General Council Meeting of 19-20 October 2005

Links to documents will be added to this page as they become
See also:

> General Council news
> Work of the General Council
> Organization chart



27-29 July
19-20 October
11 November
1-2 December


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Proposed agenda 

I.   Report by the Chairman of the Trade Negotiations Committee

II.   Preparations for the Sixth Session of the Ministerial Conference

A.  Statement by the Chairman

B.  Attendance by Governments as Observers — Requests by:

(i)   Timor-Leste ()
(ii)  Tuvalu ()

C.  Attendance by International Intergovernmental Organizations as Observers — Requests by:

(i)  Agency for International Trade Information and Cooperation (AITIC)
(ii)   Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation ACP-EC (CTA)
(iii)  Basel Convention
(iv)  Council of Europe Development Bank
(v)   African Development Bank


III.   Implementation of paragraph 11 of the decision on the implementation of paragraph 6 of the Doha declaration on the TRIPS agreement and public health () — Statement by the Chairman of the TRIPS Council

IV.   Work programme on small economies — Report by the chairman of the dedicated session of the Committee on Trade and Development

V.   Non-recognition of rights under article XXIV:6 and article XXVIII of GATT 1994 — Communications from Honduras and Guatemala (, and ) — Statement by the Chairman

VI.   Committee on Budget, Finance and Administration

A.  Report of the Committee on its meetings of June and July 2005 ()
B.  Report of the Committee on its meeting of 29 September 2005 ()


Other Business  back to top

> Work programme on electronic commerce (Word format, 2 pages, 44KB)

Minutes of the meeting
(issued as a restricted document and subsequently derestricted following the ).