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It is against this background, Mr Chairman, that my country is joining the call by other members for an early and successful conclusion of the Doha Round. Mr Chairman, the importance of Aid for Trade in addressing constraints afflicting supply side capacities and trade related infrastructure deficiencies for developing countries cannot be over emphasised, especially in these tough times. Let me take this opportunity to urge all our bilateral and multilateral development partners to fulfil their commitments under the Aid for Trade initiative. As the negotiations continue, we call for a multilateral process that is fair, transparent and inclusive. While bilateral and plurilateral meetings are useful in enhancing mutual understanding, these too, must supplement the multilateral process. In conclusion, Mr Chairman, I would like to take this opportunity to emphasise the urgent need for stock-taking and re-evaluation of the state of negotiations and their fidelity to the development agenda of the Doha Round. I would also wish to reiterate Zimbabwes commitment to the process and the goals of this endeavour. I thank you  %&-COegq_N=N=N hhGCJ$OJQJ^JaJ$ hhCJ$OJQJ^JaJ$#hh75CJ$OJQJ^JaJ$&hX&hX&5CJ$H*OJQJ^JaJ$hX&5CJ$OJQJ^JaJ$&hh5CJ$H*OJQJ^JaJ$#hh5CJ$OJQJ^JaJ$#hh85CJ$OJQJ^JaJ$hv5CJ$OJQJ^JaJ$#hhS5CJ$OJQJ^JaJ$#hh5CJ$OJQJ^JaJ$8 9 p r   $a$gdH `$a$gdrJ$a$gdG$a$gd % , - > ? 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