ࡱ> QSP @ K2bjbjPP %B::K*```````$;        $RG`     ``    ` `    ``^  q+ "* 0;2,7M @7^t````7`^\ x t )   D STATEMENT BY HON. DR. MARY M. NAGU (MP) MINISTER FOR INDUSTRY, TRADE AND MARKETING OF THE UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZANIA AT THE SEVENTH ϲʹ MINISTERIAL CONFERENCE , GENEVA, SWITZERLAND, 30 NOVEMBER -02 DECEMBER 2009 Mr. Chairman, Honourable Fellow Ministers, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, On behalf of the LDCs Group, let me join the previous speakers who expressed their gratitude to the Swiss Federal Government and her people for the warm and friendly reception accorded to us since our arrival. Allow me to also commend you Chair for the excellent arrangements made for the organization of the meeting as well as the Director General and the Secretariat of the ϲʹ for their dedications and efforts in the preparations of this very important Conference. Indeed, this Conference should influence the course and pace of the multilateral process and the capacity of a rule-based, international trading system, which recognizes strengths and weaknesses of its Members, to benefit all ϲʹ Member States and particularly those in a disadvantaged economic position like LDCs. We would like to express our sincere hope that this meeting will succeed in strengthening the Multilateral Trading System under the ϲʹ and address the challenges we are currently facing as a result of the Global Economic and Financial crisis. Mr. Chairman, The current global economic crisis which has its origins in the advanced industrial economies made developing countries, especially LDCs, suffer most from its effects; and we also lack the means for countering the immediate and longer-term effects. Our economies have been devastated because the poverty eradication and social development programmes have been negatively affected by the onslaught of the crisis which has also highlighted the continued dependence of our countries on the export of a narrow basket of commodities. Mr. Chairman, The current financial crisis will no doubt have profound, and possibly prolonged, effects on the LDCs, whose recent good economic performance has been heavily dependent on external factors. There is a real danger that the progress which has been achieved in alleviating poverty in LDCs may be undermined. It is therefore crucial and urgent that we consider ways in which we can mitigate the effects of this worsening global economic environment on developing countries, and especially LDCs. We therefore believe that early and successful conclusion of the DDA as stated before has become imperative as a stimulus for the economies of LDCs. Further integration of their economies in the multilateral trading system through increased regional and global configurations therefore remains their only hope. Mr. Chairman, We must prove to the world that the ϲʹ is a vibrant institution to reckon with that lays foundation for international trade. We must, seize the political goodwill already garnered from the world leaders and translate it into real actions in a manner that will assist the Geneva process reach an early conclusion of the Doha Development Agenda (DDA) negotiations. Conclusion of the DDA negotiations would deliver the needed contribution to economic recovery and demonstrate the benefits of the multilateral trading system of which the LDCs continue to be marginalised. For the LDCs, the situation has worsened after the global economic and financial crisis. As the world economy struggles to recover from the effects of the crisis, we continue to face major challenges. However, let me emphasize that, come whatever may, the conclusion of this round should not come at the expense of the developmental components of the Round, which ensure the integration of developing countries, and particularly the LDCs, in a fair, development-friendly multilateral trading system. Mr. Chairman, The LDCs Group reiterates that the negotiating process must remain multilateral and fully transparent, with a bottom-up approach. Bilateral and plurilateral consultations may be useful in enhancing mutual understanding, but should neither replace the multilateral negotiations process, nor should they affect the consensus reached within the multilateral context. The LDCs Group is concerned that bilateral and plurilateral consultations may be used to selectively reopen stabilized elements of the negotiations, or to compromise the interests of developing countries particularly LDCs. Mr. Chairman, Our Group reiterates its call for an early harvest in areas where consensus has been achieved for LDCs specific issues. In view of the burden and heavy cost which LDCs have had to bear as a result of the protraction to the DDA negotiations, the Group is once again calling for operatinalization of duty free-quota free (DFQF) market access for LDCs; granting of a Services Waiver; implementation of SDT provisions and ambitious and expeditious implementation of the decision regarding the cotton initiative as mandated in the Hong Kong Ministerial Declaration. Let me inform this august House that, recently, the Trade Ministers in Dar es Salaam took the position that there can be no conclusion of the DDA if the cotton issue is not resolved. We also called upon ϲʹ Members to agree to operationalise the core principle of Special and Differential Treatment (SDT) and the development dimension of the Doha Round of negotiations by granting all LDCs more preferential treatment than non-LDCs. Our position on these issues and others such as Trade Facilitation, is contained in the recent LDC Ministerial Dar es Salaam Declaration Document WT/MIN(09)/2 dated 21 October 2009 already circulated to the membership of ϲʹ. LDCs continue to push for a solution of this long standing issue to find a lasting outcome for cotton trade-related aspects. We believe cotton trade related solutions are more important than the development aspect of cotton and for all African LDCs. With regard to development assistance aspects of cotton, we hope the mandate contained in Para 12 of the Hong Kong Declaration will be renewed. We therefore urge for continued support from all Members of the Director Generals ongoing Consultative framework mechanism on cotton and urge the Director General to report to the next General Council and the subsequent 8th ϲʹ Ministerial Conference. Similarly, Mr. Chairman, the Group reiterates its call for implementation by development partners and Members on the provision of targeted technical and financial assistance through such mechanisms as EIF and Aid for Trade to facilitate industrialization and diversification of LDCs economies and also to enable LDCs to meet their implementation obligations. Least Developed Countries attach great importance to Aid for Trade and we believe the governance structure already established under the IF will be an essential foundation for strengthening the demand-side of Aid for Trade in LDCs. It is the groups view that, Aid for Trade should cover some trade capacity needs particularly those identified in the DTIS that are not covered under EIF. It is further hoped that, the development partners should approach Aid for Trade, with the understanding that the goal is to reduce poverty by helping developing countries, particularly LDCs, adapt to and participate in global trade. In this regard, Aft can help countries to use trade as an engine for growth, but this assistance must be recipient driven and additional to existing development aid. Aid for Trade should also be free of economic conditions, adequate, predictable and complimentary to (and not substitute for) better and fairer trade rules. We therefore urge development partners to implement the conclusions of the Second Global Review of Aid for Trade. Mr. Chairman, Another issue of serious concern to the LDCs is the cumbersome accession procedures. The Guidelines for the Accession adopted by the General Council in 2002 call for accelerated accession process in favour of LDCs through simplified and streamlined procedures. The same has been emphasized in the Hong Kong Ministerial Declaration. Accession of LDCs was also recently further advanced at the Round Table Statement of the Least Developed Countries made in Phnom Pehn (Kingdom of Cambodia). That statement has also been distributed to the ϲʹ membership in Documents WT/MIN(09)/1,WT/L/769 and WT/COMTD/LDC/16 all dated 5 October 2009. The LDCs Group wishes to reiterate its call for the implementation of the Guidelines in letter and spirit and urges for the establishment and adoption of an effective mechanism for fast-tracking the accession process for LDCs, in the context of the principle of special and differential treatment. The LDCs Group welcomes the Dialogue with acceding LDCs which was held on 28 May 2009 as it is viewed as an initial step towards the right direction to reform and improve LDCs accession process, as mandated by Trade Ministers' commitment to facilitate and accelerate LDCs accession. It is hoped that, another round of dialogue on more constructive and detailed discussions, should take place early next year. The reason for this request is simply to build on the initial progress so far attained and thereby move the process forward. We hope that this request will find the support of all ϲʹ Members. Mr. Chairman, Regarding the non-violation and situation complaints, the LDCs Group welcomes the decision to extend the moratorium for Members not to initiate such complaints under the TRIPS Agreement. We feel that, the application of non-violation remedy might need to be more re-examined as we are concerned the extension of the same will further imbalance the implementation of the TRIPS Agreement of which LDCs are not even compliant. LDCs also welcomes the decision to maintain the current practice of not imposing customs duties on electronic transmissions until it is decided in the next session of the General Council in December 2011. This gives us all more time to digest all the issues in these discussions before arriving at concrete decisions. Mr. Chairman, As we plan the road ahead, we would like to emphasize the need for an early assessment of the outcome of the 2009 work plan which was adopted soon after the summer break, preferably in the first quarter of 2010 and to develop a new plan to guide the negotiators towards the conclusion of negotiations by 2010 as projected. Finally, Mr. Chairman, while the LDCs Group remains ready to cooperate and engage constructively with the rest of the membership towards the successful conclusion of the Round as soon as possible, we will in principle, support any initiative by any Member to strengthen the ϲʹ provided such initiative is consistent with ϲʹ rules and, does not infringe the rights, privileges and obligation of Members under the existing multilateral trading agreements. 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