


Olivier Long, GATT Director-General, 1968 to 1980

Olivier Long, GATT Director-General, 1968 to 1980


On 6 May 1968, Olivier Long took up his position as Director-General of GATT. He succeeded Mr. Eric Wyndham White who had been Director-General (formerly Executive Secretary) since the General Agreement came into operation in 1948.

Olivier Long, born at Petit-Veyrier, Geneva, 1915.

Doctor of Laws of the University of Paris and Doctor of Political Science of the University of Geneva.

1939-1942: Military service.

1943: International Red Cross, Geneva.

1944-46: Delegate of the International Red Cross in London.

1946-1949: Federal Political Department, Berne; then at the Swiss Legation

in Washington.

1954: Federal Division of Commerce, Berne.

1955: Federal Council Delegate for Trade Agreements.

1960-1966: Head of the Swiss Delegation to the European Free Trade Association.

1967-1968: Swiss Ambassador to the United Kingdom and to Malta.

Mr. Long was Professor at the Graduate Institute of International Studies at Geneva. He was the author of several books and articles on economic affairs and political science.

Mr. Long passed away on 19 March 2003. He was married and had three children.