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The multilateral trading system under the ϲʹ serves as the foundation of a sound development in global trade, complemented by EPAs and FTAs. The central pillar of global trade remains to be the ϲʹ, and the current stagnation of the round negotiations cannot be very healthy. Japan will continue to contribute to bolstering the functions of ϲʹ, just as we have done in the previous rounds of negotiations. Secondly, I want to look at the situation surrounding the ϲʹ and its Doha Round. Under the current economic and financial crisis, the ϲʹ has been functioning fairly well to curb the momentum for protectionism. We cannot, however, be content with just that. Without the relentless efforts by all of us, this system runs the risk of faltering in the time ahead. The important thing now is for the countries reaping great benefit from the multilateral trading system, including emerging economies, to play a leading role in pushing the negotiations forward. To this end, I call on ministers of the ϲʹ members to engage also in negotiations directly, in a series of sectors, between relevant countries. Thirdly, true to the name of the Development Round, a successful conclusion of the Doha Round can bring benefit to all, and especially developing, countries. In the face of the difficulties that followed the financial and economic crisis last autumn, it is crucial for us to give a boost to further integration of developing countries into global trade, and for developing countries to achieve economic development through trade. For that to happen, we need to create a round environment in which developing countries can enjoy the fruits of liberalization. Japan will play an active role in creating such an environment in developing countries. In this context, Japan will continue to implement steadfastly our Aid for Trade, including the development of infrastructure that has direct implications to trade such as ports and the training of customs staff, providing US$ twelve billion in trade-related ODA and the next three years. Japan will also work on improving market access for LDCs. In closing, I would like to inform you that Japan will chair the APEC next year. I envision the next years APEC to be a forum where we sketch out ways to facilitate progress in making trade and investment in the Asia Pacific more liberalized and open. I am convinced that such an effort also serves to complement the multilateral system embodied in the ϲʹ. I thank you for your attention.     '(TUV ;<=?@BCEFHKLM}}}}y}h'hwpjhwpUh}JlhCJOJQJh}Jlh9.CJOJQJh}Jlh9.CJOJPJQJhY5CJOJPJQJo(hYh9.CJOJPJQJh}Jlh9.5CJOJPJQJhYCJOJPJQJo(hYhYCJOJPJQJh3i(UV  :;<>?ABDgd9.gdNdhgd9. dh`gd9. dhWDd`gd}Jl dlWDd`gdY dlWDd`gdY $dG$a$gdYgd3iDEGHIJKLM$a$gd9.61h2P:p'. 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