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Mrs Hadja Mariama Dщo Baldщ Minister of Commerce, Industry and Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises It is a great honour for me to be participating on behalf of the Government of the Republic of Guinea in the Fifth Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organization (АФУХСљКЯВЪЙйЭјзЪСЯ). On this occasion, I should like first of all on my own behalf and that of my delegation to sincerely thank the people and Government of Mexico for the warm welcome and hospitality extended to us since our arrival in this beautiful city of Cancњn. I should also like to thank the Secretariat of the World Trade Organization (АФУХСљКЯВЪЙйЭјзЪСЯ) and all the donors for the financial efforts they have been kind enough to make and which have enabled part of my delegation to attend this conference. Lastly, I should like to join the delegations which have already taken the floor in congratulating you on your election as Chairman of the Fifth Ministerial Conference of the АФУХСљКЯВЪЙйЭјзЪСЯ. The Fifth АФУХСљКЯВЪЙйЭјзЪСЯ Ministerial Conference, the first meeting to be held after the launch of the Doha Round on multilateral trade negotiations, gives us the opportunity to take stock of the progress made in these negotiations and to draw the necessary lessons at the halfway stage, with a view to ensuring the full success expected of them in satisfying the essential needs of our populations. The Conference must therefore enable us to set clear objectives so that the negotiations undertaken can reinvigorate the common purpose of our Organization. The Conference is being held at a particularly important time for international economic relations, in which trade is coming to occupy a pre-eminent position despite the increased marginalization of the developing countries, particularly the LDCs, whose market share is declining day by day. More than ever before, this situation is now deepening our apprehensions and concerns and weakening our hope in a fair and equitable trading system which would open up much greater development perspectives for our countries, confronted as they are with several challenges simultaneously, the most important of which, at the present time, is poverty reduction. Given our awareness of the danger of marginalization, we all reaffirmed in Doha our commitment in favour of a "development round" and gave precise mandates for that purpose to our negotiators. At the present stage of implementation of the Work Programme, the only achievement to which we can point and which deserves to be mentioned is the one relating to TRIPS and Public Health. The Republic of Guinea, like all other developing countries and LDCs, welcomes the progress made and hopes that, over and above this admittedly praiseworthy agreement, the necessary conditions will be established to enable the developing countries, and the LDCs in particular, to produce for themselves the medicines they need. That is the only condition that could guarantee health security for the populations of these countries. To that end, the Guinean delegation considers that close cooperation between poor and rich countries, involving the private sector concerned, could in the future constitute the appropriate solution to this problem. Thus, my delegation, basing itself on Article 66.2 of the TRIPS Agreement, proposes that the developed countries promote technology transfer with a view to the local manufacture, in poor regions, of generic drugs through the relocation of manufacturing units based on extensive cooperation to ensure improved management of the drugs manufactured. My delegation is also concerned at the lack of progress in the negotiations since Doha, particularly on crucial subjects such as agriculture, market access, special and differential treatment, etc. This inertia is likely to jeopardize the future of our populations which are engaged in a daily struggle for their survival and expect the new trading system to do much to improve their increasingly precarious living conditions. For that reason, my delegation considers the achievement of significant progress in the agricultural negotiations to constitute a guarantee of success in the outcome of the Doha Work Programme. Concerning paragraph 24 of the Draft Ministerial Declaration on the LDCs, we welcome the objectives established in the ongoing negotiations with regard to the questions of duty-free and quota-free market access for products originating from LDCs. As regards special and differential treatment, my delegation stresses that it must form an integral part of all the АФУХСљКЯВЪЙйЭјзЪСЯ agreements, as indicated in the Doha Mandate, and invites Members to find rapid solutions to all these issues, including those relating to capacity building in respect of offers for the LDCs. On the question of services, we consider that a moratorium should be granted to the developing countries to enable them to prepare for straightforward entry into the negotiations concerning this sector. In the meantime, they must be able to regulate their services sectors in the light of the development programmes and to have access to the comparative advantages obtainable inter alia from the movement of persons under the provisions of "mode 4". Accordingly, my delegation calls on the developed countries to show understanding for an LDC exemption from all new commitments in the services sector, as long as they do not correspond to development programmes and policies that reflect their real needs, while they benefit from the support of the international community for their promotion. In this connection, my delegation affirms its support for the common positions of the ACP, the LDCs and the African Union, as expressed in the various declarations. As far as the Singapore Issues are concerned, as things stand at present it would be difficult for our countries to enter into negotiations given the constraints they face in connection with the implementation of the results of the Uruguay Round, on the one hand, and the lack of clarification of these issues, on the other. For that reason, we support Option 2 in the Draft Cancњn Ministerial Text and request that these issues be referred to the working groups in Geneva for further clarification, without disregarding our requirements for assistance in assessing the impact of the implementation of these agreements on our economies. With regard to folklore, genetic resources and traditional knowledge, it is important to emphasize the need for their preservation in an unaltered state and to support developing countries so as to enable them to make the best possible use of the resources available to them in these fields. This is also true for geographical indications, concerning which the Republic of Guinea requests their extension to other products, particularly in favour of the LDCs, in order to enable the latter to take advantage of the many opportunities they offer. Concerning technical assistance and the integrated framework, it has to be acknowledged that LDC participation in international trade is one of the major objectives of the АФУХСљКЯВЪЙйЭјзЪСЯ and of the other international institutions. For that reason, it is important for the LDCs to obtain the necessary support to enable them to produce goods in sufficient quantity and quality and to participate more effectively in international trade and derive benefit therefrom. Accordingly, the LDCs are entitled to expect their АФУХСљКЯВЪЙйЭјзЪСЯ partners and the other international organizations to ensure that the integrated framework effectively and efficiently meets their needs, that it is of high quality and that it has an optimum impact on the development of their foreign trade. The Republic of Guinea is pleased to be one of the LDCs benefiting from the pilot project under the integrated framework. For the implementation of project activities, it will be organizing, at the end of October 2003, a national workshop on validation of the results of the diagnostic study prepared by the team of World Bank consultants. Guinea thanks all the development partners involved in this programme for the efforts they have already made and invites them to continue their support along these lines with a view to enabling it to carry out this programme of importance to the Guinean economy. Their effective participation in the funding of the development projects adopted as a result of sectoral competitiveness studies is eagerly awaited. In this connection, Guinea proposes the organization of an international conference on the integrated framework, the main purpose of which will be to mobilize funds for the financing of projects to be adopted under the integrated framework programme, a programme established on the basis of the commitments of each of the parties concerned. With regard to the sectoral initiative in favour of cotton presented by Benin, Burkina Faso, Mali and Chad, my delegation welcomes the fact that this issue, which is today of crucial importance to millions of poor peasant farmers engaged in a harsh daily struggle for their survival, has been included in our agenda. It should be noted that, apart from the four co-sponsors of the initiative, all cotton-producing countries throughout the African region are concerned by this issue. You will therefore readily understand that the Republic of Guinea, itself a cotton producer, closely associates itself with this initiative and calls for fine words to be followed up by concrete actions in order to find a viable solution to the problem. Consequently, my delegation calls for the affected countries to be granted effective and adequate compensation for the injury they have sustained over a number of years because of lost earnings caused by the fall in the price of cotton on the international market, and for the full and speedy elimination of all forms of subsidization adversely affecting the cotton sector. My delegation therefore appeals to all concerned and interested Members to be open-minded and to act in a spirit of goodwill, so that at the conclusion of our deliberations in Cancњn we can give renewed hope to the populations of poor cotton-producing countries. In conclusion, my delegation joins others in welcoming and congratulating Cambodia and Nepal on having succeeded, albeit with great difficulty, in acceding to our Organization. We take this opportunity to urge Members to show more flexibility and understanding in facilitating the accession of other least-developed countries to the АФУХСљКЯВЪЙйЭјзЪСЯ. I thank the President of Mexico, His Excellency Mr Vicente Fox, and yourself, Mr Chairman, and the Secretariat, for the excellent organizational arrangements for this АФУХСљКЯВЪЙйЭјзЪСЯ Ministerial Conference, and I wish the Conference every success. __________ WT/MIN(03)/ST/119 Page  PAGE 4 WT/MIN(03)/ST/119 Page  PAGE 3 1EOS—ЎСТ678ЦаЈ.Г.Ь.Э.г.д.е.ж.ѓ.є.њ.ћ.ќ.§. /њјєђяђђјјэђшшхшшшхшmH jU6CJ5:CJ,>* 5:CJ,  1CDEOPїђђк ађЖ˜ађђž0ђђ~ $$–lж0+p#$$–l4ж+p# $$–l”ˆџ4ж+p# $d„ўЄ№$$$–l4ж+p#`$$$dh$ 123CDEIJKLMOPQRSjx—ЊЋЌ­ЎСТ№678ъыуфЯа…† Њ Ћ а б : ; § ў ЛМnoGHЄЅlmSTJKjkXY’“ИЙИЙ— ˜ ƒ!„!Ў"Џ"$§§§ћ§§ћ§§љљљћ§љљљљљљћ§§ћ§§§ѕћ  aPQRSjx—ЊЋЌ­ЎСТ№678ъыуфЯа…њњь`њњњфижжжгжггжажжжжжжж$$ $$–lж+p#$ ЦаТ@$$–l”`џж+p#$$…† Њ Ћ а б : ; § ў ЛМnoGHЄЅlmSTJK§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§KjkXY’“ИЙИЙ— ˜ ƒ!„!Ў"Џ"$$Є%Ѕ%ћ&ќ&:(§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§$$Є%Ѕ%ћ&ќ&:(;(т(у(т)у)Z+[+c,d,--Й-К-Ї.Ј.Г.Д.Е.з.и.й.к.ў.џ.///////// / / /§§њњ§њњњїѕїѕњѕїѕѓ   *:(;(т(у(т)у)Z+[+c,d,--Й-К-Ї.Ј.Г.Д.Е.з.и.й.к.ў.џ.//§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§њ§§ёёёяццця Ц аЁC#B# Ц аЁC# $//////// / / /§ћ§ћљћ§ћћћ ' 0&P Аƒ. 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