ࡱ> DFC WbjbjcTcT 4*>>#3 -----AAA8y4AT%h$$$$$$$$&^)b$-$--%DDD--$D$DD:#,#+tAF|# $$%0T%#.))#)-#D$$T%) : Seventh Session of the World Trade Organization Ministerial Conference 30 November 2 December 2009 Centre International De Conference Geneve (CICG) Geneva, Switzerland GUYANA Statement By HE Dr. Patrick I Gomes Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the ϲʹ Madame Chairperson, Guyana congratulates you on your assumption to the chairmanship of this Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organisation and places full support in making it a successful encounter. Guyana believes that this conference is both timely and necessary, particularly in view of the numerous and combined crises which are confronting us presently financial, economic, food and climate change. Each of the aforementioned crises presents serious challenges and requires bold initiatives to mitigate the results and negative implications. That we have not met for almost four years serves to underscore the need for clear political signals so that, as a body, we can cover the remaining journey to bring these protracted negotiations to a successful conclusion. Specifically, an outcome that is equitable would give true expression to the objectives of being a development round. May I stress that it is DEVELOPMENT to which we have committed our governments. Nothing less will be acceptable or sustainable for our economies, particularly for Small Vulnerable Economies and the Least Development Countries. Madame Chair, Guyana entered these negotiations with a few overarching guiding principles. Our legitimate expectations are, in no order of priority: At the conclusion of these negotiations Guyana and all developing countries must not be worse off; Special and Differential treatment should be a integral part of the DDA; and Guyana is prepared to make a fair contribution and undertake obligations consistent with its level of development. Madame Chair, as predominantly agriculture based economy Guyana places great emphasis on the Agriculture negotiations. Reform efforts have been ongoing to both increase competitiveness in current production activities such as rice and sugar, as well as to diversify our economy. However, as a Small, Vulnerable Economy, Guyana, like small economies, especially the 14 member states of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), is often constrained by inherent characteristics from making optimal use of opportunities presented by the multilateral trading system. For us, the multilateral trading system is as strong as its weakest members. There is therefore need for a mutually supportive and complementary trade and non-trade approach to address the particular concerns of countries that exhibit these characteristics. We therefore urged that greater attention be placed on speedy implementation the Small Economies Work Programme. On the trade policy side, for instance, we are very encouraged as well as concerned by the modalities applicable to SVEs in the December 2008 texts on Agriculture and Non-Agriculture Market Access. However, at a minimum, should be complemented by a simple and effective special safeguard mechanism (SSM). This is essential to address food security concerns and to enable agro-based economies achieve higher value production. I now wish to turn briefly to address the Aid for Trade agenda. Commendable work has been done by the ϲʹ under the guidance of Director General Lamy to monitor the delivery of Aid for Trade resources. Guyana welcomes the efforts, but believes that greater focus is needed to ensure that such aid is predictable, transparent, additional and that the conditionalities are not onerous. There can ultimately render the intervention ineffective. This also demands enhanced coherence among multilateral institutions, in particular the ϲʹ and the Bretton Woods institutions. The urgency in this regard cannot be over emphasised, particularly in light of the effects of the financial and economic crisis. Madame Chairperson, the foregoing are just a few issues of paramount importance to Guyana. Additional issues of importance are elaborated in the Declaration and Communiqu adopted by ACP Ministers on 13 November 2009 in Brussels. I thank you.     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