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Despite this impressive achievement, the country remains highly dependent on international support. Upgrading our public institutions and the private sector, and building national capability are crucial for us. We believe that participation in the ϲʹ will help us address these challenges and, with your assistance and expertise, we will certainly be able to take full advantage of our membership. The fact is that, along with an intrinsic vulnerability resulting from insularity, Cape Verde also faces a huge structural vulnerability in terms of food and energy security. We hope to continue to: Benefit from duty-free and quota-free access to international markets. Receive financial and technical assistance that allows us to efficiently implement the reforms we have agreed upon within the adhesion process. Benefit from new technologies, since, as we all know, developing countries do need better access to modern technology and services. At present, a major challenge facing the ϲʹ is ensuring that developing countries, particularly small ones like Cape Verde, not only participate in the multilateral trading system but gain real benefits from it, as well. It is in this light that we undertook the DTIS, and prepared an Action Plan, approved by all stakeholders. In order to implement it, we are, however, still waiting for the support of EIF. Cape Verde places high value on Aid for Trade because it is a viable policy response to assist small vulnerable economies, like ours, in building and increasing productive capacities and international competitiveness. It is the only way we can truly seize the benefits of market access opportunities. In this sense, we do recognize the need for scaling up aid directed at developing countries, particularly small vulnerable economies and LDCs. This will ensure that Aid for Trade remains an important part of ODA, providing funding that takes into account both regional integration and country-specific priorities. Let me conclude by, once again, indicating that we look forward to actively participate in the process of building an effective global trading system. We believe that a balanced completion of the Doha Round will significantly contribute to the recovery and growth of the global economy, and establish a more sustainable, development-oriented international trading regime, giving new opportunities to all Member States. However, our goal is not freer trade for trade's sake. It is about better living standards for our people, better healthcare and education, less poverty and a cleaner environment. Thank you very much.  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