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Thus, we support the institution of a process to discuss ways to improve and strengthen the functioning, efficiency and transparency of the ϲʹ. This is even more urgent in the context of the steep drop in global trade in 2009. Secondly, We would urge senior officials to step up work in Geneva to bridge all gaps in the DDA negotiations in the next few weeks. We should be steadfast in our commitment to conclude the Doha Round by the end of 2010. For that to happen, Malaysia would like all gaps to be bridged by the first quarter of 2010. In this connection, we should engage in the coming months on the basis of progress achieved thus far and resist re-opening issues which have been stabilised. Thirdly, I urge major players to be flexible and take the lead in ensuring that we achieve a balanced outcome but one that is based on the December 2008 draft modalities. Fourthly, The Doha Round is critical for global economic recovery and sustainable development of developing countries. In this connection, we urge a substantial reduction in agricultural subsidies by developed countries. This is very critical for achieving the development mandate of the Doha Round. Fifthly, Apart from eliminating trade-distorting subsidies, we need to deliver on the mandate for market access. In addition to trade with developed countries we consider South-south trade as an important contribution in generating and promoting economic growth. In conclusion, I would like once again plead for a solid expression of political will to successfully conclude the Doha Round in 2010. For otherwise, the eight years of hard work that we have all put in would have amounted to nothing and all our efforts would have been in vain. Thank you.     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