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Press facilities The media centre is located on Level -1. It has two working areas with tables and power connections for laptops. A very limited number of computers will be available (priority for journalists from least-developed countries). No space reservation is allowed. During the three days of the Conference, regular opening hours of the CICG are from 7 am to 11 pm. Journalists may stay longer in the media centre if they need to complete their work. Wireless internet is available throughout the conference centre; it does not support video uploads or radio transmissions. Television and radio reporters can use special internet connections placed along the wall opposite briefing room 18. The table along that wall is reserved for television and radio reporters only. It also offers A/V outlets to record live feeds. The main press briefing room is located on the Ground Floor. Two additional rooms for press briefings are near the press working area, on Level -1. All press briefing rooms are equipped with raised platforms for TV cameras and SLR audio outlets for recording. The events taking place in Room 2 (opening, plenary and closing sessions) are open to the press. These events, as well as press conferences on the main press briefing room, will be transmitted to the press centre live. They will also be webcast live. These feeds are available for recording at the TV working area. Accreditation pick-up The period to request accreditations is now over. Accredited journalists may pick up their badges in the cabin outside the main entrance of the ϲʹ building at Rue de Lausanne 154, Geneva at the following dates and times: Monday 23 to Friday 27 November:from 10 am to 6 pm Sunday 29 November: from 8 am to 6 pm During the week of the ministerial: from 8 am to 6 pm The badge pick-up will be closed Saturday 28 November. Please remember to bring proof of identity; Passports or ϲʹ/UN press badges are good examples. If there are any concerns with picking up badges between these hours or if you have any other accreditation question please contact: Yara Boff Tonella Tel.: +41 22 739 6197 Fax.: +41 22 739 5458  HYPERLINK "mailto:media.accreditation@wto.org" media.accreditation@wto.org Summary schedule as of 19 November Monday 30 November 12 pm Orientation briefing by Keith Rockwell, ϲʹ spokesman 3 pm Opening session, followed by Plenary session (speeches by ministers) Tuesday 1 December 10 am Continued: Plenary session (speeches by ministers) Room 2 10 am Working session 1: "Review of ϲʹ activities, including the Doha Work Programme" Chaired by Director-General Pascal Lamy Room 1 (Both meetings are expected to last the whole day) Wednesday 2 December 10 am Continued: Plenary session (speeches by ministers) Room 2 10 am Working session 2: "The ϲʹ's contribution to recovery, growth and development" Chaired by Minister Andrs Velasco (Chile), chair of the Ministerial Conference (Both meetings above are expected to last the whole day) 6.30 pm Closing session (time to be confirmed) 7.00 pm Closing press conference by Minister Andrs Velasco (Chile), Chair of the Ministerial Conference, and ϲʹ Director-General Pascal Lamy (time to be confirmed) Additional press conferences and background briefings will be scheduled by ministers and ϲʹ officials. An updated schedule will be available at the Conference Centre and at the ϲʹ website. General rules for media coverage Media is allowed to film, take photos and record audio in all public areas of the conference centre on the ground floor and level -1, including on the events that are open to the press. The following events are open to the press: Opening session (with space limitation) Plenary session Closing session (with space limitation) All press conferences and background briefings The following events are closed to the press: Working sessions (exception for establishing shots before the meeting; see below) Private meetings scheduled by ϲʹ members Opening session Print and wires: a limited number of seats will be available for journalists inside the main conference hall. We'll distribute passes on a first come, first served basis. Details will be announced at the orientation briefing on Monday 30 November at 12 pm. Photographers: in principle, photographers are free to work in the main conference hall up to the start of the session. Please dont be intrusive. After that, photographers can stay provided they do not block the view for TV cameras and the audience. You might be asked to stay within a specific area. However, if there is large demand, we will put in place a pool arrangement. To ensure you have access either to the room or to pool photos at times of peak demand, please email Mire Ni Mhaidin (maire.nimhaidin@wto.org) stating which sessions you would like to attend. This will probably not be necessary for much of the plenary session, but you are advised to contact Mire if you want to cover the opening and closing sessions. Pool photographers are expected to share their photos with the others who have applied. TV cameras: TV cameras can be positioned on the galleries overlooking Room 2, accessible from the first floor (both sides of the main hall). Audio outlets (SLR) will be available for recording from those positions. Television feed: for those unable to access the room, a live television feed will be broadcast to the press working area and to several screens on the ground floor. Journalists can record this live feed from A/V connections by the TV wall on the press centre. In addition, this session will be webcast live. Plenary sessions Print and wires: free access; seats assigned for journalists at the back of the room. Photographers: free access. We request that you do not block the view for TV cameras and the audience. A photographers zone could be set up if there are large numbers in the room. TV cameras: free access to the room and to the galleries overlooking Room 2. Audio outlets will be available at the gallery and nearby the webcasting camera at the back of the room. Television feed: for those unable to access the room, a live television feed will be broadcast to the press working area and to several screens on the ground floor. Journalists can record this live feed from A/V connections by the TV wall on the press centre. This session will be webcast live. Working sessions They are closed to the press. Photographers and TV cameras (cameraman only: no sound engineers/reporters/producers) can enter the room before the meeting is underway for establishing shots. All photographers and TV cameras have to leave as soon as the meeting starts. A pool arrangement may be put in place in case of excessive demand; please email Mire Ni Mhaidin (Maire.NiMhaidin@wto.org) stating which sessions you would like to attend. Closing session In principle, arrangements will be the same as for the opening session. Depending on demand, an update will be issued at the conference centre. Please note that the time for the closing session is tentative, and will depend on other sessions to be concluded. Additional facilities for TV and radio Eurovision: Eurovision/EBU will provide uplinks, stand-up positions, playouts and other services from their booth located near the media working area 2. Please note that at this point they do not foresee editing or dubbing services; please contact Eurovision if you have any requirements. Contact: Eszter Czirjak, Eurovision Operations phone +41 79 244 64 69 czirjak@eurovision.net Media booths: Three small booths are available upon reservation for radio and television reporters. They are equipped with working space (table, chairs), telephones and ISDN lines for your radio codecs. The standard time slot will be one hour; depending on demand we may accommodate requests for longer slots. We cannot provide individual working booths due to the space restrictions of the conference centre. To book these booths please contact: Heather Sapey-Pertin, ϲʹ Information Division phone +41 22 739 5208 heather.sapey-pertin@wto.org TV interview room: One room fitted with the ϲʹ Ministerial backdrop can be reserved for sit-down interviews with ϲʹ officials or delegations. To book this space please contact: Mire Ni Mhaidin Kiiamov phone +41 22 739 5019 maire.nimhaidin@wto.org Cabled internet connections: at the media centre; exclusively for video uploads. Support in Geneva for out-of-town broadcasters Actua - Cameraman/technicians hiring; equipment rental: 022 809 1515 Free news - Cameraman/technicians hiring: +4122 807 0050 Visuals Equipment rental: +4122 717 8555 Servibroadcast Equipment repairs: tel: +4122 788 5110 ϲʹ Video coverage The ϲʹ will provide video coverage of the conference on daily satellite feeds free of charge for television channels. We will also make footage available on our Media newsroom broadcast page and on The News Market video service. At this time three satellite feeds are planned: 30 Nov - 20h (1900GMT) 1 Dec - 17h (1600 GMT) 2 Dec - 20h (1900 GMT) - Time TBC: may change if there are delays on the conference If you are interested in downloading footage from our video service please register at the ϲʹ media newsroom. Instructions at: http://icd.wto.org/member/register.aspx?l=e Contact: Jana Borges Sandra Dondenne phone +41 22 739 5186 phone +41 22 739 5804 janaina.borges@wto.org sandra.dondenne@wto.org Useful contacts Interview requests Helen Mandrillon (for ϲʹ officials only) phone +41 22 739 5007 helen.mandrillon@wto.org Press team Keith Rockwell, ϲʹ spokesman +41227395007 Anoush der Boghossian +41227395075 (French-speaking media) Jana Borges +41 22 739 51 86 (TV and radio) Josep Bosch +41227395681 (Spanish-speaking media) Luis Ople +41227395374 Nuch Nazeer +41227395393 Peter Ungphakorn +41227395412 More information: Please visit www.wto.org for podcasts, webcasts, photo gallery, briefing notes and updated information during the Conference (also in French and Spanish). #12OT 6 8 j Z [ \ m n O o p ' ( ) 1 2 ; a h ¾׺§¾h5_hW h\mhYx h\mh5 h\mh5_hX<hAhwPh h5: h\mh5:h\mh5:5>*he(hZz hC.hk hC.hK? hC.hilhilh/:h/hK?728 [ \ m n p ) %,c; & FSgdC.;gd-:gd-:gdwP;gdK?8gdK?22 IS$U,NOUacmôôì謎莬h2=h-nH tH hu9h-h-CJaJnH tH h-nH tH hC.h-CJaJnH tH hC.h-nH tH hC.nH tH hC.hC.nH tH  hC.h-h-hrh/hWh5_hm, 2  ')234GHK=yQ)0GHL{ h5_h5_hHPh r h[hK? h/>*h/hC.h5_hK?hK?>*h5:hK?CJaJnH tH hK?hJh-h-CJaJnH tH h- h2=h->*B*nH phtH h2=h-nH tH jh2=h-UnH tH /34G#z8H;gdK?9gd/ 9 ngdK?9gdK?:gda ;  gd-LOgqJKy IM<=ݸᱸݩy/h_B* CJOJQJ^JmH nH phsH tH h(aJnH tH h_aJnH tH h_hwPh_5 he(hi:hi:hwPhIz5 hC.hj hl:!hj hl:!hIzh/hIzhzyhkhwPhK?hZzhHP h5_hHP/JKy = J![!\!!;gdUa:gdUa;gd_;gdK?9 & FRgdIz9 & FQgd/9 & FQgdIz9gdIz;gdk:gdwP=GI  $ !!I!J!\!k!!!!!h"r"###.##$$H$X$[$]$k$l$$%&&ҾҶҲҫsa"hC.hk56CJaJnH tH "hC.hj56CJaJnH tH hC.hj0J>56hC.h]70J>56 hC.h$ hC.hj hC.h]7hjhHh_hwPh_5hvhwPhUa5hUahjKhwPhh hwPh 5hKIhl^hIz h_5#!h"#G$H$\$]$&&&,&-&1'2'3'Z'['|(((((**9gdP;gd&MW9gdY`Q9gd!AW;gd4:gd49gd:gdj;gdUa;gd_&&&&&*&+&-&l&s&$'.'0'1'3'Y'Z'['e''''''((j(m({(|((((((((((y**ԿԴ谢찒쒎wpwj h!AWaJ hY`QhY`QhY`Qh!AWaJ hY`Qh!AW hY`Qh4h!AWh#hAh4h45hh456CJaJh4h56CJaJhzy0J=56hjh/0J=56hjh&MW0J=56hjh&MWh$h hjhjhj0J>56(******++++++++,M,N,_,},,,,,,,,,---(-6-L-Q-U-`-a-b-f-t-u-v-ûyyuqmihph&MWhEh h8h$^JmH nH sH tH  h8h$h$heh$5h{qh$mHsH h^.hp8h{qh$5mHsHh$mHsHh8h$5mHsHh$h$5 h,n5hbQhbQ5hbQh }9h4h4h45hPh(X)***++++++M,N,},,,(-a-u-v-.../// 9  gdDY;gd>9gd>:gdp:gd;D9gdp8;gd$;gd&MW9gdPv-----L.Z.\.`/////@0A0C0R0S0T0f0w0x00000000000011%1'1Źyrykgcg_h6h0Hh; h;h; h^.h0H h^.h;h5hjK5h5hj5hPhDYnH tH hDYB*aJnH phtH hPnH tH hDYnH tH h5hDY5nH tH hUahHhDYh$hMthhEhp$ hRyhRyhRyh>h_h(hPhE$/0@0A0B0C0S0T0000>1k111122222:gd$ 9  gd( 9  gd0H;gdK? ;  gdP;  gdDY:  gdDY9gdMt 9  gdDY'161=1>1[1j1k1v1w11111111111111112222#2.22222˿hhK?h$hP5h$hj h5hjh,nh0Hh; h;h(h( h;h;h6he(!22222;gdK?9gd$&:pbQ. 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