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From the onset allow me, Chair to address the Doha Development Round of Trade Negotiations and urge fellow ϲʹ members to continue to support issues of interest to all LDCs, in particular, Duty Free Quota Free Market Access with accompanying simplified rules of origin as stipulated in the Hong Kong Ministerial Declaration, a waiver decision on preferential and more favourable treatment to services and services suppliers of LDCs; and an ambitious, expeditious and specific outcome for cotton trade-related aspects, in particular the elimination of trade-distorting domestic support measures and export subsidies, as stipulated in the Plan of Action. The pace of the negotiations is very slow and unless there is a dramatic change the latest target date of concluding by 2010 is highly likely to be missed. It is for the ϲʹ membership to accelerate the pace. Certainly substance should and does drive the process. It is also true that substance can be achieved within the time frame indicated. Considerable delays can only mean the erosion of the relevance and value of the DDA. This conference takes place in the shadow of the most devastating financial and economic crisis since the great depression of the 1930s. The crisis has been on the rampage for about three years. It has hit the economies of most LDCs and low income countries particularly hard. Exports of both goods and services in such countries have dropped drastically. There had to be production cut backs and factory closures. Unemployment rate has risen to socially and politically unacceptable levels. Fiscal deficits have been stretched to the limit. In some cases public indebtedness has once again reached unsustainable levels. In the case of many the foreign exchange reserves holdings have dwindled. Public revenue, which is often dependent on indirect taxes for in this category of countries, has plummeted. Poverty has become more widespread and has become deeper. T here is hardly any policy space left. It should be borne in mind that it has been crises over crises in LDCs and low income developing countries. There has been prolonged unfavourable terms of trade, unsustainable levels of sovereign debt, oil and food price surges, that preceded the current financial and economic crisis. All these have set back our dreams such as MDGs and raising of the human development index many years behind set target time lines. Protectionism in all its various forms, should not be the way to deal with the crisis. Such an approach has been proved to be counterproductive. Alternative avenues have to be explored. Obstructing trade flows can only make the crisis worse. Keeping trade flowing, on the other hand would give a glimmer of hope regarding recovery. A plausible remedy to the challenge would be for development partners to support programmes that are geared towards dealing with supply side constraints. Productive capacities should be developed expeditiously. Diversification should be tackled forcefully. Value chains need to be lengthened substantially. The private sector has to be developed to a level where they can be truly worthy development partners of governments in the quest to raise human development index in our societies. In that regard, the group should persist in calling upon developed countries to step up support to developing countries through initiatives such as AfT and the EIF, which is specifically meant for LDCs. In doing so additionality of resources, ownership, minimal conditionality, expeditious disbursement, rigorous monitoring and evaluation should be ensured. Market access alone will not suffice. African countries should have plenty to export in the form of goods and services. It is with gratification to note that this Ministerial Meeting will address crucial issues such as accession, especially that of the LDCs. The more inclusive and participatory ϲʹ is the more of a truly global body it will become. The more effective it will be. Setting in motion search for ways of strengthening the functioning of the ϲʹ to ensure that it adapts well to the challenges of coping effectively with changes that are occurring over time is the move whose time has come. We take note that the Meeting will pronounce on TRIPS non-violation complaints moratorium and on e-Commerce moratorium, with the latter already enjoying the consensus. __________ WT/MIN(09)/ST/115 Page  PAGE 2 WT/MIN(09)/ST/115 Page  PAGE 1 . /. 012@ACEFGKMQhox·݋uj_j_j_jTj_jKhS>VmHnHuh$5mHnHuhC5mHnHuhfS5mHnHuhL4CJmHnHuhCCJmHnHuhfSCJmHnHuhS>VhfSmHnHuhS>VhS>VmHnHuhRmHnHuhS>V5mHnHuhS>VhS>V5mHnHuhfS:CJ,mHnHuhfSmHnHuhfS>*mHnHuhfS5:CJ,mHnHu HJkdo$$Ifl40+p# +E 4 lalf4$d$Ifa$Hkd$$Ifl40+p#`+E 4 lalf4 $$Ifa$ $dh$Ifa$1ABCMNOPgEkdQ$$Ifl0+p#+E 4 lalHkd$$Ifl40+p# +E 4 lalf4 $$Ifa$PQhx][[[Ekd+$$Ifl0+p#+E 4 lal  @$If $$Ifa$Gkd$$Ifl`0+p#+E 4 lal NO     ¾Ҳ¾¾¾¾¾h h <~hS>VhS>VmHnHuhy hS>Vhyh mHnHujhS>VhS>VU hS>VhS>V hS>VhfS hS>V5h;64hS>Vh (hfS,   XYNOgdS>VgdR$a$gdR;gdS>V:gdS>V   $a$gd <~gdS>VgdS>V  C#B#gdS>V  C#gdS>V$a$gdS>V- 0&P :pl. 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