ࡱ> >@= @ RbjbjPP (6::&+6666666J8&\J$    $*R|L 6     66O   d66  66  1'q ^ q  0  v JJ66666        JJU XJJMr. Chairman, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, Let me first express my warmest thanks to the Swiss and Geneva authorities for hosting the Seventh Session of the ϲʹ Ministerial Conference. I trust that the number "Seven" will favorably influence our works at this Conference, but let us not leave success to luck. Rather, let us rededicate ourselves to taking the actions necessary to deliver the outcome that the Organization deserves, and that the world economy needs at this critical time. Fortunately, the benefits and desirability of ϲʹ membership are now unquestionable. Amidst the economic crisis, the ϲʹ has proven its worth to doubters. I am delighted that the time of existential questions is past and consensus seems to have recently emerged on how to strengthen our Organization. Is the ϲʹ weak? Certainly not. Does it need to be strengthened, surely! Can this be achieved by magic or without our active engagement? Absolutely not. Behind the frosty concept of the State and international organizations there are real humans looking for growth, well-being and dignity. Thats why we consider free trade not just as an end in itself, but rather tied to crucially important human values and welfare goals captured in the ϲʹ's founding charter. So, we have no right to disappoint them. Accordingly, we reiterate the call of the Director General to devise and announce exit strategies to remove trade restrictions and production subsidies that {some Members} have introduced temporarily to counteract the effects of the crisis, and start implementing those strategies as soon as domestic economic recovery takes hold. Conscious of recent developments in the global economy, the UAE has successfully managed to limit the impact of the harshest phase of the downturn and has succeeded in achieving a remarkable economic performance without recourse to any protectionist measures. By doing so, the UAE strongly affirms its attachment to a fair multilateral trading system. Nonetheless, in the short run and in concert with GCC countries, the UAE has already signed a series of FTAs, the last one just a few weeks ago with New Zealand, and with more still being negotiated since we believe that FTAs can serve as important "stepping-stone" to progress at the ϲʹ and such will lead to freer multilateral trade in the medium term. In order to move the trade system ahead, we need to seriously accelerate the pace and ensure that meaningful negotiations emerge, and real exchanges among Members, so as to speed up not only global economic recovery but also a successful outcome of the DDA negotiations. The ϲʹ Ministerial Conference provides a platform for sending a number of strong signals to the world and for delivering an emphatic message beyond these walls to uplift peoples faith in an open international trading system and a peaceful world. Kant, one of the greatest philosophers of HYPERLINK "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Age_of_Enlightenment" \o "Age of Enlightenment"Enlightenment, indicated unambiguously in his work on Perpetual Peace among nations that trade brings about peace and that peace will be maintained through trade. On this note, we call for more support for the efforts of Developing and Less Developed Countries to address the economic slowdown, and to facilitate in the meantime ϲʹ accession to such countries, with special reference to Arabic countries who have voiced their concerns on this issue. Ladies and Gentlemen, The hope, as tenuous as it can be, is to mitigate the harsh reality of international trade with our ability to envisage and implement a globalized world with a human face. May these few lines help renew our interest in the question of development and cooperation in the global trading environment; as evident as these statements may seem, it would be useful to constantly keep them in mind. For in disregarding these thoughts we run the risk of letting them sleep quietly and forever. Thank you for your kind attention.      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