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I would like to preface my statement by underlining the need for the multilateral trading system to be responsive to the needs and economic conditions of Members, particularly the least developed countries, including Malawi. In the context of the current global economic recession, an ambitious outcome of the Doha Development Round is crucially important to create economic prosperity and growth globally. It is, therefore, important that any response to the global economic crisis should not result in reverting to protectionist policies. A major programme which is expected to greatly facilitate Malawis integration into the multilateral trading system is the Shire-Zambezi Waterway Project, a multimodal inland transport linkage, and the establishment of the Nsanje World-inland Free Port. These projects will reduce the cost of international transportation by 55% and make our exports more competitive. Malawi is, therefore, requesting additional resources from its development partners to support this important project which will also contribute to the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals. Let me take this opportunity to inform you that Malawis Agricultural output has been growing since 2004. This growth had been led by smallholder farmers who have responded and taken advantage of the opportunities created and reforms implemented by government. However, the development of the Cotton Sector in Malawi, has been constrained by trade-distorting domestic support measures and export subsidies applied by developed countries. I, therefore, call upon developed countries to eliminate these measures. Furthermore, the erosion of non-reciprocal preferences resulting from multilateral trade liberalisation has also hindered Malawis export competitiveness. I, therefore, hope that the Doha Development Round will entail the establishment of a fair and pro-development rules-based multilateral trading system, which enhances our trade potential and creates sufficient policy space to facilitate our continued development. We recognize the progress that has been made so far in the Doha Development Round negotiations. We need to preserve what has been agreed, guard against backtracking and ensure that the key development aspects of the Doha Development Round are preserved. At this point, let me join others in acknowledging the successful operationalisation of the Enhanced Integrated Framework for least developed countries. The guiding principles of the programme, including ownership by least developed countries, and the financial commitments being made are a recipe for success. We note with gratitude that, among others, Malawis Tier One Project was approved on 23 September 2009. We are confident that initiatives such as the Enhanced Integrated Framework and Aid for Trade will help Malawi address its supply-side constraints. Malawi also acknowledges the role played by United Nations agencies including the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, International Trade Centre, United Nations Development Programme, United Nations Industrial Development Organisation, World Bank, International Monetary Fund and bilateral development partners in assisting Malawi to build capacities for trade. In this regard, I call for continued and increased support to Malawi. In conclusion, Mr. Chairman, I would like to reiterate Malawi's commitment to the multilateral trading system. Malawi, like any other least developed country, will strive to contribute to the strengthening of the multilateral trading system. __________     Page  PAGE 4 Page  PAGE 3 <=>   ! ~ ^ `  ֵ֡thtc_TIT>T>h"4hMCJaJh"4h^1CJaJh"4hVCJaJh h>*h"4h!l>*CJaJh"4hW1[>*CJaJh"4h>*CJaJh"4h5CJaJh[Ow5CJaJhfSh[OwB*CJOJQJ^Jph(jh[OwB*CJOJQJU^Jphh[OwCJOJQJ^Jjh[OwCJOJQJU^J2jh[OwCJOJQJU^JmHnHsH tH u  !   # $ ^_;<Mdgd"4dgd"4 d`gd"4gd $da$gd"44   E c ~ r " # $ %  0^k$(th"4hD3CJaJh"4hvqCJaJh"4hf[CJaJh"4h%CJaJh"4hDCCJaJh"4h CJaJh"4hezCJaJh"4h#]%CJaJh"4h/BCJaJh"4hW1[CJaJh"4h^1CJaJh*CJaJh"4hVCJaJ-(aimnp z,9o $rswx{|9;<^ɾh"4hVCJOJQJaJh"4hLCJaJh"4h%%CJaJh"4hsZ7CJaJh"4hoCJaJh"4hVCJaJh"4h8CJaJh"4h#CJaJh"4hn`CJaJh"4hrCJaJh"4hvqCJaJ0^g8E_Pktu  ԾԯԫxhvmHnHujhh/U hh/h-@jh-@U hWhW hW5hWh"4hVCJOJQJaJh"4h%%CJaJh"4h~dCJaJh"4hVCJaJh"4hoCJaJh"4h.(CJaJh"4h%CJaJ-  012345  C#B#gd  C#gdgdW$a$gdWgddgd"4%&,-./2345 hWhWh-@hvmHnHujhh/U hh/h/ # 0&P . 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