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Indeed, we have a challenging agenda and we need to remain vigilant to safeguard the legitimacy of the ϲʹ & multilateralism and act purposely to re-position the DDA at the heart of our trading system. Our economies have been suffering from the Global economic crisis. Developing countries remain particularly vulnerable to further contraction of their exports, as well as to shortages of trade financing, liquidity and declining foreign direct investment, falling commodity prices, increasing food insecurity, reductions in remittances and uncertainty over the future of trade finance and securing additional, predictable and sustainable aid for trade. In the same vein, we have been confronted with the challenge of mitigating the incremental impacts of the food, financial, fuel crisis and we remain concerned with the incremental build-up of trade restrictions that undercut the effectiveness of policies to boost aggregate demand and restore sustained growth. We in Egypt have always recognized, and now more than ever before, the role of international trade in promoting economic development, creating jobs and alleviating poverty. That is why we believe that a fair and successful conclusion of the DDA would represent an urgently needed stimulus package for Africa. Delivering on development should remain the core component of the DDA. It is not in our disposition to rely on political intents, nor endure further slippage, or draw any new road maps and we obviously cant keep on missing more deadlines to conclude the round. What we need is determination and real commitment, translation of political intentions into concrete actions to bridge the remaining gaps. For this to happen, we need to uphold the mandates, oppose any backtracking and counter new notions introduced to the detriment of development. We believe that it is time to halt the transposition of the DDA into a mere market access endeavor. Negotiations regarding process should not be an end in themselves. Our ownership of the DDA should be preserved. All of these are issues that require our urgent attention. Shying away or failure to do so risks feeding paralysis into the multilateral trading system. This would inevitably have its repercussion on the future of the ϲʹ and its modus-operandi and credibility. The fact, that todays conference is not a negotiating venue shouldnt preclude us from taking action to bridge the remaining negotiating gaps. In this context, Egypt and Africas positions have been clearly reflected in the Cairo Communique adopted last month by the African Ministers of Trade and has been distributed to everyone. However, I would like to emphasize on four parameters which we believe are of crucial importance for our future work at the ϲʹ: Safeguarding the integrity of multilateralism and restoring global economic confidence is of crucial importance. The role of the ϲʹ in monitoring the effects of the global crisis on emerging and developing economies should be preserved and further developed, as has been proposed by the African Group. The ϲʹ has within its mandate a role in monitoring the implications of stimulus programmes and their possible effects on international trade; as well as to implement the decisions related to net food importing countries; and invigorate the monitoring and implementation of Aid for Trade to ensure that developing and least developed countries supply side capacities and needs are being met from additional sources of finance and not from committed or allocated preferential sources of ODA. Improving the negotiating process within the ϲʹ requires more attention. We must recognize that there is room for improving transparency and the inclusiveness of the negotiations. The negotiating process must remain multilateral and fully transparent. We need not dilute our ownership of the DDA. Although informal bilateral and plurilateral consultations may be useful in enhancing mutual understanding, these consultations however cannot be a substitute for a genuine multilateral process, nor should they affect the consensus reached within the multilateral context. The global economic crisis, hasnt challenged national economies alone, but has also challenged the global economic governance. The world today is facing other significant challenges, namely the food and fuel crises and climate change. These crises are questioning our prevailing economic policy paradigms and require us, all ϲʹ Members, to carefully realign our tools, models and strategies. It is in this context that ϲʹ needs to enhance its visibility & collaboration with other international institutions and organizations. Food security become an important issue to the whole globe . Its is difficult to imagine a serious effective effort to achieve the food security equation without addressing trade liberalization of agriculture products. Only such liberalization would encourage the surge of investment we seek to achieve the food security reality specially to developing countries. On the DDA, Africa expects to urgently capitalize on the development dimension of this round, which is an essential prerequisite in underpinning any significant revival of world trade. Delivering on development remains the litmus test for our collective ability to uphold the integrity and legitimacy of the multilateral trading system. It is so, not because of coincidence, but as a matter of deliberate choice and determination to make trade work for development and to further integrate developing economies in the global economic system. This would involve among other issues improving the communication strategy of the ϲʹ by inter-alia introducing the Arabic language as an official working language in the multilateral trading system. Finally , A collective responsibility rests upon us all; and on the part, we are resolved to enhance our engagement to constructively address and take concrete actions to address these very important issues. Wishing you all a fruitful conference. Thank you ___     PAGE  "6ZĮ혂o\oK7&h`vhq5CJOJQJ\_H aJ hq5CJOJQJ\_H aJ$hj<5@CJOJQJ\_H aJ$hq5@CJOJQJ\_H aJ*h`vhq5@CJOJQJ\_H aJ*h`vhq5@CJOJQJ\_H aJ*hf&/hq5@CJOJQJ\_H aJ$hq5@CJOJQJ\_H aJ*jh hqB*CJU^JaJph$hq5@CJOJQJ\_H aJ "#()Z      $d A$a$gdj<$d xA$a$gdq$d A$a$gdq$dA$a$gdq$dA$a$gdq #%#      " $ : ; L M U V _ ŲscSC0$hqhqCJ OJQJ^J_H aJ hqCJ OJQJ^J_H aJ hCJ OJQJ^J_H aJ hV,CJ OJQJ^J_H aJ h|CJ OJQJ^J_H aJ 0h3!<hq56@CJOJQJ\]_H aJ*hq56@CJOJQJ\]_H aJ$hq5@CJOJQJ\_H aJ&h`vhq5CJOJQJ\_H aJ hq5CJOJQJ\_H aJ)h3!<hq5CJH*OJQJ\_H aJ     ! 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