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Their share in the global trade has remained very low due to multiplicity of market access barriers and supply-side constraints. Besides, LDCs are exposed to a range of transnational challenges, including, climate change, financial and economic and reduced flow of remittances and shrinking trade and development finance. This calls for a strong support to the LDCs from the international community more than ever before. Aid for trade in addition to regular ODA for institutional capacity building and overcoming supply-side constraints in a sustained and predictable manner is equally important for advancing trade agenda. In this context, we feel that it is extremely urgent for an early conclusion of the Doha Development Round of trade negotiations taking full account of interests, priorities, and concerns of the LDCs. The Dar Es Salaam Declaration of LDCs and Ezuliwini Declaration of LLDCs in this respect, provide a direction to our works. Our sincere and honest efforts for creating an equitable, will go a long way to contribute to peace, progress and prosperity. Nepal is making a transition from armed conflict to sustainable peace. Our priorities are to write a democratic constitution, address pressing socio-economic challenges and improve the quality of life of our people. We consider trade promotion as a powerful instrument to deliver peace and development dividends to our people. Nepal strongly urges the Membership to agree on early harvesting on sectors like Duty Free Quota Free market access in agriculture and non agricultural sectors, with simple and transparent rules of origin; Services Waiver; and Trade Facilitation. A full and faithful implementation of Special & Differential Treatment provisions is crucial to ensure meaningful integration of LDCs into the multilateral trading system. We strongly feel that TRIPS agreement should be amended to include a mandatory requirement for the disclosure of the country of origin and genetic resources and/or associated traditional knowledge. I appreciate the ϲʹ Director General, Mr. Pascal Lamy, for his sincere efforts and commitment to take the Doha Round to a positive conclusion. I thank the Swiss Government for support and hospitality extended to us. __________ WT/MIN(09)/ST/123 Page  PAGE 2 WT/MIN(09)/ST/123 Page  PAGE 1 . /. 012@ACEFGKMQhox·݋uj_j_j_jTj_jKhmHnHuh$5mHnHuhC5mHnHuhfS5mHnHuhxVDCJmHnHuhCCJmHnHuhfSCJmHnHuhhfSmHnHuhhmHnHuhxVDmHnHuh5mHnHuhh5mHnHuhfS:CJ,mHnHuhfSmHnHuhfS>*mHnHuhfS5:CJ,mHnHu HJkdo$$Ifl40+p# +E 4 lalf4$d$Ifa$Hkd$$Ifl40+p#`+E 4 lalf4 $$Ifa$ $dh$Ifa$.1ABCMNOPgEkdQ$$Ifl0+p#+E 4 lalHkd$$Ifl40+p# +E 4 lalf4 $$Ifa$PQhx][[[Ekd+$$Ifl0+p#+E 4 lal  @$If $$Ifa$Gkd$$Ifl`0+p#+E 4 lal  * + < = m n 7834|}tu!"{|!"$%+,-./ҹŵhxP@B> Body Text 2  & Fm>Q@R> Body Text 3  & Fm>Ob> Body Text 4  & Fm>Or> Body Text 5  & FM`M@1` Body Text First Indent & F `HC@H Body Text Indent^TN@T Body Text First Indent 2 `RR@R Body Text Indent 2d^PS@P Body Text Indent 3^CJ>+>  Endnote Text$a$CJ@&@ Footnote ReferenceH*BB  Footnote Text `CJ: : Index 1 #^`#6!6  Index Heading!4/@"4 List"0^`082@28 List 2#0^`083@B8 List 3$^`84@R8 List 4%p0^p`085@b8 List 5&^`:0@r: List Bullet ' & FhT6@T List Bullet 2 ( & Fi 0^`0X7@X List Bullet 3#) & FT @^`X8@X List Bullet 4#* & Fj p0^p`0X9@X List Bullet 5#+ & FV ^`BD@B List Continue,^NE@N List Continue 2-^`FF@F List Continue 3.^NG@N List Continue 4/^`NH@N List Continue 50p0^p`0@1@@ List Number1 & Fk hT:@"T List Number 2 2 & Fl 0^`0T;@2T List Number 3 3 & FY ^`T<@BT List Number 4 4 & FZ p0^p`0T=@RT List Number 5 5 & F[ ^`<Z@b< Plain Text6 CJOJQJ6J@r6 Subtitle 7$@&a$D,D Table of Authorities8D#D Table of Figures 9 6>@6 Title:$a$ 5;KH4O4 Title 2;$a$>*4O4 Title 3<$a$6@O@ Title Country=$a$;6.6  TOA Heading>5ZZ TOC 10?$ p# 0<<]^`0a$5;XX TOC 20@$ p# 0<<]^`0a$:\\ TOC 33A$ p#@J0<<]^`0a$5TT TOC 40B$ p# 0<<]^`0a$XX TOC 50C$ p# 0<<]^`0a$6PP TOC 6(D$ p# <<]^a$CJPP TOC 7(E$ p# L<<]^La$CJPP TOC 8(F$ p# )<<]^)a$CJPP TOC 9(G$ p# <<]^a$CJROR Paragr. 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