Information about the organization


Special Safeguard Mechanism for Developing Country Members

Ministerial Decision of 19 December 2015 : WT/MIN(15)/43 — WT/L/978

The Ministerial Conference,

Having regard to paragraph 1 of Article IX of the Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization;

In the context of addressing outstanding agricultural issues; and

Taking note of the proposals made by Members in this regard;

Decides as follows:

    1. The developing country Members will have the right to have recourse to a special safeguard mechanism (SSM) as envisaged under paragraph 7 of the Hong Kong Ministerial Declaration.

    2. To pursue negotiations on an SSM for developing country Members in dedicated sessions of the Committee on Agriculture in Special Session ("CoA SS").

    3. The General Council shall regularly review progress in these negotiations