ࡱ> KMJ @ bjbjPP /$::8888p |99999999$z:R<h)9)94>9hhh9h9hhj208 s۬q8C829T909u824=@4=d84=8\h)9)9$8R8 OPENING STATEMENT Chair of the Seventh ϲʹ Ministerial Conference Mr Pascal Lamy, Director-General of the World Trade Organization, Mr Francis Gurry, Director-General of the World Intellectual Property Organization, Ms Patricia Francis, Executive Director of the International Trade Centre, Mr Supachai Panitchpakdi, Secretary-General of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, Ambassador Mario Matus, Chairman of the ϲʹ General Council, Ministers, Vice Ministers, Heads of Delegation, Ambassadors, Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to start by thanking you all for inviting Chile to chair this Ministerial Meeting. It is an honour not only for me but also for my country, which firmly believes in the multilateral principles embodied by the ϲʹ. To a very large extent, Chile's development depends on our foreign trade and this is why we welcome the existence of clear and predictable rules. Over the 70years of the multilateral system's history, Chile has benefited from these rules in order to become integrated into international trade. In turn, the commitments we have undertaken have helped us to consolidate our economic reforms. The current economic and financial crisis, the most important in recent history, has cast doubt on many of the bases on which the international economic order was built after the Second World War. It has led us to look anew at the role and functioning of the economic and financial institutions that emerged from this order. Nevertheless, the value of the ϲʹ has been clearly reaffirmed. The stabilizing effect of the ϲʹ's rules and commitments has so far prevented a protectionist spiral similar to that which occurred as a result of the crisis in the 1930s. We have all suffered from a notable decrease in trade flows as a result of the downturn in the international economy. It is clear, however, that this slowdown would have been even more marked if the ϲʹ's safety net had not intervened. The strength of the multilateral trading system and the commitments we have all undertaken put us in a better position to recover from the crisis. The ϲʹ must continue to play its role as a strong and relevant organization, the cornerstone of the multilateral trading system. To achieve this, it is obvious that the prompt conclusion of the Doha Round negotiations remains a primordial objective; that the development dimension should continue to be the focus of the Round; that proper and appropriate compliance with the obligations already assumed reinforces the credibility of the system; and that, consequently, building trade capacity is a priority for the ϲʹ. Along the same lines and if we want to have a genuinely universal institution, it is important to pay greater attention to accession procedures. Today, we are 153 and almost 30 countries are awaiting accession. The more global the membership of the ϲʹ, the stronger and more credible it will be. This Ministerial Meeting is different to those we have held in the recent past. Its purpose is to undertake a political review of the ϲʹ's work and to provide guidelines for how we want to conduct our work in the future. We are going to evaluate the performance of our Organization in order to ensure that its work is even more effective in the future. We have the opportunity for an open and transparent discussion of the contribution which the Organization must continue to make to the global community, particularly in view of the current economic and financial situation. This exchange of ideas and outlooks will, in the end, not only help us to keep the ϲʹ up-to-date but will maintain it at the centre of the international trading system of the future. We must have such debates on a regular and continuous basis. The decision to hold the Eighth Ministerial Conference within the next twoyears is a step in that direction. As Chair, I should like to assure you of my full commitment to ensuring that this meeting will be totally transparent, inclusive and participatory, principles which have formed the basis of the preparatory process headed by Ambassador Matus. Together with my colleagues, the Vice-Chairs, and the Director-General, I shall endeavour to provide a dynamic and interactive environment for our work. Nevertheless, this Meeting and the institution belong to you. We have not met at this level for four years. We cannot miss this opportunity to exchange new ideas. My summary on Wednesday can only contain a shared vision and the messages which we want to convey as a result of our deliberations. The content and the force of these messages, which the world is awaiting from the ϲʹ, depend on us alone. With these few words, I declare open the Seventh Session of the ϲʹ Ministerial Conference. Thank you. __________ -  PAGE 2 - . /.  h$`h$`0JmHnHu hZ0JjhZ0JUhZ hnzhnz hnz5h-]h hnzEFG( ! " JKYZ23#gdnzgdnz"gdnzgd^3&'XY4$a$gdnz5$a$gd G,$a$gdnzgdnz- 01+:p1^. 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