
Information about the organization

Members' contributions to the 澳门六合彩官网资料 budget and the budget of the Appellate Body for the year 2003

$1Contributions are determined according to each Member's share of international trade (%), based on trade in goods, services and intellectual property rights for the last three years for which data is available. There is a minimum contribution of 0.015 per cent for Members whose share in the total trade of all Members is less than 0.015 per cent.



Albania 0.015 23,070
Angola 0.069 106,122
Antigua and Barbuda 0.015 23,070
Argentina 0.464 713,632
Australia 1.143 1,757,934
Austria 1.373 2,111,674
Bahrain 0.069 106,122
Bangladesh 0.106 163,028
Barbados 0.020 30,760
Belgium 2.671 4,107,998
Belize 0.015 23,070
Benin 0.015 23,070
Bolivia 0.025 38,450
Botswana 0.038 58,444
Brazil 0.926 1,424,188
Brunei Darussalam 0.041 63,058
Bulgaria 0.094 144,572
Burkina Faso 0.015 23,070
Burundi 0.015 23,070
Cameroon 0.025 38,450
Canada 3.945 6,067,410
Central African Republic 0.015 23,070
Chad 0.015 23,070
Chile 0.290 446,020
China, People抯 Rep. of 3.155 4,852,390
Colombia 0.211 324,518
Congo 0.023 35,374
Costa Rica 0.097 149,186
C魌e d扞voire 0.063 96,894
Croatia 0.133 204,554
Cuba 0.070 107,660
Cyprus 0.061 93,818
Czech Republic 0.499 767,462
Democratic Republic of the Congo 0.016 24,608
Denmark 0.951 1,462,638
Djibouti 0.015 23,070
Dominica 0.015 23,070
Dominican Republic 0.128 196,864
Ecuador 0.077 118,426
Egypt 0.259 398,342
El Salvador 0.059 90,742
Estonia 0.064 98,432
European Communities 0.000 0
Fiji 0.016 23,070
Finland 0.642 987,396
France 5.272 8,108,336
Gabon 0.034 52,292
Gambia 0.015 23,070
Georgia 0.015 23,070
Germany 8.920 13,718,960
Ghana 0.043 66,134
Greece 0.411 632,118
Grenada 0.015 23,070
Guatemala 0.063 96,894
Guinea 0.015 23,070
Guinea-Bissau 0.015 23,070
Guyana 0.015 23,070
Haiti 0.015 23,070
Honduras 0.039 59,982
Hong Kong, China 3.166 4,869,308
Hungary 0.417 641,346
Iceland 0.045 69,210
India 0.850 1,307,300
Indonesia 0.774 1,190,412
Ireland 1.201 1,847,138
Israel 0.568 873,584
Italy 4.136 6,361,168
Jamaica 0.054 83,052
Japan 6.359 9,780,142
Jordan 0.061 93,818
Kenya 0.044 67,672
Korea, Republic of 2.367 3,640,446
Kuwait 0.190 292,220
Kyrgyz Republic 0.015 23,070
Latvia 0.049 75,362
Lesotho 0.015 23,070
Liechtenstein 0.025 38,450
Lithuania 0.076 116,888
Luxembourg 0.345 530,610
Macao, China 0.062 95,356
Madagascar 0.015 23,070
Malawi 0.015 23,070
Malaysia 1.267 1,948,646
Maldives 0.015 23,070
Mali 0.015 23,070
Malta 0.049 75,362
Mauritania 0.015 23,070
Mauritius 0.038 58,444
Mexico 2.267 3,486,646
Moldova 0.015 23,070
Mongolia 0.015 23,070
Morocco 0.156 239,928
Mozambique 0.015 23,070
Myanmar, Union of 0.032 49,216
Namibia 0.027 41,526
Netherlands, Kingdom of the 3.481 5,353,778
New Zealand 0.243 373,734
Nicaragua 0.020 30,760
Niger 0.015 23,070
Nigeria 0.190 292,220
Norway 0.820 1,261,160
Oman 0.105 161,490
Pakistan 0.153 235,314
Panama 0.114 175,332
Papua New Guinea 0.031 47,678
Paraguay 0.052 79,976
Peru 0.126 193,788
Philippines 0.553 850,514
Poland 0.695 1,068,910
Portugal 0.572 879,736
Qatar 0.083 127,654
Romania 0.167 256,846
Rwanda 0.015 23,070
Saint Lucia 0.015 23.070
Senegal 0.022 33,836
Separate Customs Territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kimmen and Matsu 2.031 3,123,678
Sierra Leone 0.015 23,070
Singapore 1.973 3,034,474
Slovak Republic 0.198 304,524
Slovenia 0.160 246,080
Solomon Islands 0.015 23,070
South Africa 0.481 739,778
Spain 2.432 3,740,416
Sri Lanka 0.094 144,572
St. Kitts and Nevis 0.015 23,070

St. Vincent and the Grenadines

0.015 23,070
Suriname 0.015 23,070
Swaziland 0.016 24,608
Sweden 1.436 2,208,568
Switzerland 1.464 2,251, 632
Tanzania 0.024 36,912
Thailand 0.950 1,461,100
Togo 0.015 23,070
Trinidad and Tobago 0.041 63,058
Tunisia 0.127 195,326
Turkey 0.748 1,150,424
Uganda 0.018 27,684
United Arab Emirates 0.556 855,128
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 5.722 8,800,436
United States of America 15.899 24,452,662
Uruguay 0.058 89,204
Venezuela 0.316 486,008
Zambia 0.015 23,070
Zimbabwe 0.045 69,210
TOTAL 100.00 153,800,000