ࡱ> @B? @ ZbjbjPP 7,::4 %lllllllddd8,4^"***$JRlll**l*l*ll* 1pdm.0^88llll8ldjd CHECK UPON DELIVERY ϲʹ MINISTERIAL CONFERENCE Seventh Session Geneva, 30 November - 2 December 2009 CROATIA Statement by Mrs Tamara Obradovic Mazal State Secretary Ministry of the Economy. Labour and Entrepreneurship The ϲʹ, the multilateral trading system and the current global economic environment Let me paraphrase Sir William Shakespeare: we didnt come to bury Caesar, but to praise him. Eight years ago in Doha, Croatia participated for the first time as a ϲʹ Member. Then, we strongly supported the new round of negotiations with a conviction that it will contribute to the long-term global economic growth. Today, in world marked with financial crisis we are convinced more then ever that the multilateral trading system is of vital importance. We are here to reconfirm our commitment to the transparent rule-based system of ϲʹ, and again to require more balance in steps to be taken in order to have more balanced results. The ϲʹ membership for Croatia was a precondition for strengthening our position in all foreign policies aspects. Therefore, we strongly support the ϲʹ rules and disciplines as they stand today, but even stronger we support the idea of taking further steps in order to strengthen the system as a whole. Our standpoint on the DDA negotiations is based on the extensive market access commitments made during our accession process in the key areas of agriculture and NAMA access and especially services that I like to name the new agriculture. The commitments undertaken by Croatia and other RAMs were recognized in para 9 of the Doha Ministerial Declaration, as well as in other documents relevant for the DDA negotiations. Also they went far beyond of those agreed in the Uruguay Round and therefore, should be fully taken into account in all areas of negotiations. The modalities to be negotiated should include specific flexibility provisions that would provide new opportunities for the whole system, and being proportional to our capacities help us to breathe easier. And yes, we are aware that we cannot expect rapid conclusion of Doha round, but it would be too easy to be discouraged. The task ahead of us is the tough one. However, we should invest sufficient level of tolerance and the sense of compromise in order to reach a satisfactory outcome of this Conference. Steps taken in the last few months considering the agricultural market access negotiations, definitely represent the significant move forward. The future progress of the multilateral trading system depends on the successful conclusion o the Doha negotiations. It is time to confirm and to embrace our promises, and to finaly finalise DDR. I started with Shakespeare, so allow me to conclude with his words delays have dangerous ends.     PAGE  PAGE 3 nou}~ d e f g   |qiq^R^R^R^GR^hFhMCJaJhFhXX5CJaJhFhXXCJaJhMCJaJhFhFCJaJh'h'5CJaJh'5>*CJaJh 5>*CJaJhFh'5>*CJaJh'5CJaJhFh'5CJaJh'5CJaJmHnHuhF5CJaJmHnHu"hFhF5CJaJmHnHuh(5CJaJmHnHu9Iopqrstu}~$a$gd'gdF$a$gdF4Y           d $a$gd'gdFd f g 0 Z   V%&gdF `gdF gdMgd1,ogdXX `gd' gd. `gdM gdXX Ugd'   - ? P Y Z [    -  ꠔ}rgߨhYhYCJaJhYh.CJaJhFhXX5CJaJhpkhXXCJaJ *hpkhXXCJaJhpkCJaJhYCJaJhFhFCJaJhCCJaJhChXX5CJaJhMMCJaJh'CJaJhFh.CJaJhFhXXCJaJhFhMCJaJ(  )@C Vv#%&'([\]^ļߚyyyqqqqhCCJaJhFh.CJaJh1,ohFCJaJh1,ohMCJaJh1,oh.CJaJhFhY5CJaJhFhYCJaJhYCJaJhFCJaJhFhCCJaJh1,oCJaJhFhFCJaJhFhMCJaJhFhXXCJaJ,] !"#$%&'()*+gdv]gdMgdXX gdF^QUc24578:;=>Դڲڲڲڲe+e+F#8䴳FR䴳Fw5CѲ䴳F󱹱䴳Fw䴳FM䴳1,䴳F.䴳Fݳݧ䴳FF5>*䴳C䴳F䴳FF䴳$+,-./01234679:<=?@IJKVWXYh]hgdF &`#$gd gdv]lQgdv]@AGHIKLRSTUVXYZhFh#8CJaJhe+h"0JmHnHuh( h(0Jjh(0JUYZ gdv]lQ5 01h:pF. 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