ࡱ> BDA @ &bjbjPP 7:::%84&&"HHHHHHbdddddd$R! HH HH HHb bH 7er,b0H* X  HHHNX SEVENTH ϲʹ MINISTERIAL CONFERENCE, GENEVA, SWITZERLAND, 30TH NOVEMBER 2ND DECEMBER, 2009 Statement by Chief Achike Udenwa Honourable Minister of Commerce and Industry Mr. Chairman, Your Excellencies, Distinguished Delegates Let me, on behalf of the Nigerian delegation, congratulate you on your election as the Chairman of the 7th Ministerial Conference. I should also convey our deep appreciation to H.E. Mr. Pascal Lamy, Director-General of the ϲʹ, and the Chairman of the General Council, Ambassador Mario Matus, for the effective manner in which they have managed the affairs of our Organisation, including the preparatory process for this Conference. I wish to thank the Chairpersons of the various ϲʹ Bodies, especially the Chairs of the Negotiating Groups on Agriculture, Non-Agricultural Market Access (NAMA) and Services, for the comprehensive reports on the activities of the ϲʹ and the state of play in the Doha Development Agenda (DDA) negotiations. I should further express our sincere and heartfelt appreciation to the Government and people of the Swiss Confederation for the warm hospitality that has been extended to me and my delegation; as well as for the excellent facilities that have been provided for the Conference in this beautiful city of Geneva. 2. The 7th Ministerial Conference is taking place at a very critical and trying period for not only the multilateral trading system, but also for the global economy as a whole. In particular, we have continued to experience the devastating and far-reaching effects of the current global economic and financial crisis on the fragile and vulnerable economies of developing countries, even though the crisis originated in the developed economies. Consequently, Nigeria shares the belief that the 7th Ministerial Conference provides Members with an important opportunity to take stock of the trading system, improve and strengthen the rules-based trading system; and consider those areas where further action is required to achieve a successful conclusion of the DDA, in accordance with its Mandate. It is, therefore, Nigerias expectation that this Conference would provide the necessary clarity and impetus towards the early and successful conclusion of the Doha Round, so as to stimulate the growth and recovery of the global economy, as well as promote the effective participation of Nigeria and other developing countries in world trade. 3. Nigeria remains deeply concerned that the DDA negotiations, which were launched at Doha in 2001 with a view to, inter alia, boosting international trade and global economic growth as well as facilitating the successful integration of developing countries into the global economy, remain inconclusive after more than eight years of tortuous hard work. Nigeria, therefore, would like to encourage Members to collectively work for a truly development outcome to the Round. We further call on the developed countries to demonstrate the required leadership by exercising the flexibilities that would translate the present political commitments into the concrete proposals that would lead to the successful conclusion of the Round in 2010. 4. As a member-driven organisation, there is need to ensure that the negotiating process, under the leadership of the Chairpersons of the Negotiating Groups, adheres to core principles and values, particularly the primacy of the multilateral process, inclusiveness and transparency. In addition, Nigeria believes that we should build on the convergence that has been achieved on the basis of the December 2008 revised draft modalities texts on Agriculture and NAMA. Special and differential treatment for developing and least developed countries should also remain the central element in all the areas of the negotiations. 5. It is also our expectation that full modalities in Agriculture and NAMA would be accomplished, as soon as possible, if the Doha Round is to be concluded by 2010. Accordingly, we call on Members to, in the post-MC7 period, intensify negotiations in all outstanding areas. On our part, we look forward to continued engagement in the pursuit of the long-term objective of establishing a fairer and market-oriented global agricultural trade regime. Nigeria looks forward to concrete progress on Special Products (SPs); and the establishment of a flexible and operational Special Safeguards Mechanism (SSM) that would fully address the food security, livelihood security and rural development needs of developing countries. We also want an expeditious and meaningful solution to the cotton issue, in view of its importance to the economies of many African countries, particularly cotton-dependent LDCs. 6. Nigeria acknowledges that trade liberalisation can and does contribute to economic growth and development. However, we also recognise that the relationship between trade liberalisation and development is not automatic. Indeed, experience has shown that it is supply-side and trade-capacity constraints, more than everything else, that have hampered the integration and effective participation of many developing countries, particularly those from Africa in the international trading system. In that regard, Nigeria would urge that developing countries should be provided with adequate technical and capacity-building assistance that is specifically tailored to the trade and development needs of the individual countries. Aid for Trade should also be seen as an important vehicle to support developing and least developed countries, so that they fully benefit from opportunities arising from trade liberalisation. Clear and effective progress on Aid for Trade, therefore, remains an essential condition, but not a substitute, for the successful conclusion of the Doha Round. And in order to build synergies and ensure effective delivery, Nigeria believes that there should be more coordination between the collaborating agencies providing technical assistance and capacity-building programmes to developing countries, both at the national and regional levels. 7. In conclusion, let me reaffirm Nigeria's commitment to the principles and objectives of the multilateral trading system. In that regard, allow me to use this opportunity to briefly highlight some of the key reforms that the present Administration has undertaken, in order to address the challenges arising from many years of military mis-rule; and to create a more conducive business environment. In particular, a long-term development framework - Vision 20:2020 aimed at making Nigeria one of the top 20 economies by year 2020 has been put in place. The Vision 2020 is anchored on the Administrations 7 Point Agenda and the National Economic Empowerment and Development Strategy (NEEDS II), which is based on extensive structural reforms to promote a more diversified and rules-based market economy. The core elements of the reforms include, inter alia, privatisation to ensure increased private sector participation in the economy while reducing the role of Government to that of a facilitator only; achieving poverty reduction and human resource development; as well as promoting transparency and accountability, fiscal discipline and fighting corruption. Nigeria, therefore, calls for increased collaboration between the ϲʹ and other international organisations, in order to ensure coherence in global economic policy-making, as well as secure the platform for the domestic policy reforms that would increase the countrys benefits from participation in the international trading system. 8. My delegation looks forward to working closely with other Members towards ensuring the successful conclusion of the DDA negotiations, including the enthronement of a fair and equitable rules-based multilateral trading system. 9. I thank you for your attention.     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