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Chairman, from the outset, Uganda wishes to fully associate herself with the statements made on behalf of the LDC group, the Africa group, the ACP group, the G33 and the G110, which clearly articulate detailed interests that are of very significant importance to Uganda. This Ministerial meeting comes almost 4 years after the last session held at Hong Kong. Against the expectations of the last session, the progress of the negotiations at times stalled or at best continued at a slow pace. At the same time the world faced the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression. It is in view of some of these adverse developments that my delegation considers this an opportune time for Ministers to reaffirm strong political commitment to the multilateral trading system. Today, it is even more urgent to have the Doha Development Agenda concluded. Mr. Chairman, it is Ugandas belief that the ϲʹ should continue investing towards the creation of an environment that can enable the private sector of LDCs to grow because this is the best and sustainable strategy for the effective integration of our economies into the multilateral trading system. The entire agenda of this Ministerial Conference is important but there are a number of issues which Uganda considers to be critical: The need for an early harvest on all LDC issues particularly in respect to Special and Differential Treatment; The operationalization of Duty Free and Quota Free market access, a waiver decision on preferential and more favorable treatment to services and services suppliers of LDCs and, an ambitious, expeditious and specific outcome for cotton trade related aspects as mandated by the Hong Kong Ministerial Conference. Second Chairman, for the above to have an impact in our economies, it is important and necessary to intensify technical assistance directed towards the realization of our development strategies, particularly for the strengthening and improvement of productive capacities. In this regard, Uganda wishes to underline the importance of the Aid for Trade initiative and appreciate the operationalisation of the Enhanced Integrated Framework. I wish to call upon the development partners to live up to their commitments in these initiatives and move towards their implementation within the agreed principles. In conclusion Chairman, Uganda agrees that the ϲʹ should remain the main forum for engagement on multilateral trade but we want to emphasize the need to move towards an early conclusion of this development round. We further want to emphasize that this can only be possible with political commitment from all of us. Fellow Ministers, I support the proposal that this week, we must leave the officials with concrete areas of action to guide them and the confidence of strong political commitment. On this basis, I look forward to meeting all of you again in 2010 to celebrate the successful conclusion of the Doha Round. I thank You.     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