetings of Heads of Delegation in this process, we have been applying the 2002 Procedures to the letter, and we intend to continue to do so, as I am sure all Members do. In this connection, I also wish to recall that at the meeting of Heads of Delegation on 31March when I announced how my colleagues and I intended to conduct the further process in keeping with the Procedures I made clear that the arrangements for managing the next steps in the process had been discussed with the representatives of the candidates, who agreed to abide by them and by the assessment that the Facilitators and I would make based on the information we received. At the outset today, I want once again to pay tribute to all the candidates and to their respective Governments and Geneva representatives for the dignified manner in which they have conducted themselves in this process. The membership has had in this contest four candidates of great stature, background and experience who have, throughout this process, demonstrated by example their decency, their high regard for and commitment to the multilateral trading system, and their faith in the operation of its rules and procedures. I hope you will all agree with us that in coming forward and participating in the selection process, the candidates have made a significant contribution to the standing and image of the ϲʹ. I would like to say a few words about my two friends, and colleagues in this exercise, Eirik Glenne and Don Stephenson. I could not have wished for better collaborators in this intensely demanding exercise. I would like to pay tribute before all of you to their integrity, their dedication and their commitment in helping this difficult process work in the best interests of the ϲʹ. The membership owes them a great debt, and I would like to thank them most sincerely on behalf of us all. Allow me to commend the Council and TNC Division of the Secretariat for their invaluable professional support throughout. In particular, a very special word of thanks to Margaret Kennedy, who has done an excellent job in organizing and managing our intensive schedule of consultations. In reporting on our assessment from the final stage of the consultative process, let me reiterate that, as in the two previous stages, we have made all possible efforts to consult with all Members, including non-resident ones, as we are required to do under the Procedures. By the end of the third round on Thursday, we had received views from the total membership of 148. Of these, 126 are Geneva-based, and 22 are non-resident delegations. I want to express our gratitude and appreciation to all delegations for their full and constructive engagement in this process. As I have stated on previous occasions, this decision belongs to you, the Members of the ϲʹ. The high level of participation in this process and the clear, constructive way in which Members have expressed their views sends a very positive message to the world about the ϲʹ. You have made our task possible by your co-operation, and I am sure you will go on to formalize a decision at the forthcoming General Council which will show that the membership can manage difficult choices efficiently, inclusively, amicably and on time. As before, the consultations we have held have been conducted on a strictly confidential basis. I and both Facilitators and only we have been present at all the consultations. We have jointly received and reviewed the inputs faxed in confidentially by non-resident delegations. We have consulted with Members individually, in their capacity as representatives of Members and not of country groupings, regarding the views of their respective authorities on the candidates nominated for the post. All delegations were invited to respond to the question: "What are your preferences?", based on the revised slate of candidates announced at the HODs on 29April. As set out in Paragraph 18 of the 2002 Procedures, we are reporting on this final round of consultations to Members at this open-ended meeting of Heads of Delegation. In keeping with the process announced on 31March, we have informed the representatives of the two candidates of our assessment before communicating this to you, the Members. As I indicated on 31March, in assessing the information we received, and in reporting to Members, we have been guided strictly by the elements set out in paragraph 17 of the 2002 Procedures, which require us to assess Members' preferences and the breadth of support for each candidate. Paragraph 17 goes on to say, and I quote, that: "the ultimate aim of the consultation process shall be to identify the candidate around whom consensus can be built. In order to do this, it may be necessary to conduct successive consultations to identify the candidate or candidates least likely to attract such a consensus". Let me also recall paragraph19 of the 2002 Procedures, which stipulates, and I quote, that: "At the end of the final stage of the consultative process, the Chair, with the support of the facilitators, shall submit the name of the candidate most likely to attract consensus and recommend his or her appointment by the General Council." In assessing the preferences expressed by Members, we were guided, as I have said, by the provisions of Paragraph 17. As regards the breadth of support, we, as in the two previous rounds, considered the distribution of preferences across geographic regions and among the categories of Members generally recognized in ϲʹ provisions: that is, LDCs, developing countries and developed countries. As before, other criteria not recognized in ϲʹ provisions were rejected. The preferences and the breadth of support provided a very clear picture of the will of the Members in this final round of the selection process. On the basis of all of the above, and in keeping with the Procedures, our assessment from the information provided to us during this stage of consultations is that the candidate from France, Mr. Pascal Lamy, is the candidate most likely of the two to attract consensus. On this basis, therefore, and in keeping with the provisions of paragraph19 of the 2002 Procedures, I recommend that at the forthcoming meeting of the General Council, on 26-27 May, Members appoint Mr. Pascal Lamy as the next Director-General of the ϲʹ for a period of 4 years starting 1September 2005. Copies of the statement I have just made will be made available to delegations at the podium at the end of this meeting, and circulated subsequently as a Job document in the three official languages. - PAGE 5- ABKklm̰̠̽ppa̠O@h~5CJOJQJ^JaJ"h&hp5>*CJOJQJaJh5CJOJQJ^JaJh>5CJOJQJ^JaJ#h~hw25CJOJQJ^JaJhw25CJOJQJ^JaJh&h&5CJOJQJaJh&5CJOJQJaJh"c5CJOJQJ^JaJ#h~h~5CJOJQJ^JaJhv 5CJOJQJ^JaJ#h7khv 5CJOJQJ^JaJABlm? @ lmdhgd7k hdh^hgd7k & FQdhgd7k dhgd7k & FQdh^`gd7k$a$gd&$a$gd~5$a$gdv '' > ?  + ] g l     ߵ߈zl^Pz^z^zBzhACJOJQJ^JaJhP4aCJOJQJ^JaJh=wjCJOJQJ^JaJhX,CJOJQJ^JaJh ,LCJOJQJ^JaJh>CJOJQJ^JaJ h]YhzACJOJQJ^JaJhzACJOJQJ^JaJhsCJOJQJ^JaJhpqCJOJQJ^JaJh-MCJOJQJ^JaJh""CJOJQJ^JaJ#h]Yh~5CJOJQJ^JaJ - . 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