ࡱ> BDA @ bjbjPP + :: FFFFFFFZ82Z+RRRRR---+ + + + + + +$~,R.-+F---+FFRRB+FRFR++n)FF[*RF  q* *DX+0+;* //@[*ZZFFFF/F[*h-Ly6,----+-+ZZ0XZZ BRAZIL Statement by HE Mr Celso Amorim Minister of External Relations This long-delayed Ministerial Conference provides the occasion for a collective reflection about the Organization. The ϲʹ is a valuable asset, but it can lose relevance unless Members are prepared to invest the political capital required to equip it for the agenda of the 21st Century, an agenda that will inevitably be linked to sustainable development in all its dimensions. The G-20 Ministers, in the communiqu approved yesterday, reiterate that they are ready to act. Just this morning, the whole developing world made the same pledge in a ministerial declaration. We are still facing the effects of one of the most severe economic downturns in history. The crisis originated in the rich countries, but the poorest ones are paying the steepest price. Although the ϲʹ rules-based system helped prevent widespread protectionism, the defensive actions that followed the crisis can still build up into a considerable disruptive force. The Doha Round was launched with the objective of bringing the development dimension into the ϲʹ. Over the last 8 years we have built a negotiating package that potentially contains benefits for developing countries and for the membership as a whole. The contribution of developing countries would be greater than that given by developed countries in any of the previous negotiating Rounds. It is unreasonable to expect that concluding the Round would involve additional unilateral concessions from developing countries. We are in the midst of a crisis. A crisis of paralysis. The longer we take to get out of it, the bigger the effects in terms of economic stagnation and losses of jobs. In some of the poorest countries, this means less people coming out of absolute poverty and starvation. Stopping the clock is not an option. Economic conditions change, past trade-offs are supplanted by new circumstances. We must act collectively and urgently. Rather than concentrating on what went wrong, we must focus on what is needed to finish negotiations. Such assessment must take place in the next few weeks and months if we are to live up to the commitment of finishing the Round in 2010. The alternative will be more protectionism, more fragmentation of international trade, more inequality, more social and political instability. While we try to overcome this standoff, Brazil is seeking ways to deliver some of the development promises of the Round. As I announced earlier today and in line with the Hong Kong declaration, by mid-2010, Brazil will grant duty-free-quota-free access for products from LDCs covering 80% of all tariff lines. This will increase over four years to cover all tariff lines. We can only hope that the developed countries will follow suit.     . /.  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