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But we know – and hear increasingly from our partners in developing countries – that this is not enough. Opportunities available still remain unexploited. - We know that formal market access is not enough and that development assistance is required if the world’s poorest countries are to benefit more from opportunities inherent in international trade. Aid for Trade is about translating opportunity into reality. Moreover, the Aid for Trade initiative has served an important purpose of interlocking development policy with trade policy, and has thus highlighted the core issue of coherence. Making sure that companies in industrialized countries are made aware of the mutual commercial and economic interest in exploring trading opportunities with developing country economic actors is one important way of going ahead. - We have made commitments in responding to these needs on Aid for Trade. The Enhanced Integrated Framework is a stepping stone towards these efforts, and key instrument for delivering on Aid for Trade. - Sweden is pleased that the Enhanced Integrated Framework now has become operational. -The Stockholm pledging conference for the Enhanced Integrated Framework in September 2007 was an important step in addressing the issue of predictable financing. While funding for trade support in Least Developed Countries will continue to be an issue of importance, we must now also focus on effective delivery of results on the ground. I am proud that Sweden has been so deeply involved in this work, both on the broader Aid for Trade initiative, but also on the Enhanced IF specifically. Sweden will remain committed to these issues in the future. - The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, Sida, is currently preparing the Swedish pledge of 100 Million Swedish Kronor to the EIF Trust Fund over three years (approx 14 million dollars). - It is important that EIF becomes an influential instrument at country-level. Sweden is the Donor Facilitator in Tanzania and experience tells us that partner ownership of the process is the most important pre-requisite for success. - However, donor coordination still provides a challenge and needs to be improved. A key responsibility rests upon us donors to ensure that the EIF principles we have committed to on capital level also are being realized in the field.  Ш  J ] ‘ €  i Б Н ќ 2  Ž ’ œ Л ы № ё р!…›žЄГЕ^_ылШлШлШлЕлШлШлЁлŽлŽлŽyлŽлŽлŽлŽлnhјHDhЛNmmH sH (hRТhјHDCJNHOJQJaJmH sH $hRТhјHDCJOJQJaJmH sH &hјHDCJOJQJ^JmH nHsH tH$hњHhјHDCJOJQJaJmH sH $hё,hјHDCJOJQJaJmH sH hјHDCJOJQJaJmH sH 'hјHDhјHD5CJOJQJaJmH sH  žЩ Ъ f g 2 3 Œ  ЖЗ…†qr^_њњњњњњњюњњњњњњњњюь d№7$8$H$gdјHDgdјHD_ў,1hА‚. 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