ࡱ> ;=: @ mbjbjPP 8.::G %~~~~~~~vvv8L("<<<$RfR~U U U ~~<< U ~<~< U  ~~ < Q(sv% | 0(   ~~~~~  YlvG vBelize Statement to ϲʹ Conference, Geneva, 2 December 2009. Chairman, Heads of Delegation, Delegates. Belize adds its voice to others who have spoken before me in thanking the Director General and his team in the Secretariat for arranging this Conference. There is a growing perception outside that meetings like these amount to nothing more than talk shops. There is a real danger that the conclusion of this meeting might give rise to similar speculation. We cannot fail to recognize, however, the efforts of members who are trying very hard to achieve some measure of progress. I want to assure this Conference of Belizes full resolve to assist in reaching a successful conclusion of the Doha Development Agenda (DDA). We cannot afford the Doha Development commitments to fall by the wayside. Yes, we are becoming impatient at the delays in concluding the Doha Round. However, it is not our desire to see conclusion in the DDA at the price of development. It goes without saying that such a scenario would be contrary to the spirit in which this Round was conceived. As a member of the Small Vulnerable Working Group, (SVE) we hold firmly to the view that actions speak louder than words. While we recognize and appreciate the progress that has been made in transcribing some elements of the work programme into concrete proposals so far, we insist that all elements of the SVE work programme must be completed early. Here, we need to single out the special safeguard mechanism for special mention. We wish to see this mechanism become simple, operational, and effective without the level of administrative burdens endemic to traditional trade remedies. If not properly crafted, it can easily become meaningless for our producers. In this regard, the Aid for Trade (AfT) pledges to countries like mine should be made good. To date, the Caribbean lags far behind in receiving its fair share of AfT resources. Empty promises ring hollow if we do not receive the promised assistance, especially as it relates to helping us meet our supply side constraints. We are firm adherents to the view that trade done right lifts people out of poverty. But if not given the proper tools to use trade effectively, the role of trade in promotion of development becomes meaningless. Belize attaches great importance to AfT especially in light of the loss we have been experiencing of long-standing preferences in major agricultural commodities. Even prior to the financial crisis, our private and public sectors expressed great difficulty accessing capital financing. Now with the crisis, this is exacerbated by new problems that were not hitherto present. We believe the timely intervention of aid for trade assistance can do much to ameliorate some of the structural difficulties facing us today. In respect of bananas, we appreciate that closure to such a long-standing dispute may be imminent. We associate ourselves with the concerns expressed by CARICOM Delegations who worry about the possibility that Caribbean producers might once again be at the losing end of any deal. In my country this matter is a bread and butter issue. The trade deals that take place here cannot be far removed from the reality at home. Belize, like other members of CARICOM and of the ACP Group will insist that its views are heard and taken into account in any final deal. Thank you.     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