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We have made a fitting contribution to this process, by maintaining a fluid dialogue with the European Commission. These agreements provide a solution that is economically beneficial and legally sustainable for all the parties involved in this long dispute and we also believe that, in the broader context of the multilateral system, they will act as a catalyst that will reinvigorate the longdrawnout Doha Round. Thus, the time has come to not draw out any longer this process so as to bring these negotiations to a definitive conclusion. Accordingly, Panama is calling upon all the Parties, which must, directly or indirectly, support its conclusion, to avoid further systemic debates and direct their efforts to its signature and application. Our position in the negotiations of the Development Round has always been to seek the elimination of all the practices that distort trade and affect countries' competitive capacity. In Panama's view, the elimination of agricultural export subsidies in 2013 represents one of the most important promises of this Round. With regard to nonagricultural goods, we welcome the considerable progress achieved by the Negotiating Group on Market Access. We wish to continue advancing towards the objective of lowering the levels of the bound tariffs and achieving the binding of unbound import tariffs. In addition, we support the proposals discussed in the Negotiating Group on Trade Facilitation to achieve customs automation, alliances to combat commercial fraud and the movement of illegal goods, and the harmonization of customs procedures. However, we believe that the figure of the customs clearing agent has a positive role to play in trade facilitation, acting as the intermediary between the trader and the customs. Panama is committed to achieving significant progress in the efforts to liberalize the trade in services and, in particular, financial, maritime and tourism services. I should like to draw attention to our banking sector which, on account of its strength, has successfully confronted the financial crisis that has affected major markets. Our maritime and logistical sector involved with the Canal and the ports is a centre of attraction for the investments made in Panama. Tourism brings in welldeserved incomes for the people of our countries. On account of the obvious strength and probity with which our financial sector carries on its business, Panama does not view favourably the lists which, outside the rules and disciplines that regulate the trade in services, but on the pretext of defending political and fiscal interests, seek to act as a basis for sanctions, tax burdens or any other measure that discriminates against financial services. Consequently, Panama has embarked on energetic international action to facilitate cooperation in the exchange of fiscal information. However, we are also prepared to assert our rights through the mechanisms provided by the multilateral system, should situations arise which, in violation of the rules of the ϲʹ, restrict or discriminate negatively against our commercial interests. Finally, Panama feels able to support the decisions proposed on electronic commerce and on the cases of nonviolation under the TRIPS Agreement, recognizing that they are important for the advance of the multilateral system. __________ WT/MIN(09)/ST/114 Page  PAGE 2 WT/MIN(09)/ST/114 Page  PAGE 1 . /. 12@CGKLMQhox   G H Y c ׻פ׌ą~wwpiw hVhlm hVh$ hVh[ hVhy hVhVhVhV;hVh$5hVhC5hVhfS5hVhfSCJ hMCJhVhVCJ hVh+hMhVhV5 hVhfShVhfS;>*hVhfS5:CJ,hVhV5:CJ,) s[H$IfgdVl $$Ifa$gdVl ]kd$$IfTl40 C#`+E C#4 9a9f4pT$$Ifa$gdVl 9$dh$Ifa$gdVl 9Z1Arr$$Ifa$gdVl L$$Ifa$gdVl L_kd$$IfTl40 C# +E C#4 9a9f4pTABCMy$$Ifa$gdVl $IfgdVl ]kd*$$IfTl40 C# +E C#4 9a9f4pTMNOPQ6\kdS$$IfTl`0 C#+E C#4 9a9pT$IfgdVl Zkd$$IfTl0 C#+E C#4 9a9pTQhx tooojoe;gd[:gd[gdVZkd$$IfTl0 C#+E C#4 9a9pT$ $Ifa$gdVl $$Ifa$gdVl      '(hiuv+,RSklNOZ|}~  C#gdV$a$gdVgd+gdV  , J [ ^ ~  8 E N p x { F M  " ) @ A K V W Y d f l =I^Bb hVh S hVh#7 hVh[ hVh$ hVh+ hVhlmTby}/=>BCJUXw~FGLPiswx-,-=]hiqv   12QT}hko hVh! hVh[ hVhlm hVh S hVhV hVh+S})48ty(-#$>Ihimnv| !MOYZqrxyz{~»hd)hMmHnHujhVhd)U hVhd)hVh+5hVh5 hVhV hVhh\L hVh{ hVh+ hVh[ hVh!@hVh+5hMhd)hVhd)mHnHujhVhd)U hVhd)$a$gdV$a$gdVgdVgdV  C#B#gdV1 0&P 1+:pd). 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