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First, we forcefully reassert the centrality of the development dimension of the Doha Round. Against a background of current and looming crises, it is, indeed, more than imperative that the development mandate truly delivers and permeates all outcomes, i.e. the Round must translate into positive outcomes for our trade and trade balance, improvement of our productive and supply capacities and poverty reduction through increased employment and incomes of our people. These are some of our yardsticks for a DDA outcome assessment. Any further delay in concluding the Round will continue to deprive our vulnerable economies of the development gains we legitimately aspire from the DDA. Therefore, we adhere to calls for concluding the Round in 2010, since its expected tangible and pro-development outcomes will be a rescue package for our economies, severely battered by the unprecedented financial and economic crisis which has been thrust upon us. The Doha Round has itself become a victim of the crisis. Hence, our strong appeal to all major players to demonstrate requisite political will and leadership in ending the stalemate by bridging remaining gaps, thereby ensuring the delivery of a global good that will increase overall welfare and restore confidence in the international financial and economic systems. Mauritius, as all ACP States, has a vital stake in the Round. We, therefore, reiterate that ACP concerns be duly addressed in all areas, including through trade-based and trade-related solutions to preference erosion in Agriculture and NAMA, a user friendly SSM, SND treatment in Services, mandatory technical assistance provisions in Trade Facilitation and enhanced flexibilities in Fisheries Subsidies –and all this supported by adequate, predictable, country-led and АФУХСљКЯВЪЙйЭјзЪСЯ-monitored Aid for Trade. At the same time, we need to ensure that our obligations commensurate with our small share in world trade and level of development. As we call for an immediate activation of the stalled DDA negotiations for their timely conclusion, Mauritius and the ACP Group will maintain their constructive, problem-solving, cooperative and result-oriented approach, without which the 2010 deadline will again be lamentably missed. However, the engagement by Members must be premised on 10 key principles: 1. December 2008 texts to be the basis; 2. primacy of a transparent, inclusive and chair-driven multilateral process; 3. compliance with the agreed mandates and sequencing; 4. no selective re-opening of stabilized texts; 5. consensually-set agendas and no issue to be sidelined; 6. no surprises; 7. modalities before scheduling; 8. SND-based approach; 9. balance; and 10. due regard to capacity constraints of small delegations. This list is not exhaustive. Thank You. `abdЈЉИМЬЭ     € Œ –   Љ Д љ 8‰“щ{”Ћияј{|ѕудуСуГЇžЇžЇ–Š–y–n–n–n–n–Š–c–c–c–c–c–ch‹Ђh$ОmH sH hLUFh$ОmH sH  h™dbh$ОOJQJ^JmH sH hœ Gh$О5mH sH h$ОmH sH h$О5mH sH hLUFh$О5mH sH hLUFh$О5>*mH sH %h$Оh$О5>*CJH*aJmH sH h$О5>*CJaJmH sH "h$Оh$О5>*CJaJmH sH hLUFh$ОmH sH &ЈЉИЮфџ   Y Z o p   ‡ˆ @њђњњњњњњњццццоцЮооооцоЦ$a$gdЈ0%$„а„0§^„а`„0§a$gd$О$a$gd$О $„С`„Сa$gd$О$a$gd$Оgd$О@ў|ЉГДЕЧЫцъѓўenXZkl“”ЃсуHI‚ƒ“•ДЕЫЬлн4?@јэјэјэјэјэјсјејЩјЩјСЕСЕСЕСЉСЉСЉССС”ˆ}”yhrhЮrh$ОmH sH hЮrh$О5mH sH h$О5mH sH h9Vh$О5mH sH hJh$О5mH sH hўBh$О5mH sH h$ОmH sH hўBh$О5mH sH h9Vh$О5mH sH hœ Gh$О5mH sH hе –h$ОmH sH h$ОmH sH ),1hА‚. 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