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Mr. Benoюt Ouattara Minister of Trade, Enterprise Promotion and Handicrafts At the outset, I should like to associate myself with those delegations that have already taken the floor to express my deep sorrow at the tragic death of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Sweden, Her Excellency Anna Lindh. I offer my most sincere condolences to the bereaved family, the Government and the people of the Kingdom of Sweden. Allow me to warmly thank the President, the Government and the people of Mexico for their welcome and the hospitality that has been extended to us since our arrival here in the beautiful City of Cancњn. I should also like to congratulate you, Mr Chairman, on your election to the chairmanship of our Conference. The Round of multilateral trade negotiations launched in Doha has been dubbed the Development Round. This has kindled a great deal of hope in least-developed countries like Burkina Faso. I should like to pay tribute to the Chairman of the General Council for his efforts to find a consensus on the negotiating issues. Thanks are also due to the Director-General of the АФУХСљКЯВЪЙйЭјзЪСЯ and his team. Burkina Faso supports the positions expressed by the LDCs, the ACP and the African Union on the different issues under negotiation. However, we should like to lay stress on the following points. On the question of agriculture: With regard to market access, Burkina Faso proposes a substantial reduction in the duties applied to agricultural products by the developed and newly industrialized countries. We also wish to see a sharp reduction in tariff escalation on the basis on the degree of product processing. We recommend unrestricted duty-free and quota-free access to developed country markets for all tropical products originating in the LDCs. As regards domestic support, our proposals are as follows: - A substantial reduction in support measures capable of creating distortions on the market; - a critical review of the use of Green Box and Blue Box measures. Lastly, with regard to export subsidies, we propose their rapid elimination and the introduction of a discipline on export credits. There is one matter to which my country attaches the greatest importance at this Fifth Ministerial Conference, namely the sectoral initiative in favour of cotton, on which three other countries of West and Central Africa have the same vision as Burkina Faso. I take this opportunity to thank all those delegations which have supported us, while expressing the hope that a favourable solution can be found at the conclusion of this Ministerial Conference. Concerning market access for non-agricultural products, Burkina Faso proposes the following: - Improved market access for products from developing and least-developed countries; - maintenance of the preferences granted to the developing countries and the LDCs. Concerning the Singapore Issues, we call for the continuation of the process of clarification of the questions raised in paragraphs 25 and 26 of the Doha Ministerial Declaration. Finally, I welcome the favourable outcome recently achieved in connection with the trade-related aspects of intellectual property rights (TRIPS) and public health. Indeed, the promotion of access for all, at affordable prices, to essential medicines is a measure capable of bringing relief to millions of sick people, particularly in Africa. That concludes my delegation's contribution to the work of the Conference. __________ WT/MIN(03)/ST/134 Page  PAGE 2 WT/MIN(03)/ST/134 Page  PAGE 1 . /. 1EOS—y„žЄЅІЇФХЫЬЭЮрњјєђяђђъъчъъъчъmH jUCJ5:CJ,>* 5:CJ, 1CDEOPїђђк ађЖ˜ађђž0ђђ~ $$–lж0+p#$$–l4ж+p# $$–l”ˆџ4ж+p# $d„ўЄ№$$$–l4ж+p#`$$$dh$ 123CDEIMOPQRSjx—ЊЋЌ­ЎЏМНуvwCDДЕst> ?   & ' к л K L и й   t u Й К @ A GHnoХЦЯа*+wxy„…†žЄЅІЇЉЊЋФХЫ§§§ћ§§ћ§љљљљљ§љљљћ§§ћ§§§љћїїѕѕѕѕљљљљљљљђљљљљ5 #" `PQRSjx—ЊЋЌ­ЎЏМНуvwCDДЕњњь`њњњфижжжжддввввжжжжжж#" $$–lж+p#5$ ЦаТ@$$–l”`џж+p#$$Еst> ?   & ' к л K L и й   t u Й К @ A GHn§§§§§§§§§§§§§§њњѓѓээ§§§§§§§„ „`њ$„ „`њ$noХЦЯа*+wxy„…†ЈЉЊЋЯабвгде§їїїї§§§§§§§є§§ыыы§ттт§р§р45 Ц аЁC#B#5 Ц аЁC# @$„ „`њЫЬЭЮабжзинопрўўўўўўћўјўў4 5  ежзинопр§ћ§ј§§§4$5# 0А‚. АЦA!А "А #а$ %АА 6 [4@ёџ4Normal $ ЦаCJmH F"F Heading 1$ & F6Є№@& Ца5;D2D Heading 2$ & F6Є№@& Ца:DBD Heading 3$ & F6Є№@& Ца5@R@ Heading 4$ & F6Є№@& Ца@ђ@ Heading 5 & F6Є№@& Ца6.. Heading 6 Є№@&.. 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