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Following the close of the nomination period on 31December 2004, the candidates nominated were invited to meet with Members at a formal General Council meeting held on 26January 2005. The candidates had until 31March that is, until today to make themselves known to Members and to engage in discussions on the pertinent issues facing the Organization. We are now entering the final two months of the appointment process. Under the 2002 Procedures, the General Council is directed in this phase to proceed, through a process of consultations, to narrow the field of candidates and ultimately to arrive at its choice for appointment. The process is to conclude with a General Council meeting convened not later than 31May2005, at which a decision to appoint a new Director-General must be taken. As I have already mentioned, the 2002 Procedures were formally adopted by the General Council, and they were the product of lengthy and detailed consultation. I am firmly committed to following them to the letter, as I am sure all Members are. I do not, therefore, envisage a procedural discussion today, nor do I envisage expressions of support for the candidates at this meeting. The aim is to inform all delegations at the outset and in full regard for the importance of transparency in this process how I and my colleagues in this exercise, Amb. Glenne (Norway), Chair of the Dispute Settlement Body, and Amb. Stephenson (Canada), Chair of the Trade Policy Review Body, acting as Facilitators, intend to conduct the further process in keeping with the agreed Procedures. Also in the interests of transparency, let me make it clear that the arrangements I am about to describe for managing the next steps in the process have been discussed with the representatives of the four candidates, who have agreed to abide by them and by the assessment that the Facilitators and I will make based on the information we receive. First, I wish to announce that the initial stage of consultations will start in the week of Monday, 4April. My colleagues and I, jointly, will be available to meet with individual delegations in my office at the ϲʹ, for 10 minutes each, at the dates and times set out in the Fax convening this meeting. Further consultations in this initial round will be scheduled as necessary. I would urge all delegations wishing to meet with us to kindly schedule an appointment as indicated in the Fax. I would like to recall that the Procedures specifically require us to consult with all Members, including non-resident ones. We are fully committed to meeting this requirement and we count on all delegations to assist us to do so by coming forward to consult with us. We are also urging all non-resident Members attending Geneva Week to use this opportunity to meet with us. Arrangements will be made to consult any non-resident members who are not able to see us in Geneva next week. Second, these consultations will be at the level of Head of Delegation. We aim to consult all Members individually, in their capacity as representatives of Members and not of country groupings, regarding the views of their respective authorities on the candidates nominated for the post. Third, The consultations will be on a "confessional" basis. I and both Facilitators and only we will be present at all consultations. These consultations, and in particular the positions and views expressed by individual Members, will be treated in the strictest confidence by me and the Facilitators. The decision on whether or not to make their positions and views public will rest with the Members themselves. I as General Council Chair will be the sole spokesman for the process. Fourth, the consultations will aim at facilitating a decision by Members by consensus from among the four candidates nominated, within the time-frame stipulated in the Procedures, i.e., by 31May at the latest. In assessing the information we receive and reporting to Members, we shall be guided by the elements set out in paragraph 17 of the 2002 Procedures, which require us to assess Members' preferences and the breadth of support for each candidate. Paragraph 17 goes on to say, and I quote, that: "the ultimate aim of the consultation process shall be to identify the candidate around whom consensus can be built. In order to do this, it may be necessary to conduct successive consultations to identify the candidate or candidates least likely to attract such a consensus". In pursuit of this aim, we shall invite delegations to respond to the question: "What are your preferences?" We sincerely urge all delegations to come prepared to answer this question as clearly and as specifically as possible. Fifth, paragraph 18 of the agreed Procedures requires that: "The outcome of the consultations shall be reported to the membership at each stage." Accordingly, the outcome of this first round of consultations will be reported to all Members at an open-ended meeting of Heads of Delegation to be held as soon as possible, having regard to our final deadline of 31 May. Representatives of candidates will be informed immediately after each round and before the rest of the membership. Sixth, paragraph 18 also sets out that : "It is understood that the candidate or candidates least likely to attract consensus shall withdraw. The number of candidates expected to withdraw at each stage shall be determined according to the initial number of candidates, and made known in advance." In the present case, since we have four candidates, it follows that three will be expected to withdraw over the course of the process as a whole. This means that at least one candidate would be expected to withdraw after each successive round of consultations. Seventh, paragraph 18 further provides that: "This process shall be repeated in successive stages on the basis of a revised slate of candidates each time, with the aim of establishing consensus around one candidate." Finally, I would like to recall paragraphs 1 and 2 of the agreed Procedures, which state that this process shall be guided by the best interests of the Organization, respect for the dignity of the candidates and the Members nominating them, and by full transparency and inclusiveness at all stages, building on the best practices established over the past years with regard to internal transparency and participation of all Members. The overriding objective of Members in this process shall be to reach decisions by consensus. I would like to assure Members that the Facilitators and I will act at all times strictly within the agreed Procedures. Our aim, as set out in paragraph 6 of the procedures, is to encourage and facilitate the building of consensus among Members, and assist you in moving from the initial field of candidates to a final decision on appointment. This is the spirit in which we are approaching this process, and we call upon all Members to do the same. In particular I would like to stress once more the importance of coming forward to consult with us. The decision is yours to make. Our task is to help you, and you can count on us at all times to carry out that task with objectivity and impartiality. I am sure we can equally count on the full and constructive engagement of Members so that together we can build upon the good start that has already been made and bring this process to a successful and timely conclusion. __________ Page  PAGE 2 Page  PAGE 3 LMNvwx " . /     ( D  - D ',r sڰ hGh:4 hY~h:4 h]Yh:4h:4hchhp5>*aJh* 5>*aJ h25aJhchh&5aJhchh~5aJhchhch5aJhchhpaJhchhchaJ=MNwx stB#sB#sB#sB#sB#sB#sB#sB#sB#sB#sB#sB#sB#sB#sB#sB#sB#sB#s B#sB#s B#sB#sB#sB#sgd:4$a$gd&$a$gd~ "gdch $ "a$gd`~((6LT\EL_amoKRZZjk !!""""<#p$s$$%hY~h:4>* hY~h:4h5Kh:4>* h h:4 hP Zh:4 h:4>*h[h:4>* hGh:4 h[h:4 h!h:4 h5Kh:4hP Zh:4>*h:4 h]Yh:4>!!""$$s(~((((((((B#sB#sB#sB#sB#sB#sB#sB#sB#sB#sB#sB#sB#sB#sB#sB#s B#sB#sB#sB#sB#sB#sB#sB#s5gdch5$a$gd 0^`0gd:4gd:4%%%*&{&~&&'s(}(~(((((((((((((((((((((оh`hNh:4CJ hchh:4hR0JmHnHu h:40Jjh:40JUhh8Y35 h8Y35hp7h:4>*h:4 hZ%h:4(((((((B#v:B#sB#s$a$gd5) 0:p. 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