
Information about the organization

Members' contributions to the 澳门六合彩官网资料 budget and the budget of the Appellate Body for the year 2002

Contributions are determined according to each Member's share of international trade (%), based on trade in goods, services and intellectual property rights for the last three years for which data is available. There is a minimum contribution of 0.015 per cent for Members whose share in the total trade of all Members is less than 0.015 per cent.



Albania 0.015 21,315
Angola 0.057 80,997
Antigua and Barbuda 0.015 21,315
Argentina 0.510 724,710
Australia 1.218 1,730,778
Austria 1.438 2,043,398
Bahrain 0.068 96,628
Bangladesh 0.105 149,205
Barbados 0.020 28,420
Belgium 2.683 3,812,543
Belize 0.015 21,315
Benin 0.015 21,315
Bolivia 0.026 36,946
Botswana 0.041 58,261
Brazil 0.988 1,403,948
Brunei Darussalam 0.044 62,524
Bulgaria 0.094 133,574
Burkina Faso 0.015 21,315
Burundi 0.015 21,315
Cameroon 0.027 38,367
Canada 3.914 5,561,794
Central African Republic 0.015 21,315
Chad 0.015 21,315
Chile 0.311 441,931
China, People抯 Rep. of 2.973 4,224,633
Colombia 0.233 331,093
Congo 0.024 34,104
Costa Rica 0.104 147,784
C魌e d扞voire 0.068 96,628
Croatia 0.147 208,887
Cuba 0.064 90,944
Cyprus 0.064 90,944
Czech Republic 0.511 726,131
Democratic Republic of the Congo 0.024 34,104
Denmark 0.948 1,347,108
Djibouti 0.015 21,315
Dominica 0.015 21,315
Dominican Republic 0.125 177,625
Ecuador 0.085 120,785
Egypt 0.266 377,986
El Salvador 0.058 82,418
Estonia 0.063 89,523
European Communities 0.000 0
Fiji 0.016 22,736
Finland 0.672 954,912
France 5.541 7,873,761
Gabon 0.034 48,314
Gambia 0.015 21,315
Georgia 0.015 21,315
Germany 9.291 13,202,511
Ghana 0.042 59,682
Greece 0.311 441,931
Grenada 0.015 21,315
Guatemala 0.063 89,523
Guinea 0.015 21,315
Guinea-Bissau 0.015 21,315
Guyana 0.015 21,315
Haiti 0.015 21,315
Honduras 0.039 55,419
Hong Kong, China 3.345 4,753,245
Hungary 0.413 586,873
Iceland 0.045 63,945
India 0.830 1,179,430
Indonesia 0.831 1,180,851
Ireland 1.141 1,621,361
Israel 0.548 778,708
Italy 4.407 6,262,347
Jamaica 0.057 80,997
Japan 6.629 9,419,809
Jordan 0.066 93,786
Kenya 0.047 66,787
Korea, Republic of 2.381 3,383,401
Kuwait 0.194 275,674
Kyrgyz Republic 0.015 21,315
Latvia 0.051 72,471
Lesotho 0.015 21,315
Liechtenstein 0.027 38,367
Lithuania 0.083 117,943
Luxembourg 0.297 422,037
Macao, China 0.062 88,102
Madagascar 0.015 21,315
Malawi 0.015 21,315
Malaysia 1.313 1,865,773
Maldives 0.015 21,315
Mali 0.015 21,315
Malta 0.048 68,208
Mauritania 0.015 21,315
Mauritius 0.041 58,261
Mexico 2.106 2,992,626
Moldova 0.015 21,315
Mongolia 0.015 21,315
Morocco 0.160 227,360
Mozambique 0.015 21,315
Myanmar, Union of 0.032 45,472
Namibia 0.029 41,209
Netherlands, Kingdom of the 3.625 5,151,125
New Zealand 0.266 377,986
Nicaragua 0.020 28,376
Niger 0.015 21,315
Nigeria 0.204 289,884
Norway 0.859 1,220,639
Oman 0.099 140,679
Pakistan 0.185 262,885
Panama 0.124 176,204
Papua New Guinea 0.033 46,893
Paraguay 0.064 90,944
Peru 0.137 194,677
Philippines 0.628 892,388
Poland 0.703 998,963
Portugal 0.609 865,389
Qatar 0.076 107,996
Romania 0.170 241,570
Rwanda 0.015 21,315
Saint Lucia 0.015 21,315
Senegal 0.023 32,683
Sierra Leone 0.015 21,315
Singapore 2.080 2,955,680
Slovak Republic 0.205 291,305
Slovenia 0.169 240,149
Solomon Islands 0.015 21,315
South Africa 0.521 740,341
Spain 2.468 3,507,028
Sri Lanka 0.095 134,995
St. Kitts and Nevis 0.015 21,315

St. Vincent and the Grenadines

0.015 21,315
Suriname 0.015 21,315
Swaziland 0.018 25,578
Sweden 1.497 2,127,237
Switzerland 1.536 2,182,656
Tanzania 0.025 35,525
Thailand 0.999 1,419,579
Togo 0.015 21,315
Trinidad and Tobago 0.045 63,945
Tunisia 0.134 190,414
Turkey 0.792 1,125,432
Uganda 0.020 28,420
United Arab Emirates 0.519 737,499
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 5.862 8,329,902
United States of America 15.723 22,342,383
Uruguay 0.064 90,944
Venezuela 0.315 447,615
Zambia 0.021 29,841
Zimbabwe 0.034 48,314
TOTAL 100.00 142,100,000