ࡱ>  @ bjbjPP 32::]TVTVTVTVTVTVTVhV```8$a8aDhV,aa(aaabbb+------RF-TVbbbbb-TVTVaa4BDdDdDdb"TVaTVa+Ddb+DdDdf7 TVTVa|a 0}|`cjODX0LpcLhVhVTVTVTVTVLTVhDdbbb--hVhV `"d"hVhV`World Trade OrganizationWT/MIN(09)/ST/120 2 December 2009(096510)MINISTERIAL CONFERENCE Seventh Session Geneva, 30 November - 2 December 2009Original: Spanish BOLIVIA Statement by HE MrPablo Guzman Deputy Minister of Foreign Trade and Integration I have listened carefully to the statements by Ministers and delegates, a large number of which laid stress on concluding the Doha Round next year. Almost all agreed that the urgency derived from two factors: (1) the damage that is being caused by the economic crisis, particularly to the economies of the poorest countries; and (2) the protectionist trends that are reemerging in developed countries. We have nevertheless heard other critical voices in this forum: telling us that putting pressure on us to conclude the Doha Round in 2010 would mean placing a limit on the expected results of the Round for developing countries. Many serious economists say that the origin of the crisis lay in the lack of regulation of the financial system in an extremely powerful country, naturally a Member of this Organization. Liberalization and the absence of regulation of its financial services led to lack of control and financial chaos, initially on the mortgage market, subsequently causing a generalized lack of confidence and spreading to the global economy. Like many other countries, at the ϲʹ this country undertook to deregulate and liberalize its financial services. The measures taken to combat the crisis in the developed world go against all the rules agreed at the ϲʹ. The conclusion is that, in order to prevent any such crises in the future, there must be a return to the principle of regulation by the State. To do this, the liberalization commitments made with respect to the financial services sector in the ϲʹ have to be reversed Greater liberalization does not necessarily lead to greater prosperity, in this case it means greater poverty. The ϲʹ dogmas need to be revised. I would now like to call your attention to some abuses to which we in developing countries are subject and, to prevent these, we ask the ϲʹ to lay down certain rules. One of these abuses is the improper use of tariff preferences. These programmes are being used as conditional support. They create trade dependence and then impose the conclusion of unfavourable agreements. Moreover, the beneficiary is obliged to abide by certain rules and precepts. Sometimes the preferences are withdrawn for political and not trade reasons, causing suffering to workers' innocent families. The disguised abuse of support cannot be allowed as a trade practice among ϲʹ Members. Another form of abuse from which we suffer in developing countries is the suppression of our historical regional trade agreements by the major blocs. They involve and convince some other members of such agreements, fostering division and promoting disintegration. The Andean Community is today seriously at risk of breaking up because of the disintegrating action of some powerful countries and groups of countries. There are also other aspects to be taken into account for the correct functioning of the multilateral trading system. Developed countries must recognize the right of developing countries to define their own constitutional regulatory framework and their own domestic policies in relation to agriculture, industry and services. Bolivia has opted for industrialization that is in harmony with nature as the way to eliminate poverty. Such a decision must be respected. At the same time, the ϲʹ must ensure compliance with the moral obligation on developed countries to open up their markets to developing countries and to eliminate the large subsidies given to their agricultural products. To achieve all this, there needs to be a farreaching change in the multilateral trading system. A change that guarantees inclusion and consensus. I cannot conclude my statement without referring to climate change and its relation to trade. There needs to be a return to dialogue and reflection. It has to be acknowledged that the growth in international trade has contributed to increased emissions of greenhouse gases. The ambitions of large corporations in their desire to conquer global markets have led to more rapid global warming. Defending the earth is an important task today. The quest for harmony between man and nature has incited Bolivia to propose a Universal Declaration of Mother Earth Rights at the United Nations. The ϲʹ needs to revise its paradigm and its theoretical framework in a great crusade for genuine dialogue. We must protect our house and the future of mankind in order to achieve a good way of life. __________ WT/MIN(09)/ST/120 Page  PAGE 2 WT/MIN(09)/ST/120 Page  PAGE 1 . /. 12@CGKLMQhox  u׻פ׌Ą|unjČh h"h" h"h#7h"h">*h"h#Su>*h"h#Su5h"h$5h"hC5h"hfS5h"hfSCJ h,CJh"h"CJ h"h#Suh,h"h"5 h"hfSh"hfS;>*h"hfS5:CJ,h"h"5:CJ,& s[H$Ifgd"l L$$Ifa$gd"l L]kd$$IfTl40 C#`+E C#4 9a9f4pT$$Ifa$gd"l $dh$Ifa$gd"l 1Arr$$Ifa$gd"l $$Ifa$gd"l _kd$$IfTl40 C# +E C#4 9a9f4pTABCMy$$Ifa$gd"l $Ifgd"l ]kd*$$IfTl40 C# +E C#4 9a9f4pTMNOPQ6\kdS$$IfTl`0 C#+E C#4 9a9pT$Ifgd"l Zkd$$IfTl0 C#+E C#4 9a9pTQhxtooofo $@&a$gd,gd"Zkd$$IfTl0 C#+E C#4 9a9pT$ $Ifa$gd"l T$$Ifa$gd"l T    N O @ A !/0nohi  gd#Sugd"$a$gd#Su YZtugd"  C#B#gd"  C#gd"$a$gd"gd"gd#Suh"h#Su5h,h"hmHnHuhh,mHnHujh"hU h"h$a$gd"$a$gd"gd"gd"1 0&P 1+:p. 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