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ITC stands ready to contribute to this endeavor with a positive and constructive look on what is happening today. In a first place, I find it very encouraging to see that the multilateral trading system has kept intact its power to attract the economies of this world, be they powerful or small and vulnerable. Our meeting over the next few days in Geneva will provide us the opportunity to congratulate Russia and Montenegro for taking the last and decisive step toward accession to the rule-based trading system, as the preferred door to the global market economy. It is also a matter to celebrate as we all witness the simultaneous accessions of SAMOA and Vanuatu, two LDCs that we have been supporting during the accession process, by facilitating consensus building through public-private dialogue. Second, I believe that the Doha Development Round has provided significant contributions to the trade and development agenda. The development focus has clearly inspired several of the negotiating initiatives which have been considered and adopted by ϲʹ members since 2001, especially during the Hong-Kong and subsequent Ministerial meetings. The recent declaration of Busan clearly showed that Aid for Trade has been recognized completely as a full-size and legitimate entry on the Agenda of international Aid Policy. Over the last ten years, the international economic consensus has decisively evolved from the simplistic belief that global trade liberalization would represent a sufficient condition to achieve convergence between developing and developed economies. It is now widely acknowledged that without market capacities the opportunities of market access cannot be grasped by the most vulnerable countries. As a result of the leadership and advocacy of the ϲʹ the resources dedicated to the Aid for Trade agenda has significantly increased. Based on OECD monitoring, Aid for Trade today accounts roughly for one third of global aid commitments inclusive of the ϲʹ initiative of the Enhanced Integrated Framework for LDCs. While the International Trade Center certainly does not cover the full spectrum of the aid for trade agenda we have been the force pushing for the inclusion of the voice of the Private Sector and Women in the debate. In this regard I would like to thank the ϲʹ members for recognizing ITCs work on the implementation of the new Aid for Trade Agenda. What we want to do now is capitalize on your support. III - Here, I want to underline how ITC has tried to permanently reinvent itself, reinvent its services, to be able to catch up with the changing environment in order to provide state of the art value to the poorest countries. The private sector is moving ahead as they find innovative ways to globalize, adopting strategies that take advantage of the shifting economic climate, changing trade patterns and challenges such as climate change and food security. The majority of the most vulnerable countries, however, are trying to understand the implications of these changes which are rapid and profound. It is a key endeavor from ITC to help them. Let me provide three examples. First: the private sector is building global Value Chain but our method of gathering trade data is not telling this story. In fact the opacity stemming from National based statistic has contributed to the confusion about how the benefits of trade are distributed. Transparency here is key to building confidence and it is critical that we all understand what is happening in markets. So access to data is critical and to this end, ITC works with partners such as ϲʹ, UNCTAD and the World Bank, to make trade and market data information available free to developing and least developed countries so that users can better understand supply and demand trends, seek out new markets and opportunities to diversify. Second, the private sector, including businesses and NGOs, is developing a complex set of private voluntary standards through labels intending to disseminate the values of sustainable development, through the expression of consumer preferences and expectations toward global distribution channels. What can we do to help the poorest countries find their way through these new market trends? Here again, we must start with Transparency: to this end, ITC has developed a unique platform for voluntary standards, to disseminate information, allow comparison, and make informed decision about the requirements of private labels. Then we must build capacities: how to comply? How to benefit? How to move up the value chain? We have been developing programs to build skills of the poorest producers take advantage of the new market opportunities provided by the niches of organic product and bio-diversity products to name a few. Then we also want to harness these new market trends to channel their force in favor of development of the poorest. ITC has been recognized for pioneering the exploration of the fast developing Ethical Fashion demand, through which we deliver skill-building and employment opportunities to people living in the worst slums of Africa. Third: gender development. The private sector, in particular the most prominent multinationals, has been developing new policies to rebalance the limited participation of Women-Owned Businesses in their procurement programmes. Here again, ITC has been trying to act at the forefront of the mobilization of Businesswomen capacities in the developing world. Our Women and Trade program has been acting as a catalyst to generate opportunities of businesses for these woman. Ladies and Gentlemen, I do not want to multiply examples. My point is that Business moves fast, gets ahead of trends and is reshaping the world economy to take advantage of emerging opportunities. ITC is learning from the private sector and working with governments to ensure that they too invest in this learning process and adopt policies and build institutions which support their countries trade and development agenda in a sustainable way. We are looking forward to assist you and our parent organisations in identifying and anticipating the next needed moves. We already foresee the challenges of identifying the new value zones from which Developing countries and LDCs in particular will be able to increase their exports earnings, be that trade in services, intellectual property based export value through the creative industries or branding of goods and services. We also hear from you Ministers, that increasing trade is not an end per se, nor a sufficient answer to respond to your constituencies. What you tell us is that trade generation needs to be more inclusive through growing the formal economy and providing jobs and opportunities for the most vulnerable segment of your young populations. Ministers, your primary responsibility in this Forum of the ϲʹ is to move the Doha Round forward. ITC is determined to help you by facilitating the empowerment of the SMEs, by promoting dialogue between government and private sector to establish a trade agenda which delivers on your countries development agenda. It is the processes of consensus-building that will eventually contribute to bring the change we seek. Finally let me thank you for your continuing support of ITC and our efforts to serve members better.      PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 1 :PSmqG H  . 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