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We hope to achieve fruitful results, in the interests of all Members, and in 2010 to reach a successful conclusion to the Development Round being negotiated, as is the wish of all Members. I should also like to express on my own behalf and on that of the Malagasy delegation my sincere thanks to the Government and people of the Swiss Confederation for their warm welcome and for the hospitality shown to us since we arrived in this beautiful country. My delegation is concerned at the living conditions of people in poor countries, which a few years ago had hopes of reaching the Millennium Development Goals, before the first signs of this unprecedented financial and economic crisis appeared. This Conference is taking place in an international context that is marked by a difficult economic situation; the search for consensus becomes problematic, divergences emerge and even persist; the negotiating Round stagnates and reaches deadlock. In such a situation, the least-developed countries are the group most affected because not only do they not have the resources needed to withstand the current economic crisis, but their income is mainly derived from commodities, whose prices have fallen dramatically. Like other LDCs, Madagascar would like to see the development dimension always placed at the heart of the negotiations under way, focusing on technical assistance, capacity building, institutional support, transfer of technology and support for countries facing problems, in order to overcome the constraints imposed by the global economic and financial crisis, climate change, and extreme poverty. Eight years after it was launched, the Doha Development Round, a programme supported by all Members, has still not yielded the expected results. This objective cannot be achieved without the commitment, agreement and attachment of our respective countries to an inclusive, equitable and predictable trading system. Madagascar wants to see a trading system based on justice, as regards its rules, its practices and the settlement of disputes. As a member of the group of least-developed countries, Madagascar wishes to express its deep concern at the erosion of preferences affecting its products as a result of developments in the international trading system, and reaffirms the interest of LDCs in protecting tropical and diversification products from the negative effects of the erosion of preferences resulting from trade liberalization. Aid for Trade and the commitments made in this regard by developed countries, particularly at the Hong Kong Ministerial Conference, raised great hopes in developing countries. Unfortunately, four years later, it has to be acknowledged that concrete results are still awaited. We stress the need to implement the conclusions of the Second Global Review rapidly, observing the basic principles of the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness, particularly in the current situation in which LDCs are finding it difficult to overcome the effects of the crisis, and in order to enable them to ensure continuous growth of their economies, derived, inter alia, from the development of trade. Taking into account experience with the Integrated Framework, the effectiveness of the Enhanced Integrated Framework needs to be improved, particularly as regards speedy procedures for approving and financing projects. We strongly urge development partners to abide by their commitments, to provide more substantial financial resources and to respect their announced contributions to the Enhanced Integrated Framework. While welcoming the determination and firm commitment of the Ministers who have spoken here to demand a rapid conclusion to the negotiating Round, we stress that the development dimension must always be a priority in the programme in order to enable poor and vulnerable countries to benefit from the multilateral trading system. Lastly, we note with satisfaction the announcement made by Brazil last Monday to grant duty- and quota-free access for products from LDCs and we take this opportunity to pay tribute to all those countries which did this before Brazil; we also call on other countries to follow this good example. I conclude by wishing this Ministerial Conference every success. __________ WT/MIN(09)/ST/121 Page  PAGE 2 WT/MIN(09)/ST/121 Page  PAGE 1 . /. 12@CGKLMQhox P T ]^!׻פ׌ąąāyqihO+h#75hO+hrlL5hO+hrlL6h^S hO+hO+hO+hO+;hO+h$5hO+hC5hO+hfS5hO+hfSCJ hKt-CJhO+hO+CJ hO+hrlLhKt-hO+hO+5 hO+hfShO+hfS;>*hO+hfS5:CJ,hO+hO+5:CJ,& s[H$IfgdO+l L$$Ifa$gdO+l L]kd$$IfTl40 C#`+E C#4 9a9f4pT$$Ifa$gdO+l $dh$Ifa$gdO+l 1Arr$$Ifa$gdO+l $$Ifa$gdO+l _kd$$IfTl40 C# +E C#4 9a9f4pTABCMy$$Ifa$gdO+l $IfgdO+l ]kd*$$IfTl40 C# +E C#4 9a9f4pTMNOPQ6\kdS$$IfTl`0 C#+E C#4 9a9pT$IfgdO+l Zkd$$IfTl0 C#+E C#4 9a9pTQhx tooojoe;gdrlL:gdrlLgdO+Zkd$$IfTl0 C#+E C#4 9a9pT$ $Ifa$gdO+l $$Ifa$gdO+l   2 3 @A~@AgdrlLgdO+12\]$a$gdO+gdO+gdO+  C#B#gdO+  C#gdO+$a$gdO+gdO+gdrlL hO+h#75hKt-hO+hZmHnHuhZhKt-mHnHujhO+hZU hO+hZ $a$gdO+1 0&P 1+:pZ. 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