ࡱ> >@= @ tbjbjPP 7(::N %844gLTT"vvvQQQ$R ^ QQ^ ^ vv!Z Z Z ^ jvvZ ^ Z Z rFTFvH ~vr j70g2 FFQvTZ D_QQQ   STATEMENT BY THAILAND At the ϲʹ Ministerial Meeting, Plenary Session 1 December 2009 Mr. Chairman, Director-General, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, 1. First of all, let me begin by thanking the Swiss government for their warm hospitality and organization of this important Conference. Given the global economic downturn facing all of us, we feel that it is a timely and much-needed gathering of the ϲʹ membership at the highest level. 2. The ϲʹ is an indispensable institution that helps to enhance trade flows by using its rules-based mechanism to enhance stability, transparency and predictability of international trade, and to keep trade discrimination to a minimal. It is especially vital during the current economic climate, where protectionism have threatened to take over from our very efforts to become more outward looking. 3. The ϲʹ aims to provide a level playing field for all its members, which is particularly important for small nations like Thailand. I encourage all developing countries to actively engage in the ϲʹ and make full use of its functions and opportunities. The ϲʹ database, for example, is an important source of information for all its members and therefore must remain sufficiently transparent and accessible. 4. Thailand fully agrees that the ϲʹ needs to be improved to keep pace with the changing global economy and to continue to be a reliable institution for international trade. These include the work programs of the Committees which must be streamlined with those of other relevant international bodies, such as the UN, the IMF and the World Bank. 5. It is undeniable that a major tool which would help strengthen the ϲʹ is the early conclusion of the Doha Development Round. The final package is within our reach, so members should not waste any more time in settling their differences. I believe we already possess the key to success, which is embodied in the December 2008 chairmans text for Agriculture and NAMA that we have all worked so hard, for so many years, to develop. I believe this text captures the delicate balance in the negotiations and provides the essential developmental objectives so crucial to the interests of developing countries, especially the least-developed ones. 6. Mr. Chairman, on behalf of the group of ASEAN member countries, we have circulated a joint statement earlier this morning reflecting the ASEAN position on the Doha negotiations. ASEANs message to the ϲʹ membership is clear and simple. Show greater pragmatism and flexibility in the pending difficulties so that a breakthrough will be possible by next year. 7. Finally Mr. Chairman, we must keep in mind the fact that the global economy is slowly recovering from the crisis. Failure of the Round would very likely extend the recession through prolonged unemployment and increased trade protectionism. The longer we allow the Doha Round to be delayed, the slower we will move towards sustainable development, economic growth, and recovery for all. Thailand reiterates our readiness to work with all members to help facilitate a successful conclusion to the Round. 8. I thank you.     PAGE  PAGE 2   69SXYZ\]g  ) L \ »»}y}uqu}yyh2yihhQQhcihWhLVDhLVD^J_HhzSh^]h(K h;hjqhO-7h(K^J_HhO-7^J_HmH sH  h;h(KhO-7hfa9h(K5 h5h5^J_HmH sH hkhk5hzr5^J_HmH sH  hzr5 h(K5*9YZhz R S LMBC<=NP dh]gdf@ d]gdzS $]a$gdzSNs     ! 1 ~ P Q R S V ^ f m % & + / ? 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