ࡱ> <>; @ bbjbjPP 4$::b ppppppp$_aaaaaa$RNpa a a ppy y y a Fpp_y a _y y hpp 2 !s jC0+6 ^6 pppp6pTHy o  UKRAINE Statement by HE Mr Valeriy Piatnytskiy Deputy Minister of Economy of Ukraine At the 7TH MINISTERIAL CONFERENCE 30 November - 02 December 2009 Geneva Excellencies, Distinguished members, Ladies and gentlemen I am honored and pleased to have this opportunity to address this esteemed ϲʹ community. First my thanks to Swiss and Geneva authorities for hosting the 7th Ministerial Conference. I would also like to congratulate DG Pascal Lamy for being elected to serve his second term in this unique organization. No doubt his talent, experience, energy will continue to be of great demand here, especially in these interesting times. Global crisis. We already got used to these words, but countries continue to suffer. Its a fact now that international trade contracted more than ever before. Many governments immediate response was to introduce measures likely to impact trade. Commitments of G20 to restrain protectionism were easily violated. Often the measures are outright trade discriminatory. Ukraine believes that trade should be unhampered. Stimulus packages should not be trade restrictive and competition distorting. Nevertheless, today we can say that rules are better than no rules. Its better to keep trade open rather than dig a hole on its road, if not to say a grave. We commend the financial crisis monitoring exercise. We welcome expanding it to a deeper analysis of the measures and their impact on trade. First and foremost its necessary for national governments to be able to contain the lobbies and be prudent in trade policy decisionmaking. We encourage members to keep up the pace of the Doha dialogue and energetically seek ways to narrow down the remaining gaps in negotiations and to close the Doha round by the end of 2010 with a sound result. Agriculture. Further liberalization is needed. The commitments made by RAMs at accession and their unique position should be recognized by the members. One billion population is starving on this planet. Many countries with good potential cannot trade in agricultural goods, because of the continuously high level of tariffs, export subsidies, NTBs. Every year it increases the asymmetry, which in reality means further poverty and instability. Doha round, by ensuring further liberalization, may, can and must make its contribution to food security. Developed countries, which still preserve high level of protection in agriculture, should make a practical step and reduce tariff and non-tariff barriers and domestic support. They should stop the practice of trying to preserve this in a disguised manner in accession negotiations. Yet another issue of growing concern is energy security. There should be regulatory and transparency disciplines covering this area, which in real terms would mean predictability. One of the biggest merits of this organization is transparency. We encourage Members to work further to improve compliance with their transparency obligations under the Uruguay Round and FIT principle in Doha negotiations. Multilateralism should prevail over bilateral and plurilateral format. DDA has a potential to deliver a sustainable result that would last for many years and bring significant market opportunities for nations to grow, develop and prosper. Ukraine hopes the Doha Round is entering its final stage and sincerely wishes every success to the Doha round. Thank you, Chair. ________________   WX`acquw| ~ ÷㷛ÏteUeEhPhh,>*CJaJmH sH h\h,CJH*aJmH sH h\h,CJaJmH sH h\hTCJaJmH sH hl&CJaJmH sH hTCJaJmH sH hmCJaJmH sH hch,CJH*aJmH sH h,CJaJmH sH h\h,>*CJaJmH"sH"h\h,>*CJaJmH sH hch,CJaJmH sH h,>*CJaJmH sH   2XY{: ; $a$gdU $h^ha$gdU$a$gdl& $h^ha$gdG $h^ha$gdG$a$gdG$a$gdl&b  ! , - . w y z L M N X 35񹭡uhPhh,>*CJaJmH sH hL>*CJaJmH sH hLhLCJaJmH sH hmCJaJmH sH hLCJaJmH sH h\h,CJaJmH"sH"h,>*CJaJmH sH h\h,>*CJaJmH sH h,CJaJmH sH h\h,CJaJmH sH . { | 45GH$%=>Pabgdl& $,^,a$gdU$a$gdU^gdU $h^ha$gdUdq-F0<%(-:;ɽ}q}e}qhc)CJaJmH sH hmCJaJmH sH hTCJaJmH sH hUCJaJmH sH hLCJaJmH sH hEh,>*CJaJmH sH h1XCJaJmH sH htNCJaJmH sH hGCJaJmH sH h=h,>*CJaJmH sH h\h,CJaJmH sH h,CJaJmH sH ';PabhI3h,CJaJmH sH hTCJaJmH sH 21h:pL. 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