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We need to re-examine those measures now in place, for instance discussing buy local provisions. To do that, the ϲʹ and its DG must have the full support of all of us. The poorest countries in this room are also those most vulnerable. As we focus on how trade contributes to recovery, we must not fail to address their needs. Aid for Trade remains a central focus for the European Union. We are the largest contributor worldwide, and we stand by our financial commitments. But there is no more powerful trade instrument ready to be put at the service of global recovery than the Doha Development Round. My assessment is that we are progressing too slowly to meet the 2010 objective and that is a cause for concern. So let me say as we prepare to install a new Commission in Europe, that my President and Member States stand by our commitment to close an ambitious, balanced and comprehensive Round in the months ahead. Europe is against drift, against any downgrading in the ambitious pro development package which is within sight. Come early 2010 we will need to work together to make sure we succeed in overcoming obstacles. Let me finally mention climate change. Trade policy can make a significant contribution, through the liberalisation of trade in relevant environmental goods and services. We in Europe invite all Members of the ϲʹ to intensify work in this area. Initiatives should gather broad support and participation of all those who are able to do so. But as I began, this is my last word, and my final sentence should be directed to Pascal Lamy, who more than anybody is the reason for the 153 countries gathered today and I wish to pay tribute to him.     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EL 4.1XL [20070312]4.1EL 4.1XL XL [20040326]Paolo GARZOTTIEurolook Note & LetterENENwϲʹ Ministerial Briefings  Catriona.Carmody@ec.europa.eu CARMODY Catriona (CAB-ASHTON)  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJLMNOPQRTUVWXYZ]Root Entry F(Qq_Data 1TablecWordDocument/ SummaryInformation(KDocumentSummaryInformation8SCompObjj  FMicrosoft Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q