Statements by Members and observers at the plenary session

The statements below were delivered at the plenary session of the Ninth Session of the Ministerial Conference (3-6 December 2013). They are published “as received” by the Secretariat, in the original language. Official versions and translations will be made available in due course. The official documents will be found in the Documents Online box in the right-hand column.

Members: A-D   E-H   I-L   M-P   Q-T   U-Z
Observers: A-H   I-P   Q-Z

Statements by Members

  • Albania — Statement by Mrs Brunilda PASKALI
    Vice-Minister of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade

  • Angola — Statement by H.E. Mrs Rosa Escórcio Pacavira de MATOS
    Minister of Trade
  • Antigua and Barbuda   
  • Argentina — Statement by H.E. Mr Hector TIMERMAN
    Minister of Foreign Affairs and Worship
  • Australia — Statement by Hon. Andrew ROBB
    Minister for Trade and Investment

  • Austria — Statement circulated by HE Dr Reinhold Mitterlehner
    Federal Minister of Economy, Family and Youth
  • Bahrain — Statement circulated by Dr. Hassan A. Fakhro
    Minister of Industry and Commerce
  • Bangladesh — Statement by H.E. Mr Mahbub AHMED
    The Secretary, Ministry of Commerce
  • Barbados — Statement by H.E. Dr Marion Vernes WILLIAMS
    Ambassador, Permanent Representative

  • Belgium — Statement by H.E. Mr Bertrand DE CROMBRUGGHE DE PICQUENDAELE
    Ambassador, Permanent Representative
  • Belize   
  • Benin — Statement by S.E. M. Chakirou TIDJANI
    Directeur Général du commerce extérieur, Ministère de l'industrie, du commerce et des petites et moyennes entreprises
  • Bolivia — Statement by H.E. Mrs Angelica NAVARRO LLANOS
    Ambassador, Permanent Representative
  • Botswana — Statement by Hon. Dorcas MAKGATO-MALESU
    Minister of Trade and Industry
  • Brazil — Statement by H.E. Mr. Luiz Alberto FIGUEIREDO MACHADO
    Minister of Foreign Relations
  • Brunei Darussalam — Statement by HRH Prince Mohamed BOLKIAH
    Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade
  • Bulgaria — Statement by Mr Dragomir STOYNEV
    Minister of Economy and Energy
  • Burkina Faso — Statement by H.E. Mr Prosper VOKOUMA
    Ambassador, Permanent Representative au nom du Coordinateur du Groupe C4

  • Burundi — Statement by S.E. Mme. Victoire NDIKUMANA
    Ministre du commerce, de l'industrie, des postes et du tourisme
  • Cambodia — Statement by H.E. Mr Chanthol SUN
    Senior Minister and Minister of Commerce
  • Cameroon — Statement by S.E. M. Luc Magloire MBARGA ATANGANA
    Ministre du commerce
  • Canada — Statement by Hon. Edward FAST
    Minister of International Trade

  • Cape Verde — Statement by S.E. M. José Luís MONTEIRO
    Ambassadeur, Représentant permanent auprès de l'OMC

  • Central African Republic — Statement by M. Amalas HAROUN
    Ministre du commerce et de l'industrie
  • Chad — Statement by M. Bireme Hamid ABDERAHIM
    Ministre du commerce et de l'industrie

  • Chile — Statement by Mr Alvaro JANA
    Vice-Minister of International Economic Relations

  • China — Statement by H.E. Mr Hucheng GAO
    Minister of Commerce

  • Colombia — Statement by Sr Santiago ROJAS ARROYO
    Ministro de Comercio, Industria y Turismo

  • Congo,  Republic of 
  • Congo, Democratic Republic of the — Statement by M. Lievin UTWAY BIGOFALA
    Sécrétaire Général du ministère de l'économie et commerce
  • Costa Rica — Statement by H.E. Ms Anabel GONZÁLEZ
    Minister of Foreign Trade
  • Côte d'Ivoire — Statement by Mr Jean Louis BILLON
    Minister of Trade and Crafts
  • Croatia — Statement circulated by Mr. Tihomir Jakovina
    Minister of Agriculture
  • Cuba — Statement by S.E. Sra Ileana Bárbara NÚÑEZ MORDOCHE
    Vice Ministra Ministerio de Comercio Exterior y la Inversión Extranjera

  • Cyprus — Statement by Mrs Egli PANTELAKI
    Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment
  • Czech Republic — Statement by H.E. Mr Milan HOVORKA
    Deputy Minister, Ministry of Industry and Trade
  • Denmark — Statement by H.E. Dr Nick HAEKKERUP
    Minister for Trade and European Affairs
  • Djibouti — Statement by S.E. M. Hassan AHMED BOULALEH
    Ministre Délégué au Commerce, aux PME, à l'Artisanat, au Tourisme et à la Formalisation de la République de Djibouti
  • Dominica
  • Dominican Republic — Statement by S.E. Sr Luís Ramón RODRÍGUEZ
    Ministro de Agricultura

  • Ecuador — Statement by H.E. Mr Miguel CARBO BENITES
    Ambassador, Permanent Representative

  • Egypt — Statement by H.E. Mr Mounir ABDEL NOUR
    Minister of Trade and Industry
  • El Salvador — Statement by H.E. Mr Mario HERNANDEZ
    Vice-Minister of the Ministry of Economy

  • Estonia
  • European Union — Statement by Mr Karel de GUCHT
    Commissioner for Trade
  • Fiji — Statement by Mrs Sovaia Nawaqesara MARAWA
    Deputy Secretary of the Ministry of Industry and Trade

  • Finland — Statement by Mr Alexander STUBB
    Minister for European Affairs and Foreign Trade
  • France — Statement by Mme. Nicole BRICQ
    Ministre du commerce extérieur
  • Gabon   
  • The Gambia — Statement by Hon. Abdou KOLLEY
    Minister of Trade, Industry, Regional Integration and Employment
  • Georgia   
  • Germany — Statement by Mrs Anne Ruth HERKES
    Minister of Trade
  • Ghana — Statement by Hon. Haruna Iddrisu
    Minister of trade and Industry
  • Greece — Statement by H.E. Mr Notis MITARACHI
    Vice-Minister for Development and Competitiveness
  • Grenada   
  • Guatemala — Statement by S.E. Sr Eduardo SPERISEN YURT
    Embajador Representante Permanente ante la OMC

  • Guinea — Statement by S.E. M. Mohamed DOUMBOUYA
    Ministre du commerce

  • Guinea Bissau   
  • Guyana — Statement by Hon. Carolyn RODRIGUES-BIRKETT
    Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade
  • Haiti — Statement by Mr Luc ESPECA
    Director-General of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry

  • Honduras — Statement by Mrs Jeronima URBINA CRUZ
    Director of Economic Integration and Trade Policies, Ministry of Industry and Commerce

  • Hong Kong, China — Statement by Mr Kenneth MAK Ching-yu
    Director-General of Trade and Industry
  • Hungary — Statement by H.E. Dr János MARTONYI
    Minister of Foreign Affairs
  • Iceland   
  • India — Statement by H.E. Mr Anand SHARMA
    Minister of Commerce and Industry
  • Indonesia — Statement by H.E. Mr Gita WIRJAWAN
    Minister of Trade

  • Ireland — Statement by Mr Richard BRUTON
    Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation

  • Israel — Statement by H.E. Mr Naftali BENNETT
    Minister of Economy
  • Italy — Statement by H.E. Mr Carlo CALENDA
    Deputy Minister of Economic Development
  • Jamaica — Statement by Hon. Arnaldo BROWN
    M.P., Minister of State in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade

  • Japan — Statement by Mr Norio MITSUYA
    Parliamentary Senior Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs
  • Jordan — Statement by H.E Mr. Walid AL-HADID
    Ambassador of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan to the Republic of Indonesia

  • Kenya — Statement by Ms Amina MOHAMED
    Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade
  • Korea, Republic of — Statement by H.E. Mr Sang-Jick YOON
    Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy
  • Kuwait — Statement by H.E. Mr Anas AL-SALEH
    Minister of Commerce and Industry

  • Lao People's Democratic Republic — Statement by H.E. Dr Nam VIYAKETH
    Minister of Industry and Commerce

  • Latvia — Statement by Mr Andrejs PILDEGOVIČS
    Secretary of State of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Lesotho — Statement by Hon. Sekhulumi NTSOAOL
    Minister of Trade, Industry, Cooperatives and Marks

  • Liechtenstein   
  • Lithuania — Statement by H.E. Mr Linas LINKEVIČIUS
    Minister of Foreign Affairs
  • Luxembourg   
  • Macao, China — Statement circulated by Macao, China
  • Madagascar — Statement by Hon. Olga RAMALASON
    Minister of Trade
  • Malawi — Statement Hon. Sostein Gwengwe
    Minister on Industry and Trade
  • Malaysia — Statement circulated by Malaysia
  • Maldives   
  • Mali — Statement by M. Modibo KEITA
    Directeur National du commerce et de la concurrence
  • Malta   
  • Mauritania   
  • Mauritius — Statement by Dr the Hon. Arvin BOOLELL, G.O.S.K
    Minister of Foreign Affairs, Regional Integration and International Trade
  • Mexico — Statement by H.E. Mr Ildefonso GUAJARDO
    Minister of the Economy, Ministry of the Economy
  • Montenegro — Statement by H.E. Mrs Zorica MARIC-DORDJEVIC
    Ambassador, Permanent Representative
  • Moldova   
  • Mongolia — Statement by Mr Jargalsaikhan GOZON
    Minister Counsellor, Deputy Permanent Representative

  • Morocco
    — Statement circulated by H.E. Mr Mohammed ABBOU
    Minister attached to the Minister of Industry, Trade, Investment and the Digital Economy, responsible for Foreign Trade
    — Statement by H.E. Mr Mohammed Abbou — Minister attached to the Ministry of Industry, Trade, Investment and the Digital Economy, responsible for foreign trade speaking as coordinator of the African Group
  • Mozambique — H.E. Mr Armando INROGA
    Minister of Industry and Commerce
  • Myanmar — Statement by H.E. Mr Win MYINT
    Minister for Commerce of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar

  • Namibia — Statement by Hon. Calle SCHLETTWEIN
    Minister of Trade and Industry
  • Nepal — Statement by Hon. Mr Shanker Prasad KOIRALA
    Minister for Commerce and Supplies
  • Netherlands — Statement by Minister Lilianne PLOUMEN
    Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation
  • New Zealand — Statement by Hon. Tim GROSER
    Minister of Trade
  • Nicaragua — Statement by H.E. Mr Carlos Robelo Raffone
    Ambassador, Permanent Representative
  • Niger — Statement by S.E. M. Alma OUMAROU
    Ministre du commerce et de la promotion du secteur privé
  • Nigeria — Statement by H.E. Mr Olusegun AGANGA
    Honourable Minister of Industry, Trade and Investment
  • Norway — Statement by H.E. Mr Morten Høglund
    Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs
  • Oman — Statement by H.E. Ali Al-Sunaidy
    Minister of Commerce and Industry
  • Pakistan — Statement by Aisha Moriani on behalf of H.E. Mr Khurram Dastgir KHAN,
    Minister of State for Commerce and Textile Industry
  • Panama — Statement by H.E. Mrs Diana SALAZAR
    Viceministra de Negociaciones Comerciales Internacionales, Ministerio de Comercio e Industrias
  • Papua New Guinea — Statement by Hon. Richard MARU
    Minister of Trade, Commerce and Industry
  • Paraguay — Statement by H.E. Mr Federico GonzÁlez
    Vice-Minister for Economic Relations and Integration

  • Peru — Statement by H.E. Ms Magali SILVA VELARDE-ALVAREZ
    Minister of Foreign Trade and Tourism
  • Philippines — Statement by Mr Gregory L. DOMINGO
    Secretary of the Department of Trade and Industry

  • Poland — Statement by Mr Andrzej DYCHA
    Undersecretary of State at the Ministry of Economy
  • Portugal — Statement by S.E. M. Bruno MAÇÃES
    Secrétaire d'état aux affaires européennes
  • Qatar — Statement by H.E. Mr Sultan Rashid AL-KHATER
    Undersecretary, Ministry of Economy and Commerce
  • Romania   
  • Russian Federation — Statement by Mr Alexey ULUKAEV
    Minister of Economic Development

  • Rwanda — Statement by Hon. François KANIMBA
    Minister of Trade and Industry
  • Saint Kitts and Nevis   
  • Saint Lucia — Statement by Hon. Alva BAPTISTE
    Minister of External Affairs, International Trade and Civil Aviation

  • Saint Vincent & the Grenadines   
  • Samoa — Statement by Hon. Fonotoe Nuafesili Pierre LAUOFO
    Deputy Prime Minister; and Minister of Trade, Commerce, Industry and Labour

  • Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of — Statement by H.E. Dr Tawfiq AL-RABIAH
    Minister of Commerce and Industry

  • Senegal — Statement by M. Alioune SARR
    Ministre du commerce et de l'entreprenariat
  • Separate Customs Territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu — Statement by Dr Chia-Juch CHANG
    Minister of Economic Affairs
  • Sierra Leone — Statement by Hon. Usman Boie KAMARA
    Minister of Trade and Industry
  • Singapore — Statement by H.E. Mr Hng Kiang LIM
    Minister for Trade and Industry
  • Slovak Republic — Statement by H.E. Mr Tomáš MALATINSKÝ
    Minister of Economy

  • Slovenia — Statement by Mrs Andreja KERT
    State Secretary of the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology

  • Solomon Islands — Statement by Hon. Clay SOALAOI
    Minister of Foreign Affairs and External Trade
  • South Africa — Statement by H.E. Dr Rob DAVIES
    Minister for Trade and Industry
  • Spain — Statement by S.E. Sr Miguel ARIAS CAÑETE
    Ministro de Agricultura, Alimentacion y Medio Ambiante
  • Sri Lanka — Statement by Hon. Rishad BATHIUDEEN
    Minister of Industry and Commerce

  • Suriname   
  • Swaziland — Statement by Hon. Gideon DLAMINI
    Minister of Commerce, Industry and Trade

  • Sweden — Statement by Hon. Dr Ewa BJÖRLING
    Minister for Trade
  • Switzerland — Statement by Federal Councillor Johann N. SCHNEIDER-AMMANN
    Head of the Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research
  • Tajikistan   
  • Tanzania — Statement by Dr Abdallah KIGODA
    Minister of Industry and Trade
  • Thailand — Statement by H.E. Mr Niwattumrong BOONSONGPAISAN
    Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Commerce
  • the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia   
  • Togo — Statement by Mme. Essossimna LEGZIM-BALOUKI
    Ministre du commerce et de la promotion du secteur privé
  • Tonga — Statement by Hon. Viliami LATU
    Minister of Commerce, Tourism and Labour
  • Trinidad and Tobago — Statement by Hon. Vasant BHARATH
    Minister of Trade, Industry and Investment
  • Tunisia — Statement by H.E. Mr Abdelwaheb MAATAR
    Ministre du commerce et de l'artisanat
  • Turkey — Statement by H.E. Mr Mehmet Gücük
    Ambassador, Deputy Undersecretary of Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Uganda — Statement by Hon. Amelia KYAMBADDE
    Minister of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives

  • Ukraine — Statement by H.E. Mr Andrii GONCHARUK
    Advisor to the President of Ukraine

  • United Arab Emirates — Statement by H.E. Mr Sultan Saeed ALMANSOORI
    Minister of Economy
  • United Kingdom — Statement by Hon. Lord Stephen GREEN
    Minister for Trade and Investment

  • United States of America — Statement by H.E. Mr Michael FROMAN
    United States Trade Representative
  • Uruguay — Statement by S.E. Sr Luis Alberto PORTO RIZZO
    Vice Canciller — Subsecretario de Relaciones Exteriores
  • Vanuatu — Statement by Mr. Marokon ALILEE
    Director-General, Ministry of Tourism, Trade, Commerce and Ni-Vanuatu Business

  • Venezuela — Statement by Mr William CAÑAS
    Vice-Minister of Foreign Trade
  • Viet Nam — Statement by H.E. Mr NGUYEN CAM TU
    Vice-Minister of Industry and Trade
  • Zambia — Statement by Hon. Emmanuel CHENDA
    Minister of Commerce, Trade and Industry

  • Zimbabwe — Statement by Hon. Michael BIMHA
    Minister for Industry and Commerce

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Statements by observer governments 

  • Afghanistan — Statement by Mr Mozamill SHINWARI
    Deputy Minister for Trade
  • Algeria — Statement by H.E. Mr Mustafa BENBADA
    Minister of Trade

  • Belarus   
  • Bahamas — Statement by Hon. Ryan PINDER
    Minister of Financial Services
  • Comoros — Statement by S.E. M. Ben Ousseni SAID
    Ministre délégué en charge de l'économie, du commerce extérieur et des privatisations
  • Ethiopia — Statement by H.E. Mr Minelik Alemu GETAHUN
    Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative
  • Holy See — Statement by Monseigneur Silvano TOMASI
    Apostolic Nuncio to the °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø×ÊÁÏ
  • Iran — Statement by H.E. Mr Mohammad Reza NEMATZADEH
    Minister of Industry, Mine and Trade

  • Iraq —Statement by Mrs Shina ALHUSAINI
    Head of Delegation
  • Lebanese Republic   
  • Serbia — Statement by H.E. Mr Jovan JOVANOVIĆ
    Ambassador of the Republic of Serbia in Indonesia
  • Sudan — Statement by H.E. Mr Osman ELSHARIF
    Minister of Tradebr
  • Yemen — Statement by H.E. Dr Saadaldeen TALIB
    Minister of Industry and Trade

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Other observers  

  • Palestine — Statement by H.E. Dr Jawad HIRZALLAH
    Minister of National Economy

  • International Trade Center (ITC) — Ms Arancha GONZÁLEZ
    Executive Director
  • International Monetary Fund (IMF) — Statement circulated by the International Monetary Fund

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