ࡱ> KMJ @ bjbjPP ,*::6.#ffff< 8  < &, , "N N d L L L $0R`& * "ffN d !!!vf8N 8N !!!!N H 5v!0 !!.ffff!hL  ! tL L L << v<<  Statement by Dr. Yahya Al-Mutawakel Minister of Industry and Trade Republic of Yemen Mr. Director General Honorable Ministers Heads of Delegates Ladies and Gentlemen First, I would like to extend my sincere appreciation for convening this Working Breakfast on a very dear initiative to all LDCs, Yemen included. The EIF, as you are all aware, was meant to assist LDCs to mainstream trade into national development plans and subsequently to integrate into the multilateral trading system and global economy, so that LDCs can benefit from globalization, which they are still excluded from its gains. In the Sixth ϲʹ Ministerial in December 2005, Ministers mandated the work to enhance the old IF, which did not turn up to what was expected when this important program was initiated in 1997. I would like, at this note, to register my appreciation for the hard work throughout the many months that followed until the full operationalization of the EIF on 1st. July 2009. A great deal of the work is also contributed to the interim EIF Board, since its inception in May 2007, where Members of the Board have exerted full dedication and hard work over recent months to bring the EIF program into functioning mode. Yemen was fortunate to be one of the first two LDCs approved for Tier 1 facility, on 1st July 2009, which marked the full and actual operationalization of EIF program. We are equally counting on this important program to build the capacity needed to assist in the implementation of various activities and Tier II projects that would aim at enhancing Yemens active participation in the global economy. Upon receipt of Tier I funds, Yemen started to implement its planned activities under this facility, including addressing issues like formulating trade and export strategy as well as updating the DTIS. Implementation of this project is also focusing on building the NIU capability and carrying on various activities aiming at spreading knowledge on the importance trade as an engine to development. In preparation for EIF implementation we have put the necessary internal mechanism in place, through close consultation with key national stakeholders as well as the donors community, represented by the Donor Facilitator. As a result, the national setup is well functioning and delivering. Through this program, Yemen is hoping to fully integrate trade into the national development plans and strategies, in particular the Poverty Reduction Strategy, as well as harmonize donors activities and mobilize donors interest to support the countrys trade agenda to implement Tier II projects that will enhance different trade related sectors performance and enable the smooth flow of trade. To achieve that, Yemen is looking forward to implement Tier II phase of EIF cycle, as it is the proper vehicle that will assist LDCs toward integrating their economies into the global multilateral trading system through strengthening their respective competitive advantages. With that being said, and while we commend the excellent work of the interim Board, we call upon expediting the process of finalizing the Tier II proposed guidelines as well as other few remaining issues to enable LDCs to fully benefit from the this important program on timely basis, i.e. within the envisaged duration of the program. We understand that plans have been drawn to do exactly so in the few coming weeks. Yemen also calls on donors community to seriously consider making additional funding commitments, as well as full delivery on Stockholms pledging commitments. As one can notice, the funds available for Tier II phase of this program, at the level of funds currently made available, is very limited to make significant changes in the 50 LDCs. Additionally and predictable funding are key ingredients for the success of EIF, as initially agreed when the old IF was revisited. Setting up the NIU and all related National Implementation Arrangements is a prerequisite step that shall provide LDCs with greater capacity to implement bankable projects. Meantime, we should seize this opportunity to make the best possible results facilitated through EIF Trust Fund. We equally welcome bilateral engagements by our development partners, but we should not lose sight that EIF Trust Fund represents a prime decisive funding facility to get the process rolling. Without such additional and predictable Trust Fund the whole EIF process maybe derailed from its original objectives. Before I conclude on this subject, I would like to thank EIF Executive Secretariat, the interim Board and UNOPS for all the support they have provided to Yemen at the EIF inception stage, and looking forward for their continued support throughout the whole EIF process. We equally wish all LDCs the best of luck in initiating this process. We equally looking forward to meeting on another occasion, in the near future, to share results and lessons learned, as the EIF implementation process develops overtime. Last but not least, as representative of an acceding LDC to the ϲʹ, I would like to make reference to the excellent initiative taken jointly by the Secretariats of EIF, ITC and ϲʹ to assist non-ϲʹ member LDCs through a specific program on accession to ϲʹ. We have witnessed a quite successful experience during Cambodias accession process, where IF process was aligned with the accession process to ϲʹ. We equally hope that this new joint program would assist acceding LDC to successfully conclude their respective accessions, as soon and smooth as possible. We look forward to seeing this initiative implemented in the very near future. Thank you for your kind attention.      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The EIF, as you are all YYd28dY8ddYd22zdY2zCo22YN2ddd2YCY1X881p2 C'3aware, was meant to assist LDCs to mainstream trade into national doYYCY22YN1YYd828d2YNN8N82zN28d1Y8dN8CYY38CYdY18d8d2dX88ddX82d%2 L'3evelopment plans mYdY7deYd82d8YcN22 Z'3and subsequently to integrate into the multilateral trading system and global economy, so Ydd2NddNYdcYd88d18d28d7XdCY8Y18d8d18cY2d8888Y8XCX828BYd8dd2NdM8Y2Ydd2d8ddY82YYdddd22Nd22 X'3that LDCs can benefit from globalization, which they are still excluded from its gains. 8dY82zN2XYd2dYdYB882BBe2d8ddY88XY88dd22d8Yc28dYd2YBY2N78782YdY8dcYd2BCe288N2dY8dN12 2  '3 [ 2 '3 [d2 ;'3In the Sixth ϲʹ Ministerial in December 2005, Ministers malCd28dY2o8c8d1z28d8N8YB8Y818d2YXYdYC2dddd328d8M8YCN2Y(2 '3ndated the work to nddY8Yd18dY1dCd28d22 zS'3enhance the old IF, which did not turn up to what was expected when this important iYddYdYY28cY1d8d2Co22d8Xd2d8d2dd828cBd2dd28d2dY72YN2YddYY8Xd2dYd28d8N18ddC8Yd822 `['3program was initiated in 1997. I would like, at this note, to register my appreciation for dCddCY2ZN28d878X8Yd28c2dddd22C2dd8d288cY22Y818d7N2dd8Y228d1CXd8N8XC2d2YedCYY7Y88dd2BcC2j2 F?'3the hard work throughout the many months that followed until th8dY2dYCd2dBd28dCdddddc828dY2Ydd2dd8dN28dY81Bd88dYd2dd78828c22 F+'3e full operationalization Y2Bd882dcYCY78ddY78YX78dd2-"2 ,'3of the EIF on 1dB28dY2zCo2dd2d{@Times New Roman-2  '3st4%-y2 , I'3. July 2009. A great deal of the work is also contributed to the interim 22Nd8d2dcdd222dCYY81dYY82dB28dY1dCd28N2Y8Nd1Ydd8B8dd8Yd17d28dY28c8YB822 T'3EIF Board, since its inception in May 2007, where Members of the Board have exerted zCo2dYCd22N8dYY278N28cYXd88dd28d1Xd2dddd22dYCY2YdYCN2dB28dY2dYCd2dYdY2YdYB8Xd2_2 8'3full dedication and hard work over recent months to brinBd882dYd8YX87dd2Ydd2dYCd1dCd2ddYC2CXYYd82dd8dN28d2dC8d.2 '3g the EIF program into d18dY1zCo2dCddCX28d8d2%2 '3functioning mode. BddY88dd8dd1ddY2 2  '3 [ 2 '3 [-2 V'3Yemen was fortunate to be one of the first two LDCs approved for Tier 1 facility, on 1ZYd2YN3BdC8ddY8Y18d1dY2ddY2dB28dY2B8CN818d2zN2YddCddYd2BdC2z8YC2c2BYY8878d22dd1d-2 M '3st4%- 2 H!'3 22 W'3July 2009, which marked the full and actual operationalization of EIF program. We are Nd8d2dddd21d8Yd2YCeYd28dY2Bd882Xdd2YY8dX82dcYCY78ddY78YX78dd2dB2zCo2dCddCY223Z2YCY1D2 u&'3equally counting on this important proYddY88d1Ydcd88dd2dd28c8M28ddC8Yd82dCdX2 u3'3gram to build the capacity needed to assist in the dCY28d2dd88d28cY2YYdXY88d2dXYdYd27d2YNN8M828d18cY22 [ V'3implementation of various activities and Tier II projects that would aim at enhancing 8d8ZYd8Y88dd2dB2dYC8cdN2YY78d878YN1Ydd2z8YC1CC2cCd8YX8N28cY81dd8d2Y82Z82YddYdX8dd1Y2 A!4'3Yemens active participation in the global economy. ZYdCN2YY78dY2dYB88X8dX88dd28d18dY2d7ddY82YYddcd22 2 A!o'3 \ 2 '"'3 [m2 #A'3Upon receipt of Tier I funds, Yemen started to implement its plan ddd2CYYY8c82dB2z8YC2C2BcddN22ZYd2N8YB8Yd28d18d8YYd8288N1d8Yd22 #b'3ned activities under this dYd2YX87d887YN2dddYC18d8N12 #\'3facility, including addressing issues like formulating trade and export strategy as well as BYY8878d228dX7dd8dd2YddCXNN8dd28MNdYN188dY2BdCd8Y88dd27CYdY2Ycd2YdddC82M8CX8Ydd2YN2Y781YN22 $W'3updating the DTIS. Implementation of this project is also focusing on building the NIU dddY88dd18dX2zCo22Dd8YYd8Y88dd2dB28d8N2dCd7XY828N1Y8Nd2BdXdN8dd2dd2dd78d8dd28cY2B2X2 %3'3capability and carrying on various activities aimin YYdYd7888d1Xdd2YYCCc8dd1dd2dYC8ddN2XY88c887YN2Y88d;2 % '3g at spreading knowledge on the d2Y82NcCYYc8dd2ddd8YcdY2dd28dY1P2 &.'3importance trade as an engine to development. 8ddC8YdYY27CYdY2YN1Yd2Xdd8dY28d2dYcY8ddYd822 2 &'3 [ 2 ''3 [2 q(V'3In preparation for EIF implementation we have put the necessary internal mechanism in Cd2dCYdXCY77dd2BdC2zCo28d8YYd8Y88dd2Y2dYdY2dd828dY2dXYXNNYCd28c8YCcX82YYdYd8N28d22 W)X'3place, through close consultation with key national stakeholders as well as the donors d8YYY218dCdcdd2Y8dNY2YdcNd88X88dd277d2dYd2dY88dcY82N7YdYdd8cYCN2YN2Y782XN28dY2ddddCMC22 =*'3coYd2 =*W'3mmunity, represented by the Donor Facilitator. As a result, the national setup is well dd88d22CYdCYMYd8Yd1dd28dY2dddC2oYY7887Y8dC12N2Y2CYNd78218dY2dY78ddY81NY8dd28N2X87252 #+'3functioning and delivering. BddY88dd8dd1Ydd2dY88cYC7dd22 2 #+'3 [ 2 ,'3 [2 ,Q'3Through this program, Yemen is hoping to fully integrate trade into the national zdCdddd28d7N2dCddCY22ZYd28N2ddd8dd28d2Bd88c28d8YcCY8Y18CXdY28d8d18dY2cY88ddX81b2 -:'3development plans and strategies, in particular the PovertdYdY8ddYd82d8YdN1Ydd2M8CX8Yd8XN228d1dYC78Yd8XC28cY2oddYC8=2 -!'3y Reduction Strategy, as well as td2YddY88dd2n8BY8Ydd22YN2X882YN1-33''33''33''33''33''33''33''33''33'' 3 3' '  3 3' '  3 3' '  3 3' '  3 3' ' 33''33''33''33''~3~3''}3}3''|3|3''{3{3''z3z3''y3y3''x3x3''w3w3''v3v3''u3u3''t3t3''s3s3''r3r3''q3q3'' p3 p3' ' !!o3!o3'!'!!""n3"n3'"'""##m3#m3'#'##$$l3$l3'$'$$%%k3%k3'%'%%՜.+,0 hp   Grizli777( + Statement by Dr Title  !"#$%&'(*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ACDEFGHILRoot Entry FHNData 1TableWordDocument,*SummaryInformation()1DocumentSummaryInformation8BCompObjj  FMicrosoft Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q