ࡱ> IKH @ Rbjbj0B؝؝8d<$llTTTTTT$RZATTATTVTTT` @&`rRl04Ed444T|~dTTTAA |$"|Germany Statement by State Secretary Dr. Bernd Pfaffenbach, Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology I. Introduction Mr. Chairman, Dear Colleagues, Distinguished Delegates, First of all, I would like to express my thanks to our hosts for organising this Conference. It is of utmost importance to conduct this discussion on The ϲʹ, the Multilateral Trading System and the Current Global Economic Environment right now. We are on the verge of doing serious harm to the important achievements we have made over the past 62 years. The multilateral trading system, starting in 1947 with the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, has opened up markets and established transparent trade rules. And this has contributed to prosperity and growth on a global level for over six decades. If we want to define our tasks properly, and if we want to cope effectively with the responsibilities and challenges we face in the world of the twenty-first century, we should continue to pursue the approach that has proved to be successful over six decades. At the same time, many ϲʹ members have proposed that we engage in a deliberative process to strengthen the ϲʹϔ. This could also be a key element in our efforts to enhance the efficiency, transparency and overall functioning of the ϲʹ in the face of new global challenges. II. Concluding the Doha Round It is of paramount importance to bring the Doha Round to a successful conclusion. Reaching agreement in the Doha Round would help us take a significant step forward in stabilizing the world economy. This is something we urgently need in this time of crisis. In addition, completing the Doha Round will serve to solidify the integration of developing countries within the global trading system. This is absolutely necessary in our globalised world. Furthermore, the Doha Round will strengthen the rules-based multilateral trading system of the ϲʹ. This is essential for ensuring stable and predictable conditions both for industry as well as for all of the members of the ϲʹ. I am convinced that we found sufficient common ground last year that will enable us to overcome the remaining difficulties and to conclude the Doha Round, for the benefit of all ϲʹ members. As Pascal Lamy has frequently said: Doha is doable. I fully agree with this position. Bringing Doha to a successful conclusion now depends on political will and political leadership. Neither the Uruguay Round nor any other previous round would have been concluded without the necessary political leadership. Therefore, distinguished delegates, The message I want to convey to you is straight and without ambiguity: The time is ripe. Lets take our responsibility. Lets make the political decisions necessary to conclude the Doha Round. We cannot simply rely on - and make use of - the well functioning ϲʹ dispute settlement system on the one hand but neglect our commitment towards the multilateral system and the Doha-Round at the same time. III. Fighting protectionism There is another major threat to the multilateral trading system, and this is protectionism. In this period of global economic crisis, the fight against protectionism is more important than ever. Eliminating trade barriers and fighting protectionism represent two sides of the same coin. It is an alarming signal if protectionism becomes popular while the elimination of trade barriers is perceived as unpopular. It has always been one of the ϲʹϒs key tasks to observe and monitor trade policy measures for example, through the trade policy review mechanism. The Director General has taken the initiative to improve the transparency of trade measures that countries have adopted during the crisis. And the G20 and G8 have supported him in this aim. Thanks to these efforts, it has been possible to fend off attempts to erect new trade barriers. Ongoing monitoring is crucial if we want to avoid a return to failed policies of the past. Protectionism is a poison pill in times of crisis. Thus Germany strongly supports the ϲʹ in continuing this work. IV. Liberalising trade in environmental goods Dear Chairman, Distinguished Delegates, As we work to address the overarching challenge that climate change poses for all of us, I think we should seriously consider what kind of contribution the ϲʹ can make in this regard. In my view, trade policy can best protect the environment and fight climate change by adopting measures to dismantle trade barriers rather than measures such as border tax adjustments. Eliminating trade barriers on environmental goods is one of the aims that the Doha mandate calls for. The Copenhagen Conference is a few days ahead. Reducing tariffs on environmental goods would send both a sign of hope and a sign of determination. I believe that this is doable if we all exercise the necessary political determination. And this would prove that trade policy can make a concrete and positive contribution to fight climate change. V. Enhancing the transparency of RTAs Distinguished Delegates, before concluding, I would like to draw your attention to the rapidly growing number of regional free trade agreements. I appreciate the new mechanism for greater transparency. But I believe that an enhanced approach is necessary, to improve transparency of RTAs themselves and maybe even work towards a ϲʹ-standard for RTAs . The ϲʹ should therefore consider relevant approaches and possibilities as soon as possible in the near future. Thank you for your kind attention. -  PAGE 8 -  IF  PAGE 8 <  NUMPAGES 7 . . .   FILENAME \p \* MERGEFORMAT R:\VA3\Tageskopien\091118 ϲʹ-Rede-StP nach VAend.doc DATE \* MERGEFORMAT01.12.2009  USERINITIALS \* MERGEFORMAT d  IF  PAGE 1 <  NUMPAGES 7 . . . . . .  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