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I take my hat off to Mr Pascal Lamy and his Secretariat. Mr. Chairman, Papua New Guinea took a decisive step a few years back to fully open up its trade and tariff regime and we are now ϲʹ compatible allowing over 80% of all items in free of duty. International trade accounts for over 90% of our GDP. Perhaps we have been naive, but we have opened up, hoping and believing that we will somehow position ourselves better and more efficiently even in this evolving regime of things in the world. The key is a fairer rules based trading system. We have been blessed by God to possess numerous resources which we welcome genuine investors from around the world, who will bring the finance and technical capabilities to extract them but both for their benefit as well ourselves to be used towards the welfare of our people. They must also come to add value to the resources in investing for further downstream processing. Ladies and Gentlemen, we may not be able to produce Toyotas and Mercedes Benzes and the like, but we aspire to can the Tuna that is found in our waters. Our economies are small with limited exportable commodities and a few markets in developed and developing countries. We in the Pacific are indeed small fishes in a big ocean with many sharks and a few friends. Who will think of us if we do not speak at this forum and so we voice our support to the work of the ϲʹ? Therefore in particular, we seek a fairer rule based Multilateral Trading that provides specific responses to specific trade development needs of our countries. We seek a development oriented ϲʹ that helps us to compete alongside other nations and protects us from unfair trade practices. We request the ϲʹ Director General to create a Division in ϲʹ to be specifically responsible for the implementation of the Work Program on Small Economies and focus on assisting Small Economies in benefiting from ϲʹ activities. We request ϲʹ to create a Training Institute on ϲʹ Agreements in one of the Pacific Island States to conduct permanent training on ϲʹ issues. We also ask that the technical assistance program to Pacific Island countries be increased especially due to the chronic lack of trade capacity in the region. That is why under a new PACER Plus capacity building for Pacific Island Countries is important and we note Australias commitment. We further welcome all Aid donors commitment for the so called Aid for Trade Initiative. We in Papua New Guinea hope to replace the aid dependency syndrome with an economy that is self sustaining through trade. From our perspective, it is of vital importance that there is: Special and Differential Treatment to Small Vulnerable Economies (SVEs), in regard to disciplines on Fisheries Subsidies; Meaningful market access commitments on Mode 4; and Binding Agreements on TA for trade facilitation etc and on Agriculture and NAMA for strengthening competitiveness and marketability through meeting international standards Mr. Chairman, finally, I do not want to repeat some of the other delegations statements on Climate Change but suffice it to say that we the Island countries suffer the ill effects of the climatic change and fully endorse the position of the Association of Small Island State (AOSIS). It is indeed at times such as this when nothing else seems possible and the very existence of us all looms large before us, that we must gather together to find a solution to issues such as climate change, to food security natural disasters and also a common rule based trading system. And that solution, Distinguished Delegates, is with us and not far from us, in that even if we lack the good will that should be us because we are competing states for trade gains, at least we can admit that we all do have the will to survive and perhaps leaders from both developed and developing countries can rise to the higher occasions required at this time, to conclude the Doha Round and not to forget to achieve a liberalised trading system and of course a new Copenhagen Agreement. To the leading nations of the world, we ask, please take the lead. Thank you.     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