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Ambassador Jnis Ma~eiks Mr. Chairman, Excellencies, distinguished delegates, ladies and gentlemen, Let me first express our appreciation to the Director General Mr. Pascal Lamy, and to the Chairman of the General Council Ambassador Matus for their enormous efforts and hard work in preparing the 7th Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organization. Let me also thank the Government of the Swiss Confederation for hosting this Conference in Geneva. I would like to underline several points, which are of high importance to my country. We are pleased to note the first stabilization signs in the global markets. We view this as a good signal to the multilateral trading environment. However, these are only the early signs of stabilization – a lot of work is still to be done. Currently the global economic agenda is focused on the exit strategy. Apart from the decisions on the timing of the withdrawal of the stimulus packages and reevaluation of the approach to the financial regulations there is the long-standing issue of multilateral trade liberalization. The conclusion of Doha Development Agenda and resistance to protectionism are very important elements of the exit strategy for Latvia. It is crucial for Latvia, a country of small and open economy, which has absorbed a certain amount of turbulence of the global economic and financial crisis, to ensure that external markets remain open and trade related barriers to business initiatives are gradually eliminated. As the АФУХСљКЯВЪЙйЭјзЪСЯ Director General has pointed out on previous occasions, increased international trade is part of the solution to the global economic crisis, not the cause of the problem. We cannot agree more. Finding new export markets for new and existing products is a gateway to economic recovery and should be an integral part of country’s overall economic stabilization package. Successful conclusion of the DDA would have direct impact on this. There is common understanding on the benefits that the conclusion of the DDA could bring to the world economy – more than 150 billion Ќ annually. We should not miss that potential. Let me thank the Director General and his team for the initiative to monitor the situation on protectionist measures around the globe. We welcome the WTO s hard work on protectionism, especially for reminding us of the consequences if we give in to it. Let me briefly touch upon the issue on accessions. Latvia welcomes the accession process, widening the area where multilateral system of rules governs trade relations and enhances economic development. There are, however, major economies that are outside this system. We encourage them to speed up their accession process. There are also countries with smaller but already quite open economies, forJLЂав0 2 K P S Y \ b d  # U V Ё Ѕ ё ђ 3 6 ц ч ( , %2ЛНƒ›ŸЃЉЋ­НО3<@BОТ ѓчѓмбмбмЦЛЦЛАЄАЛмœмбмбмбмбмбмбмбмбмбмбмбмб쑆‘†мбмhЁ,аhЙ'mH sH hЁ,аhђdѕmH sH hР@жmH sH hбжhЙ'H*mH sH hбжhЙ'mH sH hбжhбжmH sH hбжhЙ'mH sH hђdѕhђdѕmH sH hђdѕhЙ'mH sH hђdѕhђdѕ5mH sH hђdѕhР@ж5mH sH 2LЂ8  W f ‚ŒC!5!ёёуууййййййй $Єxa$gdђdѕ $„xЄx^„xa$gdЙ' $„xЄx^„xa$gdђdѕ 5!ў  ;<›œMNOPprЮб M S  ‘ І Б В Д !5!јэтэтэкјкэкэјиэјэјэјэтэтUhР@жmH sH hђdѕhђdѕmH sH hђdѕhЙ'mH sH hбжmH sH  whom the accession to the АФУХСљКЯВЪЙйЭјзЪСЯ is one of their foreign policy priorities. We strongly support rapid accessions of those countries and invite all other АФУХСљКЯВЪЙйЭјзЪСЯ members to do the same. We share the view that it is crucial to ensure that the accession process remains open and transparent. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. 6&P 1h:pР@жА‚. 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